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Show r 2 THE DESERET Salt Lake Citv. Utah, Nnv 27, 1945 NEWS, U. S. Docking Yank Sees Long STRICTLY RICHTER TOKYO Stay in Germany Reactionary FRANKFURT, Cerraiiny-(A- P) Gen. Joseph T. McNar-nepredicted today that Germany will be occupied at least probably longer He spoke at a press conference as he assumed command of American troopa In the European theater from Gen. Eisenhower, new army chief of staff. McNarney said the whole army policy will be directed toward turning the military government over to a civilian administration as soon as possible He said the civilian who would direct the program has not been chosen. Speaking of his policy for Germany, McNarney said. "I haven't forgotten who started this war and that the German people as IT wholeQpported it wholeheartedly. They must be made to realize it was their re- -- spotisihililyand is-- fhalt debtj! Brazil Rule BySldneyWie 0-yea NEW YORK (ONA) American foreign policy, in the interest of big business, is backing the formation of a reactionary which could regime in Brazil menace to the become a greater policy than pres- -' ent-da- y .Argentina, a Latin good-neighb- or American government official charged today. 'The official, who would not permit use of his name, said that since the overthrow of President Getulio Vargas and the annulment of the Vargas anti-tru- st decree, which had frightened substantial Ameri- can financial interests. Valentim Boucas, Brazilian trade official, has held several talks in Wash ington with Wayne. CTayldr presiaent of the U. S. exportimport bank. Although he did not disclbsq the nature of these talks, he of pointed out that significance its timing, which followed rlose-I- t theofficial abrogation of the anti-tru- st decree givlnglnter-ventio- n powers to the govern went over private companies en- gaged in. speculation. amtinpn; pclistic operations. T Business Comes First i j HerecaHed"Thanfi8 inter-Americ- an - ?elaiti!-- ! to Brazil, the Argentine situation In 1943 of good or bad, which was-no- t but one of bad or worse, he said. Few Democrats in this hemisphere were satisfied with the Argentine government under the civilian leadership or acting Castillo but president Ramon of. Farrell Peron which later gained power, proved to be more of a menace . to Ideals than its , predecessor. The alternative in Brazil Is t roughly the samerbe asserted The government of Vargas left much to be desired from a Democratic point of view," he i an , but'Braztt aald, nndcr-a-ml- Is 1 tary government much worse. t Yamashifa-Toj- ll likely do be o -- Feud Describe- d. MANILA (AP) A defense witness testified today that Lt. Tomoyuki Yamashita was so dis-- I Hi-- s liked by dictator-Fremihe was -- "exiled. to Manchuria despite his victory . at Singapore. ; The witness, Keichoku Yoshi- da, a Tokyo attorney, declared I at Yamashltas trial on war criminal charges that the brought down - Tojoa wrath by saying a war with the United States was "undesirable. Yoshlda claimed the wide pub-- ! licizing of Yamashitas trial in 1 Japan was having an effect op- -' posite to that Intended by live Americans because the Japanese ; people "knew Yamashita to be a high character Ahat.lhc ! public is in sympathy with him. - The attorney, one of a group brought here by Defense Attor- ney Maj. George Guv, asserted , Yamashita was one of the "Pa- cifist group of former War.Mm.- Ister General Ugaki opposed lo Tojo and his henchnv-n- . er dekb-Tojo-th- at --su- ch ot lit - - - . . ( . mill ClrvJtifttton Eotr0 at (b t6roifice i arcoml eiaaa mattar tf Conrreaa. March 3 AM Uutvao i fait Lako aocorUini to 1879 UBSCRIPTION &ATCS Om Month II 00 Six Moniba (Paid io adtaneol M 40 Ono Taar (Paid to advance 810 00 (The above rate apply ie Utah ano Idaho i Nevada. Wvommo and Artaona add 31 rente par month, handling poetafe eharcce All other atatee add 40 rente per month handhm and poetata charrta The Aaeonated Preae te exclusively entitled to (he ate of publication of eJi dlapatrhee credited lo or aot other Mi tetei credited fa thir paper: alt local new hereto x published Jr. Desk with Chair let Flyan Jot Sacara Lamps Tablss, Mirror Top Cell MANY OTHER ITEMS TO THOM Spodal Frowar Snow Shsvott $1.49 030003 l'KDl T Of current laws. Standing before the imperial throne theornatehQUseof ui peers, the emperor read the brief rescript in formal, heavy tones while members of both houses bpwed deeply. The Japanese ruler was flanked on the right by princes of the blood and imperial household officials, on1, the left by Premier Xijuro Shidehara's cabinet-- . peers-despit- v j j. ct hu ,i 195 Ring Fcaruret Sjvtoatt, tij e estates and establishment of union law., , The emperor wore his new ofuniform Solemficial n-faced, he entered the touched .chamber and walked stiffly to a position fronting the throne bn a dais above 'the rostrum utilized by- the chamber presi- la--- bor ry - j dent-an- peers.- - d- re- -i Everyone was held within the bttWrcg during the arrival and departure of the 'imperial cortege and all windows above the first floor were curtained to prevent any subject from gazing down-f ward upon him. Explosion Kills Four m , pressive entry was at 10 59 a asafter the other participants sembled and stood awaiting him for 10 minutes., The principal business of both chambers for the balance of the dav was formulation of an official answer to the rescript. TAPr died and 27. were Injured, one critically, when an-. explosion of undetermined origin followed by a three-alarfire yesterday partly destroyed a warehouse of the sGreat Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. NEWARKTNTT Four-perso- m Copr Hes the last of the Wrckenshams. When he dies,' the family same -- - passes to a race horse J Indonesian-Forces-Battl- - (INS) BUENOS AIRES Rumors of a split between the Argentine government and Col. Juan Peron were given strength today When police, for the first time on Tecord. wed forc- e- to demonbreak up a stration. Demonstrators the Plaza Mayo were dispersed pro-Per- L? ' a ujtea rs. e: tear gas, and bayonets. ' The purpose of the demonstration had been to demand rJhe signing of a Ambarawa, 30 miles south of J3ATAVIA, Java (AP) obliging employers to distribute 25 per cent of t(ieir prof--" Soerabaja Semarang,8ndforced Japanese Indonesians Ihe camp and its ,t amnnp their workers a u n c hTd i counter" attack troops guarding 10,000 civilian inmates to retire Peron promisedjuch a in Jhat against- - British Jroops camp area for the jhe shortly before a.he resigned battered city today, and an of- night as vice pre.sidenfbT-Argentinficial report- - told of new attacks In Ambarawa and Bandoeng In Batavia,, prominent Dutch leaders and Red Cross workers -- fUNTOGtT WR1tt ON asked In a petition to the .NethEAST erlands East Jndies government that 200,000 women, chijdren and the aged and sick be evacuated from" Java pending"the return of normal times " The petition claimed that the same people who had suffered TH h- ender thaPanese are-noing attacked by Indonesians and declared "the people who have suffered so' much already" cannoT stand the strain any longer." The Indonesian counter-attac- k in Soerabaja was mounted by a force of 50 Indonesians with the aid of a small Japanese tank A British Indianr patrol near the forced to hospital draw. If your dtoltr fiasn't Sky Mail send a dollar lo The Indonesians -- also at Rockmont, Denver, for a gonnrout box postpaid tacked the released internees For regular mall us Rockmont camp and the police station at British in Three Cities - Percm-sponsor- dep-cr- ee 1 to ffiJlIMIlU w " s:ZrL w" TRAV-L-NOT- This new Army Retirement Plan doesnt cost me training in a good trade, Youll get a family . after 20 years of allowance, too. and yet I "service with a good monthly income as long as I Not a bad "proposition, is itrhoney? "Arent" - you glad live." And remember Ill stUl bennder 40! youre the wife of an Army man would Why, if I wanted to PAY for a plan that give me the sameZretirement income that I will The ability to retire at half payat anytime after get as a Master Sergeant, it would take just about 20 years of service, and on up to $84 out of ray pay envelope every monthZZ T pay after 30 years, is only one of many important And think what it will mean to ws. Wellbe abTe privileges offered in the newZArmed Forces to do the Ihingsmiost people can never afford 'to Act of 1945.-Re- ad all the highlights: do. Travel. Go places. Do things. But most im; of this new Act. Tind out why thousands of men portantrweil have financial- security In the meantime, Ill have a good job in the Army. Better still, stop atyour neareshArmy Recruiting Station and get the whole story. Army that will pay me well. Ill be getting fine : can-reti- re three-quarte- rs - H L I G H TS TO FZJLHE 1. Enliitments for 115, Z.er 3 years. (One-yea- r enlistments permitted for men now in Army with at least 6 iionths service ) 2. Enlistment age from 17 to 34 years inclusive, except for men now in the Army, who may reenlist at any age, and for former service men, depending on length of service. 3. Men reentisting retain their present grades, if theyreen- 'list within 20 days after discharge and before Feb. I, 1946: 4. The best pay scale, medical caie, food, quarters and clothing in the history of our Army.S. A n increase in the reenlistment bonus to (50 for each year of active service since such bonus was last paid, last entry into service- .- E ACT WirE NLIS.TMENT ' PAY PER In MEN MONTH-ENLIS- TED Addition to Food, Lodging, Clothoi and Modical Caro -- MONTHLY RITIRIMINT 4. Up to 90 days paid furlough, depending on length of ser-vic- e, with furlough travel paid to home and return, for men now , in the Army who reenlist. r" 7. A y furlough every year at full pay."" I. Mustenng-ou- t pay (based upon length of service) to all ' men who are discharged to reenlist. . Option to retire at half pay for life after 20 years service-- or -- ' after 30 years service. All previous active federal nylitary service counts toward retirement. 10. Benefits under the GI Bill of Rights. II. Family allowances for the term of enlistment for dependents of men who enlist or reenlist before July 1, 1946. 12. Choice of branch of service and overseas theater m the enlistments. ' Air, Ground or Service Forces on IL Privilege of benefits of National Service Life Insurance. 14. Reserxa-an- d A.U.R. commissioned offiror. .frnn active duty may be enlistedtn Grade 1 (Master or 1st Sergeant) and still retain their reserve commissions. ........ rlgl Holiday Suggestions SELECT ber one function of the current diet and insured sqme revision Specific mention of election reform in the rescript insured action thereupon and. made this the principal diet issue Simultaneously the 'rescript statement limited to the house of representatives such reform, indicating ther probably will be no change in the current appointive status fef- - the house of considerable newspaper agitation. The rescript also broadly solicited harmonyjd dealing with other matters, which include elimination of ' repressive laws and action on such unprecedented government legislation as exlanded propriation of large 30-da- a City 1 nd. Emperor Split is . Indicated J- -lo- rs-a- fAP) Hirohito, in a colorful reading of art imperial rescript, today made election reform the num- Government,. Peron "ST5Rf ment made last month by Adolf - Berle icanambastad ' to Rio de Janeiro, opposing the - reported intentions of Vargas to postpone the further presidential elections, strengthened industrial circles in . Brazil, which had turned against Vargas because of his anti-tru- st decree. By accident or design, fheef- flcial policy of the United Slates J) toward Brazil is allied with the interests of American lnvest-- . ments and industrialists in that country, this informant empha- sized, and such considerations as ng-range JBrazllian goodwill. toward the United States, the jaromotion of democracy, cooperation, the good- J neighbor policy and the preven- tion of a reactionary growth In South America seem to be of ' I secondary importance. - Between Bad, Worse Hirohifo Calls on Diet for Vote fief or m itf Increase for Service Oversees. Plua 50 if Member of Flying Crews, Parachutist, etc. Plus 3 Increase in P ay for Each i Years of Service. , (a) Plus 20 (b) (c) Mlm NOvv before inis AhMY who 1 will be their in February present grade. Men who have been honorably diswithin 20 days after charged can UN re-eiih- si dis-char- re-enli- st JnJhegradetheyheldaLthetime discharge, provided they ruary 1 1946. re-enli- st ge of before Feb- 9 |