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Show . - , . . , , . . . : -- . , I - , . Deadlines Set for Yule-Gif- t - t sed U-Advi- - : r) (.. - - iv E SKYRIDER -- uipment 1 ' - i To Insure -- ) i , .. ., - Hurl e y - - "- Hurley said he was willing to have all his officiarreports made public, together with those of officials who had "differed with the promulgated American policy." The retiring ambassador to Chungking said he agreed entirely. with the outline of Amer-- ican foreign policy which JE From Page One Continued , been achieved despite the oppo- of some "career men" .who ssildied with the Chinese Cmtnu- nists "and The imperialistic bloc of nations whose policy it ails to , - . , - DESERET NEWS. Salt Lake City. Utah, Nov. 27. 1045 IP . . . . - ' , President-Tr- - -- ignation, 'attributed &Mire of American foreign policy in Asia to the weakness and opposition of the U. S. foreign ervice." Hurley said MS statement con- stituted "an outline of one of the reasons why American for- k eign policy announced by the highest authority is rendered king and fn the Chinese and Far Eastern divisions of Abe State Department." Hurley said that when some "professional diplomats" were recalled from China at his request they were placed in the State Department as his "super- t - Hurltra-- I bis-N- a office,- - said the ' of diplomatic officials." Day address, but stated that ambassador, in tendering his res do so, the University of self." to law ' statement also charg- - "professional diplomats in the ' . Hurley's was - - advised by Atty. ed:.''' Utah today 4 t4 lower echelons were frustrating OSDEN Gen. Grover A, Giles to insure )4k; attainment of announced policy 1. That opposiI. The deadline dates for domes'----0,Ar" , -aims." ' tion" to his efforts to assist 1 - CI? .. ,varlous apparatus and equip) tie Christmas packages to insure , said that when he was Ka-in- of unification Hurley the school the ment Chiang taken'to by ' SALT LAKE . . China-b- e to delivery before the holiday were was direct:. alassigned of with Chinese shek the purpose' for government dividuals , , , - announced here today by Postljakt , , ' Communists had come from .ed by President Roosevelt to lowing it to be used- in school career diplomats in the Chung-a- n prevent collapse of the Chiang Smoot. , - master , , work. ' k : , government and keep PROV it.liomen shopped for coat written by W. king embassy and State De- In , opinion Parcels should he 'narked "Do the Chinese in war. the army officials. , Stanford Wagstaff, assistaatpartment L not open before Christmas." Very "From both the strategical and a a they'd A 2. That when these career ' - torney general, to Leon -'- , small parcelkcontaining watches, men were recalled f r o m diplomatic Viewpoint the forec and comptroller . - , 24 secretary PRICE -, our chief ob,S 1 at the University, a belief was , Chungking at his request, they going constituted jewelry and articles of unusual he said, "the' next in jective,' De- were-place- d In the State be would sent that it should be value register"pru. by expressed , - Importance was the directive to -, Partment "lin my supervisors," on the part of , ed mail and ail ,parcels should harmonize the relations between,-WIL, :.- s, .. vdeernsy to insure such .pthreopeUrntyito and as advisers Gen. ,..-, DougTLE-G- A - - ', Tr- -the Chinese and Jnilitary estabbe insured; for their lull value,. las MacArthur. "is bound as , school the inasmuch 011):J; , lishments and between the kilo -said thi postmaster. 3! That "most of these offiI to, great or extraordinary care , 1 Stoker Coat Is WASHED embassy in Chungking , eats have continued to side American Is 'and Iligence in protecting and t, To the various states the 101- and the Chinese government. Chinese with Communists and the property. and DUSPRUFED... good ' ' "Both of these objectives , lowing dates are the last, dates , - at times withlhe imperialistic - - fI CEDAR CIT1.; were accomplished." , for which the delivery can be 1I bloc against American policy." to look at clean to handle, 1 a. , Hurley laid, however, that it 4. Tha- t- the- - "discrepancy"' ',4: assured before Christmas: with relation to the subject mat- i' cico -. was "no secret that the Amen-ca- n , i,. cstit economical to burn. 8Connecticut, Delaware, Dig-ter of the property, - and that a between 11:3 foreign Policy allpolicy in China did not have 4 -, announced as out and carried care to observe ' failure of great trict Columbia, Florida,Geosupport,of all the career men , due largely 4o "the secrecy - the , e or - or extraordinary- - diligence in --the State Department." inset-stovr.gia, Maine. Maryland, Massa- For stoker. which has shrouded the actions grits and to amount .,. , negligence slight . Decries Career Men , chusetts, New Hampshire,- New liable for -of" the state department." the make , CASTLE CATE University to is coal burl qab .. tbs - mpricart arif. ., i has backed us into ice men sided with the Chinese foreign polio); -, ' 4 C. property. Pennsylvania, Rhode Is-- -; , A do- two world-war- s," Hurley that states preopinion Communist party and the im- - , .,,,,,,,,,.-,--,.-,.t.The. nart-no hod sham. - . ' miumi for Policies insurineiuc of block whose : perialist :- I Virginia. -the conditions that- brought be, paid out of ing propertY-Wou- ld I UAW- -FL , policy it was to keep China di- - 4 lug 11N A '' ALB '. UERQU- E.,, vided -- against ; herselct Hurle- y- , money, inasmuchei University., , 2. KenttiekyF Lou T 0 As WAT belong-1not does the roperty ors asserted. , , ana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, v Jarberelirir-tbird-world-Woritt -. !,,,t of "Our professional diplomats South Tennessee filE$0,I ' - trh.e !state nta;h: said the el) lieu; Loptinuoustr40k' 0,1)1 advised-the-Co- m , NO .;;."1;,,P); - eonsin. Carolina, at mAmerican -- --,--i sion -- T ims foreign ' Dec. -- 11-.in .munists efforts that --was premy C: Arkansas, Kansas, 1.,,,ktEo. , ''''' resultinginthe---econom- it A A -- . ?Ai( N. ,0,001'..iv Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, collap se of the n a- venting the I olt.' ent 4,4 exclusion of this countryrffrom tional , -- , did not rep- New -- Mexico, North Dakota, 41 -- V of controlthe PHOENIXworld part ,every -. -- South:- Daresent , of the the 4 ,...United -- 4 policy Oklahorria,Oregon, , , led by colonial imperialism and States. ,,. - --- NEW INTERSTATE Ine.1 kota, Texas, Washington. Communist-imperialism- ," -MU- RRAY-A-drive-to-nil ir -t Mined and Refined by N.:, , same The Dee. 12Arizons,Catifornia;open:shows routes from Salt Lake to Colorado, Art. for hos"America's economic strength Sy advised theprofessionals plan Christmas flight packages gift Communist armed UTAH FUEL1C0;---- Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Ne lona and New Mexico points. Figures on plaues indicate ".':' pitalized veterans today was in has been used all over the world of unification vada, Wyoming. tatt -- - mileage between cities.- - Also shown are interconnecting the City, Utah . to defeat America. policies and the lull swing in Murray under ,,,,,,,, Dec. 13Utah, outside Salt La,ke Chinese' Communist army ,, - --American is of he said. Legion "This routes. lines and interests,". air directio, major national with the unless take. army Post No.60. chargeable to a, weak American the Chinese Communists w e r e Dec. 17Local. for foreign setvice." -Franz Westover-chairma- , lmthis yeaf-lgiven control TEariy mailingto the legion, said gifts, ranging in , Hurley recommended-.7t-w- -0 .. these a due of 3hOrtAge "Despite handicaps, we perative from twó ,to live dollars, widely separated courses of ai- did make price urntoward a as a trained postal worker! progress, weir ' may be donated by reildents and ---tionf fication of the armed forces in , continued jam in railioad trans 1.-4 A complete that the legion will delivee-the- m reorganizFol6771110.-Vii.----7.-AlielliieWe did China. civil 'war prevent portation. -t to hospitalized veterans. He urg, a- lion IT, S. -"- policy-makint between the rival factions-at- -, ed those giving gifts to print the machinery, beginningat least until after I had left China. cards with their names and ad- - -- lower official levels- ."-- --- its .application for Snyder We did bring the leaders of the dresses and put the cards inside 2. Leadership by the V.S. at airmail and all' express complete flight parties together for peacethe gift boxes so those receiving a move --to amend or revise the - rival service pending before Ithe civil shown in the ful discussions, i am. them-caminute stops acknowledge them. Fifteen Nations aeronautics nited "to charter board, Challenger .I Gifts may be left at the Moun,, SR Salt Lako City eati ens if the' following Castle Gate dealers: Program Resulted , it Democratic." Airlines, Inc:, actively is contini ed at all- cities listed. in tit:"Our office ' 'States thin Telephone Route1, Number for this the advance should used be period preparations MARTIN COAL CO, uing COAL Co. CURTIS Mk CO. strength SKIN HOUSE COAL O. til seTvice in u amtdthedertstortsnti he Richard-F.-- Insurance--Co- . Jensen Leo ' ram and the J. -McMahon, Mal 5431 hale n 11:28 present Provo Is arrive to United Nitionsrather-thaaccepted. GeorgeW. proposal - : chief of arrive-.Mil-- skid. employe relations, Ninth Snyder, -- Jr, director of flight . Richfield 12:20-p.m- ; frorn-th- e office, careee-diplo-American supTym.t.mtrtitting Idetftglerw Service Command, has been ford 12:50 p.m., arrive Cedar City, warmaking power blocs,"he r said. mats In theeembassy at Chung named captain in the Utah State operations, said this morning that the company has drawn complete 1:30 p.m.. arrive St. George 2:04 ro.M.; arrive Provo4:33 p.m., ar- - I 5:03 p.m. Lake Salt llama, adjutant general of Utah, Schedules- for rive " City 4:05 Prescott arrive I 3:24 A ' routes --- ' ,p.m., , ' ' 4 surveyed. announced today. "-NRoute No. '3, trip one: Leave ;T ' 11 0000.Challenger's application are p.m. and terminate at Phoenix Salt Lake City 8:30 a.m., arrive e2tr7-.., Joins Fraternity.-Ro- b Hansen for three distinct routes. with 4:53 p.m. ::' Ogden 8:42 a.m., arrive Brig- - --of Salt Lake recently was pledg Sall- - Lake- - Citythe operations Northbound Route 9:299:06 ......., ham Logan center. One route would extend , ed as a member of the Pi Tau :,: 'i.'.:::''''ivsemBrigham 9:52 a.m., Route Numb er 1, northbound: a.m., ,H77, fratirrilty-- at ICS 4 nina, ,1'''' Idaho Southern University ' at Arizona.- Another would extend a.m., arrive Prescott 930 it.m., Salt Lake 0 10:43' cm. f City - Pocatello. New members were from here to Albuquerque, New arrive Flagstaff 9:44 a.m., arrive N. No. 3, trip- two: Leave I Route .: entertained at Sunday breakfast. Mexico, and the third from here St. George, Utah, 11:04 cm., ar- Salt Lake- - Cit2:30-p.m.a- r -, Members are selected from the to Logan. Thefirst two routes rive Cedar , ar..::.:.:: I) ,:1138 a.m., .,: 2:42 -- pan., arriveCity riveOgden : staffs of the Idaho Bengal, earn- would operate a full northbound t ':::'.: .m,arrive Brigham 3:08 pan.,arriveLogan .n pus newspaper, and the Wicklup and southbound trip daily, while Richfield 12:48 p.m., arrive Provo 3:29 p.m., arrive Brtgham 3:52 I . 'f,a.? c :.:.:, the Salt Lake-Logleg would 1:42 z4011wolir e,17."4 J J Salt Lake CiP, p.m, arrive Ogden4:16 p.m.arl 171 p.marrive i! -; ' two rotmd operate p.m: C;:. rive Salt Lake City7 4:43 p.rn:1 . - Vet Trainers , :L , ' Approved-:-Wi- th , -, t , . ,dr.,2:0. Route No. 2. southbound: 41 more than 700 industries and All Daylight 8 an. -' Lake a.m., Salt Leave for scheduled are "All City flights 1 business firms approved for 71."1 ael) , .-. 8:15 operation,"-Mr464 - Cti Snyder - rive-Pro- vo L.11 16.16 fr , lia NJ Nmumil l 1....raL .dr-th-.A training an estimated 12,000 re- daylight I --- "This is one of Ithe most Price 8:55 a.m., arrive1 Grand said. . , Utah e service taker. tvhibell behis men, and turning ar9:56 lendJunction,- Colo., others being approved at the rate scenic areas of the nation, 11 I , cm., termi. 0101111POIMITS1of E. Allen ing itself to daylight trips for rive Durango 4 ' -- Bateman, state superintendent of scenicpurposes. In addition, our- nate at Albuquerque, N, M.,, at relieve coughing of promptly con12:18 for ideal are p.m. planned public instruction, today pre- flights with -Routeand the Zast-We- st nection sented a letter to the State-Boa- rd ---- transcontinental Leave Albuquerque, ,N. M., 12:45 --of Examiners requesting an addi- Northwest WITH Mm.,-City, p.m., arrive Durango-- Colo.,--1:4tion of 29000 to the vocational routes at our Salt Lake term-, pi 2:55 p.m., arrive Grand Junction 'Nnnqgpo. fund for employment of Phoenix and Albuquerque . , - atraining m., arrive Price,- - Utah. 3:53 . trained assistant and secretary - Ines." , ,f . . to handle the program. , , orfie'S ., .111betk...,..."74,11:4411:4".',00". r , ,, 27.: , a Al . tect;,,,,),5111 i Elder Cowley To SpeakElder , ' z., -,,,,', f It f , Cowley-othe Council-o', s' .''' 4 dee"11 , Vk Twelve of the Church of Jesus . ' , -----, V TIT-,. ' ...:., -Christ of Latter-da- y Saints wilir te de") '41, : 7 :, ;;;:2 f, :. 47 i addreu members of the Sigma Chi Alumni Association at their t,,..1 annual meeting tonight at it ' o'elockat the chapter house, -1395 East First'Sguth St. Elee- - I . 41 tions and a special entertainment t program, at which service men keep . I s members in the Salt Lake area ,, 4.ki4 , t ,. , ' , wM be special guests, areI on tr The schedule. a .... V&A. 0 dw I miliir Gas Bearing fa-on ' '.' cream4nIarmson cA s Itikr ,, a combined Mountain Fuel Su. , ,t - ply- nation-wid- e service. 11,0414 Company. vase involving a --- - --1,Santa Fe Trailways bus represents , , . ,n 70 1 of Company general investigation bini, too, its tervice important part of the rates will open Feb.- - 18 at the , iI , ',N. a Capitol, Donald !lacking. chair'daily life of this community ; 414(4, , dependable, 3 . roan of the Utah Public Commis. --- -. friendly and economical.. sten, said today. The commis. sion yesterday ordered the in'Itt' Phone or see your Santa Fe Trailways' bus agent ''',.. vestigation and denied a peti'the next time you have a trip to Make. He'll tell iota tion for dismissal of the fuel . -- - company's application for rate how Santa Fe Trailways buses can save you money , , , , alterations entered by protestants , . new rate schedules 'proposed a,nd maWyour iiiiilini-easiii' -in making the17 the most powerful gasoline you have ever useil. comPonents--;Atte- d We Compensation---Workman- 's I unis not available Or new ' tompensation Get a tankful of new Sinclair "H-C"- -world's most powerful gasoline for planesnow '. .. , der Utah law to volunteer or im1 1 1 ' Sinclair Ethyl Gasoline today at the nearest s , b are blended into new Sinclair Gasoline...or i pressed fire fighters who are tbr, -- , injured while fighting fires. J. . Sinclair Dealer. Try its quicker starting, higher- i (d...your car. , Whitney Floyd. Logan. chief ' ''' forester, board of forestry and ,..- performance. New . , '. . octane, PowER-IPAcKE- n - APP - , i de- Yes, the same POWERPACKED ingredients ''', , fire control, learned today in an ?..,'"'......--,,,, , makes cars Gasoline 1, s, , fairly fly. Sinclair Grover opinion from Atty.-Ge- n. for war use-- no w are blended in auto-- - atiGattit 'Jailing i Althatigh-7-not--,required--- uman-madeAn- ineffectivo-byanothersect- Washington - t i , ' visors." The statement, issued at 1 iori , . 1, 1 -- the-"chi- ef ' , , i. .. , . ., 1 .. - L-- Kai-she- , 1.1;hoose ett, - ' A - 0 I.CASTLE ,NON -- I , -- I-- . - respon. preserving" ' - c- - . . - - may---,wit- a , - 10 -,- -- ab.' - ist---- . ' . Gifts Sought Fo Hospitalize d, ets 1- - - -- --- , -,, . c - rlines, I. ..... flit , I , 4 gov-tetim- ., AIRLINE-ChallergetAi- -- T.. - - -- ,, - r- - e ' s. --- t Schedules Reac:ly s 4 l, News Iteinsl n -- -- - - - I :' 4, , -- - GATE ." today--releaisea- ' 1' - i d V - , -- array,the-,MurrayMerran- - phietopposiellAIBEACEN a.m.,1--arriv- Mr-Wes- 1 tover 1- I . - - - -- ' rs""lit It ' - a -- - -- . ..;,...s.:'..7. -- , lk- ;0;001 '''7,. -- , L - 4 an ,. , et ;min ril ki) ;) ,,L'-'4,il- oftmeo- i'''. i'--- -1 -- mot en -- i', La n ik 0 25-,p- ,,,,EstcoLDs i SRni , 0- - , i lilA - -- ' -- La , -- -- 4, .. on....b. r) J- . ',,,, -- - II - ti - ---- t , l . - - l . 7 ", a- - 1 ing p-- -- -- p ; 10 lit. I is-a- -- tit - u. 0 (.0,9 , b 1------- -- - - - , 17ri , .., .. id's1 ,,, r ti, , - 0 , -- . 100-Octa- , -- :. 1 ' . - -- A. Giles. ----- -1, - tr, '4 1.iolV .., 2,, -'- i ' 'IAfr , 'N- , tl. - ::,) r - -i t. - ) Help 15 Milos of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste ifyou llamas extessof gelds is 'emblem!. tubes wtay be mess it wiles of kidney fi hers and tubes artwork. worked. poor ' - - , Thesetiny lug day and night to help Natare rid your system et excess acids and poisonous mat.. function permits When disorder of kid poisonous natter to remUn in your blood. it Imareausenaggingbacksebe,rhousnatispaim lei gains. iosa of pep and energy, skeet egi eights, seteiblem puffiness under the eres, beadaelm and thulium. Prosodist -..nr. Passages with smarting asd with time shows there is something wrom pour kidmys or bladder. Kidneys may mad help the tame as bows es110 set Your druggist for Dosn's Pills. s stimulant diuri tic. used sneaustully by inns EMI leg VW? 40 yeses. Dosn's Eve loom Pellet and will help the It wiles et kiss. tubes flush out poisonous waste trala Frit GIS , -.- ,' a 0, fil, - ', t- tri,,,, - 0 SANTA tie-- St - T- - l' 411, t,,, TR ''' AILWAYStr 115 . , , .,t,t, t - ...........2,- ,:ii , ,, a , ,,y, mg g v ,.. ir ,.. , 1,, , r ......., , , - ProductsBetter Servict - - ' TEMPLE 1juL11 ' TRAILWAYS UNION BOS DEPOT SQUARE FE ,,orl,,.1,.. , - - ' li TRAILWAY- S- BUS e EAST SZCOND 110Unt -- DEPOT 0 ; JLLjJ ,...:.................lfz, . -0 - - Itini1Ht- IYA 1 9147. 0 vs, 4 - S'01)8. , -- ,4' , , 41 41 . - -- 1: Mt ItbeF. Notion( 14111'--,"" $ymns -rr- !'32C1-t-. 7 7;f' EY:A-741- 4.7 W PHONE 141241 , Doss's .. - , - . - . Lehot,-4111- PN011 NOTE. . --- , 0 ' . ii , SANTA . , , 7 .. , , 4(... - , , , ,4,,4, ' 7, Ir. ri..;(7--.17- ,, t .111i3 t . , 7' ,.. ,, 1 :,.--1-- Look to Sinclair forBetter warplanes. rizte 4121,te you'll 21rhltetettL, sinclaircasorme. , oi . 100-Octa- ne ' Id of , v,. - 61 T- --1 veloped mobile motbr fuel to give your jar the smooth, gasoline gave to surging power that - - - ' , ... ' - |