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Show Cadet Attack Looks Too Tough for Middies Is . HOLLYWOOD (AP) Furnishings removed frotn "Falcon Lair, former estate of the late Rudolph Valentino, have been placed on the auction block. Jeweled swords, rare books, antique silver, paintings and a $10,000 custom-bui- lt grand piano were among the mementoc s of the late film sheik that went under the auctioneers hammer, The sale opened at .the American Art Galleries last night and will continue through Thursday. . Juan Romero, Wealthy South Americans obtained the posses- -, sions when he purchased the actor's mountain home. Romero has sold the house to Ann Harding and ' is disposing of the furnishings, , y w Navy Cause Not-Hopele- THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 27, 1945 Rudolph Valentino Furnishings on Sole i 1 I ss Rice (North American .Newspaper Alliance) NEW- - YORK (Special) There are now just five big days left to Comdr. Oscar Hag-ber- g and his Navy coaching staff in which to complete a rather subtle 30b. This job rrpn-sist- s in completing a defense that will check, harass or partially stop Armys tidal-wav- e attack that so far has completely wrecked all opposition When you consider the speed of Blanchard and andpower Davis striking back of Army's fast, powerful line, you can understand the problem that faces the gallant Hagberg, one of our Navys finest fighting men They brought him from the floor of the Pacific, with a brilliant war record, to handle He must a human 'typhoon build or try to build srbarricade in ..front of an attack that ran up 109 points against Notre Dame and Pennsylvania Against teams,- - Navy was these same-twonly able to score 20 points r The drop'from I0rp0irtts"t0"20-1By Grantland f- 'i JX rv r - 'rV r- - ; ' V Dark Victory Gains Applause First performance of the dra- tation of the surgeon who fall matic production "Dark Victory, in love with his doomed patient presented by an able , cast of Others in the east include G. Steadman as the wav- Stanley aucepted by a drunk who kept singing ering dience at the Lyric Theater last I Got Rhythm, Jean Jaeklin, night. Rowena J. Miller, Lily Thorell, .Virginia McGnew in the leadRobert Barnes, Evelyn Luke, turnTraherne of role Judith ing Jenkins May Green and ed 3n the best job of acting, George Sandra Rytting. James N. Wilson did well by his The play will be repeated tobrief part as Michael, the groom, and tomorrow with two perday a of bit except for overacting formances each day. M.M. when he found out the leading lady was going to die in a couple of months. Rumba For Beautiful sets added to the atXavier Cugat and his orchesmosphere of the play. But there seemed to be an overabundance tra have recorded the Walter of furniture on the stage in the Winchell Rumba for "No Leave, irtih fleerret first two acts, No Love, Metro-Gol- d musical starring Van Johnson Robert M, Tuttle, as nJ the Bll hH armor Dr. Steele, the leading male role, wit- Pat Kirkwood, Keenan inter preWynn and Maria Wilson, gave LYRIC- - " v ? v A' ", - V - tj. f r .4 v 4 Victor -- Walter wyn-May-- er ': t , M-S- CAPITOL' ' Hr and boy Thl Highne Cnm Doctor The ftpmt STAR 'Between Two World tod 'Yellow Roe of Text STUDIO Kidd" 'Cftptftin and Selected Short Subject CENTRE "The Dolly fii.tem " UPTOWN "The Southerner ' end Frank SintF Feetneette. TOWER' T 11 Be You" and ee lev ied short uh)els. BOPNTIFri Dnffr Tavern" cartoon and news Two hour ARTADE Incendiarv Blonde" tod leeied short subject 4 MARINO Duffs' Tavern" and Selected &; L Park Ptfc.VfT'F TO APPEAR IN STAGE-PLAGaUSherwood-top- s the . cast of "The Only Girl, acheduled for the Capitol Theater" Z T .stage on Dec. r l.l ShonSubjeei UT A H Hoki That- - Blonde and- bean Mystery. "Anchor Awetyh ,1 Carib- FM The Orly Girl SlatSI For MYSTERYs de - spectacle Will. Another Team: Four Standouts on levenJ' st Max-Morr- . all-st- ar mid-weste- rn bv-we- ek wa -- 19 n -- 2,00(TPIayrit Diva from Norma and "Caro She Nome from "Rigoletto also appeared in BKO-Radi- o productions before joining the San Francisco Light Opera Company, in which she starred in "The Desert Song. Also prominent in the cast Is Gene Ramey, who played Massa-kro- ff in the recent revival of "Th Dale, Henry A. Reese, Dons Sherrell, Robert A. Paquin, Judy Hutchison, Patricia Lynn, MeDorothy Cridell, gan Taylor, Grace Sherell," Eileen Broderick, Malizke Kirkes and Elizabeth al Berto interpret the "situation. comedy was adapted from the stage comedy "Our Wives ' Among Herbertmelodies feain the - production are tured"The Mcrre I See Of Others The "When Better I Like You. Youre Away, Personality, Antoinette,' "HereTo The Land We Love, Boys, : a n d You're The Only One For Me. Tickets for-- The Only Girl are now on sale m the Capitol theater 'box office. CARY MADELEINE CARROLL A Paramount . TAMIROFF Produced ind Dirtctid ical 'the Cecil I. Jr. DeMilit no"?CKETED VERONICA ALAN LADD -- LAKE THIS GUN FOR IIIRK PopularBoy Actor status as In keeping with his fop juvenile actors Skippy-Homeiefan mail is growing to a point of being global. Skippy, who recently completed a lead role In MGM'a "Black-Sheehas received mail from Hawaii, India, China, Spain, and other farflung parts of the earth, in CH.ANEY, kr .THAT with Laird ra Robl. PRESTON CREGAR m p, Druko-Slim- frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayten, Gn Klly in -- ANCHORS A WEIGH" Pin "SKI TRAILS" Sport Norlty PETS SMITH Specialty Latoat Nwt -- v DUO PIANO CONCERT SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Mon.' Dee, 3 8:30 p.m. THE SWANEE SINGERS ,CONCRT Granite High School Ticket Sale Row! 308 P. 11. ZCMI TEA ROOM FFIDAr EVENING ROY. Tickata may b obtain ad el tha following Music Storaa: Booilay, Daynoa. Summarhayt. Xing Bogarsons. Tkkati'll.JO Including Tan. Mean $2.44; 11.12; tl.22; Tan Included 12c All Seat! Reserved CAPITOL Lat.DEC.3RD MON. Utah State Symphony -- Jaiwaa Sample, Conductor-Wit- MI-W- SEJ- PRINCE SAI E NOW! k- C . aM foe fowaas a And laurel Hurley Toby D atm at Poppen Nina rmcra Alice Ehlers Night Matuee .World's ' Et s' Harpsichordist r Comes t Thwrsdoyl . ond Friday Dee. 6 and 7 -- ee 12 Mst Greatest l i r 2 M, 12 M, M, 1 M, oernewmaoB 1 M Durst Varella St SO, 12 00, St SO 2.00, S1.S0, 11.00 Inc. Tan SEAT SAIE NOW InyludlBS Tax 1.M 11,40 p. m. to TiOO p. m. 1 $ T ;s WutheHnj Heights 'Ml 12 Sian la DUFFYS Ed Gardner! TAVERN Stty Hutton, Artur ' SI M. S1.SS UTAH STATE SYMPHONY CACHES TEA II WEST SOUTH TEMPLE 2. TO. , jo ha Gartieia, iaui Henreid and Eleanor Parker "Between Two Worlds" . "Yellow Rose of Texas" With lay Began lm Crdevg, tn Technieolota Pip MXCTED bsSuEm MAIL ORDERS NOW O "INCENDIARY BLONDE" j Paramount Picture Prlaaa beloda Tar M 00, staofo wafos Great Cast wltk Alaxanaer Gray h Guest Artiet Plans to Relax - Akim gay-farcic- -- FOSTER - PRESTON GODDARD Pidur - The-mus- COOPER ft Dick Ddrthblmess brow-furrowe- rs c t ; ond precision where eleven men are molded into a single strike All-St- ar ingforce. The maloritv ofthis Army team has now played together for the greater part of two years in Its unchecked, conquering march that seems to gather greater impetus as the move bv. ; A11-MidwestNo one has to break this mor- -E JTrewsJtTT Messrs; Haghcrgr Miller A Co. on the busy Rip' By Bill Collins banks of the Severn as thev nut CHICAGO (INS) There can be little debate concerning in the next five days erecting the qualifications of at least four of the men chosen for the some form of .defense that wont - - -- meet football team.' International News Service the melancholy fate that is, These four are Dame and a belonged to Notre Service national News - Northwestern end, ; and backs Pennsylvania. team. Pete Pihos of Indiana, Frank Jim Kekeris of Missouri would Navys Brighter Side Dancewicz of Notre Dame, and standout in any be an - George Taliaferro of Indiana. What can be said from Navy's This quartet has been outstand- - conference. Kekeris, a tackle who side that has a brighter tint? also filled in at fullback, really, Several things. Ing through the season.: and around 1. In Navys last two games. - Selecting their teammates was threw his weight he weighs an even 300 pounds. .Coach Hagberg and cast moved a bit more difficult, forfhe sea- V Despite his bulk, he is an ac- - ' team well forward where son drawing to a close this week curate a kicker and their attack piled Tip 69 points was marked by the deteriorabruising lineman. against Michigan and Wiscontion of the play, due to war-tim- e team had But almost every sin. in seasons past - conditions,-th- at at one least star. - hag ranked football Hero Stuff outstanding 2rNavyhs a line thafhas - teams been improving week the best. nationa among There was, for instancy, Clar- with such men as Dick Scott, " And as team caibre has fallen ence Esser who played a brilCarrington, Duden, Bramlett and off, so has the performance of liant tackle on Wisconsin ( inept others among the best forwards Individuals. team, and Jerry Niles who scinin football. I Esck PIace Three team that tillated -- on It is fitting that Notre Dame, lost seven straight- - games until field would bring the two teaans which plays the most rigorous he personally kicked the field much closer together since such schedule of -- any team-i- n the goal for the extra point that gave conditions would bring about a courttry, and Indiana, which will the Hawkeyes a victory leveling effect. Armys speed, over Minnesota last Saturday. win its first Big 10 championtiming and pagsing attack would But the best summary of the be cut down immensely. ship unless upset by Purdue, each -4. In a meeting of place three men on the Inter gridiron season in -- the middle west is the selections: rivals the underdog more SECOND TEAM often than not plays over his head to bring about, through spirit and desperation, a near miracle. 5. The breaks of the game can play leading role in any . . . Howard Brown, Indiana football contest where a fumble . . .Ralph Serpico, Illinois a or penalty can insert a touch Bob Skeglund, Notre Dame of havoc into the situation and scramble irp situations-ia George Taliaferro, Indiana.. Hal fback ....Bill DellasUtloua, Mo. - Dick Fisher. Ohlo State.Hal fbackOllie Cline, Ohio Stale Fete Pihos, Indiana Ful Iback Ed Cody, Pnrdne An honorable mention list -- would go on and on,. but especially deserving of mention in . any selection - are Russ Deal, Indiana tackle; Dick Howard and Gene Phelps, the catbaektwinsjof Iowa State; George ,Gearthk Kansas Jay- By Bob Thomas hawkers brilliant freshman quar- - HOLLYWOOD I (AP) terback; Dick Conners, Northpaused during lunch with Jack westerns great frosh halfback, Benny to Inquire Is Fred Aland Lenrue, Brown, the 139 len's 'accusation correct that , poiiund quarterback who is the you couldnt ad lib a belch yir Brains ofMigsouri po- - jfter a Hungarian .dinner! Somewhat hurt, Jackson re4 tential Big Six champions. plied, that his friends think he is pretty nifty with the unwritten joke. "I can ad lib If the occasion Is right, he said, but usually I dont like to LOS ANGELES (AP) Lt. break up the- continuity of tlie program. Comdr. Richard Barthelmess, Jack is the new -- after four years service in the Benny. One of the great navy, says he is more interested of show busiin renewing old friendships and basking in the sun than .he is ness, he "has been amazing his friends by worrying an abso, in renewing his film career. 1 have no plana for acting, - lute minimum for radio co- medians.- - Hd is even playing , said the former film player after he received his certificate golf six times n week. And P of service add was placed on why should be worry? His Inactive list yesterday, the radio show remains in the big w five and his movie plans are i Barthelmess, who had been I - aide to Vice'Adm. H. F. Leary, secure. He is committed for two pictures at Warners, one sea eommanding the eastern I and one under his frontier, said he. would go to at 20th-To- x own production. Palm Springs for the sun and j rejoin his wife Jessica, interior. - Jack ad libbed no belches 1 after thia lunch. decorator. Barthelmess son, I Stewart, is a navy gnsign, and , his daughter, Maryr.ooni to LET'S FINISH THE JOB; " appear in a New York stage BACK THE VICTORY LOAN play. t near-capaei- ty Few from the many millions nterestecL.are.jsking todaywho EDDIE BRACKEN end VERONICA LAKE "LAST- is going to vein Saturday's game want in Philadelphia They-al- l "HOLD THAT BLONDE fcTWO; to know what the size of Armys s, threetouch-downscore will be. By daysuCO-HIT- I "CARIBBEAN four touchdowns or possibly five or six? STAXITS Timing "And Precision THURSDAY Navy has a good, line, flanked ends. But by tw- o- high-graHeaded by Prima Donna Gale Notre Dame and Pennsylvania cast also had strong lines and you Sherwood, a widely known theon the Capitol will appear remember what happened. They i DOUBLE THRILLS! DOUBLE EXCITEMEHTSS looked betttet.than good until ater" stage next Mondayrjnatuiee new version the in and night, thev were caught in front of THE GREATEST RETURN SHOW IN HISTORY5 s musical com that terrific Army triole threat of Victor Herbert Girl." "the -Only headed by Blanchard, Davis and edy, Radio, motion pictures and the Tucker operating back of some opera stage have claimed 1 500 pounds of human flesh, light Miss Sherwood s talents- ,- Bom and fast, aggressive experienced. in Canada, she became a childl This Army attack has some- radio star who was attracted to , 10 Storjl thing more than mere weight, Hollywood by the Sam Goldwyn ft also has 2 Lov Stories! DOUBLE BARRELLED TROUBLE: These two future generals, Doc Blanchard and Glenn (Junior) Davis. are expected to make Navys Middies wish they were back peacefully rpwing the Severn instead of trying to stem the Cadet power when the two. service schools meet Saturday in Philadelphia in the top traditional battle of the year. Davia ana Blanchard have been the scourge of w What sQoingQn o dizzy one. - ?f SHOUT 0 p. m. SE SEEING TOO Opaa Today TU. with Gingsr Sogsrs loeeph Cotton Shtriey Tamg Also SPECIAL MUSICAL d. V . |