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Show 14 THE DESERET NEWS', Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov 27. 1943 . -- cJo wn ta Iker eft db i ts ' With Enroute to Iowa to join her husband is Mrs Sherwood Burr who, with her young daughter, Adrienne, left by' plane Monday-afternooSherwood recently returned from overseas and was discharged from the army as a major. . . . The Burrs will make their home in Iowa City where Sherwood will serve his residency in opht'hamology. . . . They 'have been living with Mrs. BurrS patents, Ihe R, L Strobels, 2604 Hillsden Drive.'; NOON ITEMS . , Lunching at the AJta Club Monday were Mrs W. W Dqe.Mrs Spencer Wrlght and Mrs Glimpsed Mrs Fuller Bailey with her sister. Mr?. Henry Rigget, Mrs Hyrum Bergstrom and Mrs Charles Allan At a table for two were MrsJames E Hogle and Mrs Richard Freed. HOME Durhams Wayne Sterna A reception at the Memorial House Friday will honor MtSs Beth Nielson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs W Wt Nielson, 357 W. 4th North, and Stanley R Renshaw, ion of M- r- and Mrs, R S. Renshaw of San Jose, Calif , who will exchange Salt Lake Temple. nuptial vows Nov 30 in the will wear a For her marriage the bride-to-b- e gown of ivory satin, a fingertip veil, and a tiara of crystal beads and seed pearls Chi pin. was concealed in an orchid corsage before being delivered to Barbara Paulson Monday evening. Barbara whos an Alpha, Chi Omega and 11. of U. student plans body to visit her fiance during at his - Chris tmas yacation navy base in Oceanside, Calif. n Miss- - Nielson now in Marfa, Tex. IN CIVVIES . . . Good to see Dale Barton im town ' Before coming from Camp Wolters in Texas where he received his flew-teSFrandischarge-- he cisco "for 3 thort vtert- PAPI R TALK . Mr. and were Mrs. A. Boyd JamC? honored on their first wedding anniversary by his parents. Mr. and Mrs Alvin J. r- . -- Ann 1 "Mrs CbaTles K Caron. 1949 Laird Dr., was recentlylectpd as one" of the seven representatives'" of the junior class to the Campus So-- Y i&SWBMafeSHfeiMMfessfeiMfillMtafefetdBnMfefeailMlIMMMMfepaBUBiMfeMiMnCefeMMfeMg BY ELIZABETH WOODWARD up uMJl VQ'iLJlIeyty Jny jnendLife and lontly. louve been Joes girl so long that the otheF J JSjnce enrolling at Stephens this fall, active on the. Ann hasbeen-vec- y . campus. iilmm 'TCMtwaaMflii and--wid- eep-armholes Curned-baek-euf- PrenuptialDays -- -- be Coilcger-U-n5versityT-- ;to ty hi the-count- rjr. -- -- er ng Miss Haymond 'Wedson-Goas- Machine Wo Permanent Wave -- ton MING THIS THRIFT COUPON ' ONLY 250 Here's bargain in beauty you cant Have your hair afford to miss! beautifully" waved for the gay fail gnd winter season now. i j t A navy bride is Miss Marian daughter of A L Haymond, HaymopdJr, 1983 South 13th East.w hose marriage ter Brooks Lightner of San Francisco, Calif , toolc place Nov. 6 in Berkley. The lovely bride was attend-Max- " ed by her sister "Mrs" Broberg, matron of honor and who tlny-Mi- ss -- Heidi. Haymond, was flower girl. Mr Lightner recently return-- I ed to the states after a year and a half of overseas duty. He will be released from the navy in the Lneat-futu- re are making their home ill San Francisco. The couple t ifji, rrvfm fi i Juanita Hallman whowill become the bride Marvin R. Pack early In December, December Whos Who AhrTheater Bride-Elec- t AnolherUfah couple" has set their at wedding date for Decem-hr- r. Among the anr Mrs John Hallman Mr. Victory-laDark st the stage play evening were Phyllis Pea- 414 University" St , announce the cock and escort, Floyd Pardoe. forthcoming marriage of their Phillis was. dressed becomingly dauEhtetMiss Juanita Hallman, in a gray belted coat with black to Marvin R Pack son of Mr . While watching late fiir trim and Mrs. William C Pack of comers find their seats we spie Logan The nuptial event wiir JVIr.GIen C. Craig and Mrs. - take place December 3 in the John B. Maiheson. They vHT be- Salt-CaTemple, followed by" former Alpha a remembered-a- s jecepti and Mary Chis Elline Midgley Ward. Graff. For her attendants the bride-ele- ct the The program furnished has chosen Mrs Phvllis center of interest before the perof honor-Mis- s formance for sisters Georgia "P,unI't fnatrM maid of honor, Hallman Shirley Frank. and Mrs.?- R. L. Brainard "rs Br3TI admirema Pack, bridesmaids, and little chic brown sissy ?ailor. Younger sister, Georgia, wore a smart Miss Mitzl Jo Rideout, flower ith snow white girl , black dress Erv Clark will serve as best embroidery on the shoulders and man for Mr Pack. sleeves i - being Mr. and'Mrs. D..I.Readlng - Thebride-lo-be1- extensively entertained. Sat chose seats on the aisle and ap -plauded the plav enthusiastical-l- y urday Mrs. Velda Johnson was hostess at a luncheon at the . . . spotted Dr. and Mrs. Hotel I tab. and Mrs. Phyllis Dunn honored Miss Hallman A family party made its wav to the theateejast evening. Mrs. at a shower recently. John W. Van Drunen and her The bridegroom-elec- t is attwo daughtersMrs,Donald L. tending A. -- C at the present, Pickett and Mrs. Byron Gibbs, and plans to enroll at the. Uni with herhusbantT were? there versity of Utah winlerquafter; . City Auditor Mrs. Irma Felt The couple will make their Bitner and her family, Helen home in Salt Lake and-Jowere at the theater an, the opening night rr The Richards and Farnsworth dans enjoyed each others company almost as much as they did the play. Mrs. Elliot Richards, first-nighte- rs . ke -- .opsco IchValley Lt. theUr S. ilitary-Academy Bo 1470 Wash Blvo BEAUTY Des--pai- Clearlhe track, clear-t- fltmtrS Ymfkrist H he track, See my puppy run He is trying hard to beat " Racing is such fun. Jingle relieve stuffiness, invite It's wonderful how a little relieves transient congestion that stuffs up the nose and spoils sleep. Quickly your nose opens up breath' ing is easier! If you need re lief tonight, try it I Follow di' far drops "ctMI visiis UMr.o-nc- i SCHOOL Ogden - iwtfd! wind-proo- f, n, lt. door, beautiful, natural brillianc. Stays on longer turbans or without ers "sou-west- drying lips- - Very JsdoliMt. milde- fabrica causing such excitement in the new raincoats' w-proof rections in the package. EXCELCIS' ffl ummuBj waterproof, hut A Broadway - of the same wonderful, nd . -- "drape-your-ow- Miss- -- West Point this. year. At present, he is with the occupational forces In the European Theater of Operation. not The wedding date has been set. ; oo" .French legion caps -- at ss withvyinterfurs Announcement of the engage-me- pt of Miss Sara Maude to Lt. John"Lythgo Black, Donnie who is the son of Parnell son of Mr and Mrs. Mr, and Mra. J. Marden Black. 1436 Laird Ave7i made 2529 Eighth East St. by her parents, Mr and Mrs James R. Macfarland Jr , of RACING WITH MICKEY. Oakmont Pa By Donnie Despain Miss Macarland is a member the track, clear the of the Oakmont Junior Womens Clear " track, Club, and has been employed by I am on my bike, -the Navy Department during the past two years Riding up and down the Lt. Black attended the Unl- .walk T" TtalTwhere-hfwiof versitv Speeding when I like. a member of Sigma Nu fraHe graduated from ternity. -- free-lanci- party-ice-crea- k Betrothed to Mac-arla- ard what-they-fie- toloT-iramal- I" John Blacks Eastern sorry for yourself Stav .at home quietly, get acquainted again with your family, finish that muffler you started for the Red Cross, listen to the radio. But most important of all, go to work on you! Maybe your heart is broker but it needn t show it Experiment with new ways to wear jour hair, exercise to take off Ihe bumps, go" to work on your clothes Put your three-week- ? to good use And when you start stepping out again, people will have something to look at1 Then youre. really ready for circulating Round up vour girl friends for an evening , . . make it They've probably heard rumors about you and Joe, and are "7ustbursting "their too You won seams with curiosity. t tell them much . , just that and-n- ow is true Joe and you have-melt- ed, voure both again - The gals will spread the word 4o the other lads That your phone number s still m the book -- I your they'll remember you You pals are asked to dig a blind date, -. just make sure they dont forget- - . by planning ?ome special may be doings with one or two of the girls Your busy-neKnitted - head - hugging cap distinctly female for a while. But that won't last long Spread Yourself Out wide ends Is for the new with Your campaign needn't stop -with girl fTTends though When " covered-u- p loolc the smooth you and Joe were going steady, vou didn't have time for Senior Is are sipa weekly. But now you do have-t- he time,so use it! Work and ti?d under the chin play with people you hardly knew before Joe You'll discover The ties of this knitted cap can that theyre fun. And theyll discover exactly the same thing be joined to form a scarf If preabout you Give an party for the news staff ferred Directions for this are . , . or plot the next Issue over hot chocolate at your house RoundLup- thq playrast for a bowling binge 7". Keep your-bra- in given Pattern. 7.5 L.has directions. . and FIFTEEN Sefid CENTS m yoWH" buzzing with plans for other people's fun-have "it-tthis pattern 4o- - The eoinsfor steadv-coma isnt an easy Job It wont Deseret News Needlecraft Coming out of a Dept. happen fast as a whittle over night It may take vou several Print plainly PATTERN NUM-- " weeks of honest Industry to carve your niche again But it pays Andsomewhere along the way, BER, your NAME and big dividends -- that hard-wo- rk, T your heart will stop hurting TOMORROW YOUXL WEARVery low, soft, ballet-typ- e c0ut-cfslippers to wear dancing with swirling, light whirling, ballerina-skirt party dresses' colors - in gloves brighter through the holidays and on intosprmgtr- 'A pa st el satin hatspretty a s S looks in close-fi- tdork la the stick. Blends to to or. wear brimmed lines ting, -- her mother, Mrs. Burton W. Farnsworth, chatted during intermission with Mr. and Mra Joel Richards.- - Also in the same party was Mrs. Lucy Grant Cannon and daughter, Mrs. Bertram . Good news for Mrs. Willis. Willis came just before they left for the show. Her husband has landed on the west coast after being in the, Pacific for some months. if nose gets "stopped upM Silt Lake of LMiss afClw This coupon entitles you to a Mschmt Permanent Wave at dtf special price of on!) $2 50, complete between 10 a. m. and J 30 p m, before December I, 1943 et Excelcis Beeuty School in Silt Lake City or Ogden Coupon muss be presented. tflsia Its up tO youto do that reminding Youll "have to be your own press 8gentThat-inean- g going way out of your wayto j:egisterfriendly. of-n-ew It means reestablishing your oldut contacts ones anctletttngrpenptefrml-t)what making dozens u weTeVgoing steadyr they ve been missing "iTTwhile-yoTake A Breather . But before you start this campaign of jours, catch your breath Spend a week or three like a hermit, getting ready for the Big Push! Don t go around sulking, hating Joe, and feeling -- v entertained prior-to-h- er The University of Utah i welbraska.. Uni vers ityjof Toronto marriage to forthcoming Univeron the another Missouri, Universityof coming sorority Kjart son of No. Ohio EnsrJosephAshton of State of . the one Dakota, . . sity campus. Alpha Phi, E. Kjar, Mrs. and Mr Joseph Washof has University oldest Greek fraternities, University couple "chosen the U of U as its latest ington, University of Oregon 2145 So 21st East The ColVcget University of will exchange nuptial vows Fri- Washbur field of expansion. of Montday in the Salt Lake'Temple, Founded in 1872 at Syracuse Oklahoma, University of So -- Dakota, after which a .reception will be r University Syracuse, N. Y , Al- -, ana;"" University of Texas- - University held at the Trt JDelta house. pha Phis first chapter house, University of Illinois, Michigan State ColAmong those who have "" house first was the built In 1886, are the bride-to-of Colorado, lege, University a to be occupied by sorority. of California at Los Miss Phyllis Ashton, who was University -Alpha Phi is part of the Greek Angeles, University of Arizona? hostess at a kitchen shower, Miss letter aystem which is made up University of Idaho, University Betty Morgan, who gave a bufnational women a of Manitoba, University of Brit. fet dinner Mrs. Lucille Workfit twenty-on- e at and aixty-thre- e tsh Columbia, - University of - W man men's organizations. Denison handkerchief shower recently, University, Virginia, When Mrs. Louts-- B Spaeth Rollins iancj Misv Barbara Pricewb.n.en of District Alabama, Duke Jr , Alpha Governor University, tertaincd at a dinner partv Mrs go Mr.-Hu- Six, and Miller Jr., Bowling Green State University,' George Osterloh, Mrs Robert b representative of the Berkeley University of So California and Starbuck and Mrs. Homer Curtis here in October Washington State College at were hostesses at a shower for t .Alumnae, were and Mrs .observe Founders Day with Pullman. To this impressive list the popular bride-elec- t, the local alumnae group, there Alpha Phi will soon add the Uni Gates Knight is planning an afwere rumors that they were dis- - versity of Utah. fair in honor of the kebridal party. their cussing the establishment of their Christmas Project The couple wilt-mahave" Unimembers Local alumnae with thirty-nint- h chapter temporary home in So Carolina, were entertained by Panhelleme ping gifts to send to the Chap- stationed and local alumnae Alpha Phi s lains Service Corps, providing Phi Delta Thela Mothers bedside material position In Panhellenic is indeed recreational The Phi Delta Theta Mothers a proud one, for ahe called the radios and afghans for conClub will meet Wednesday at conference in valescents in the armed services the first New'house Hotel at 430 p m. - 1902. An organization was form-e- d Six thousand such gifts have al for dessert luncheonMrs Glen-Fat this time which, in 1941, rdady been provided by Alpha na Sutton-I- s hostess and reser- throughout changed its name to National "Panhellenic Congress "By cTAtessTo THESE WOMEN!" At the monthly Alpha Phi at the meeting, held Monday home of Mrs. Barbara Vorse Hoag. 2306 Sunnyslde Ave. - Mrs. John D. Gates, local president, presided, and Mra. John M. Boutwell, state Alpha Phi alumnae chairman gave a re port on the new chapter house which will be at 1386 Butler. 5 Members connected with the" faculty of the University of Utah are Miss Elizabeth Hayes, physical education department, Mra Charles "E. McLennan- ,- wife of Dr, -- McLennan of the .school of Rosser Hol-- medicine, and Mrs Matson, wife of Lt Com. r loway Matson of the Naval ROTC. Oth-ialumnae In Salt Lake Include - Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. Joe" Gump, Mrs S W. Johnson Mrs -- D D. Kirkpatrick, Mrs Richard Sleeter, Mrs. R. E Wilkins, Miss , Marlon Lois Hiskey and Mrs. . Nelda Talbert, -- tChspter Locations t Listed In the order of their founding, Alpha Phi has the collegiate chapters: Syra- ruse -- University, Northwestern University, DePauw University, " Cornell University, University of Minnesota, Gouctier-;Colleg- e, Boston University. University of Michigan, University of WisconDont mind my husband. Mister Hes Insanely jealous of sin, University of California at Neof my riding around nights in a cab with strange men. i Berkeley, University A Lovely Smart ,y .. Miss Noma Roberts, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. F Roberts; 2288 So 21srEasViir-betng-ex-tensivcl- U rganize-Qt-U-- of Inter-sorori- grim t 'ToiF'JiTiYdygdtTeffotiTetephmirnrn)rrirrrAnd--yo'. . friends for slnply months uiv.H hen Uun L. of youL, theyre Toundin&trp a hen jusaccLJJiaL-BCOTidont 111 e lr lnyoirblfif von any more.' But they oniu jucciL reminding hat uourc on the maj And distinctly mad able. fa :NewNationarSororityto: ouve'Lovedind hos73odaipManm I Star tPerkingEAgainP ServlctrBoard!arStephens Typical of the costume fur with dressmaker details Is this beautiful broadtail coat on Mandarin lines. Note the ease and charm of the collarless neckline, the sleeves with Miss Beth Nielson, wose approaching marriage to Stanley R. Renshaw is an nounced." f -- fee - - When Capt Lawrence S. Cannon returned to Salt Lake fromihe Philippines where he served as an army doctor, his wife who fs also a doet6f,"an8 their two children, Larry and Betty, came from Keyser, W, Va., to meet him . . . They are staying with Dr. Cannon's mother, Mrs Sylverter Q. Cannon, 29 South State. , . Doctor Cannon has received his discharge. James. 2730 Hyland Drive at a familv dinner Sunday. . . . Boyd was recently discharged from the naval air corps. HONORS of 'Rendezvous in Salt Lake ?m WINS hermatron t J d AGAIN Caron, daughter of .Mr. and as has-pho- sen j honor Mrs. Roland Renshaw. Bridesmaids will be Miss Nicky Speakman, Miss Geraldine Howell Roland Renshaw and Miss Beverly Nielson.-anwill serve as best man for his brother. Thbride-elec- t is a former student at the University of I Uh where she was affiliated with Lambda Delta Sigma. After a honeymoon in California, the newlyweds will make their temporary home in Shoemaker, Calif , where Mr. Renshaw vfciU report for further naval duty. A motor machinist mate, first class, he recently returned from overseas after serving two years in the South Pacific. Indianapolis, Indi arrived Mrs. Donald A. Poulton to stay with her parents Dr. and Mrs. MT D. Bringhurst, 1452 Michigan Ave , until Lt. Poulton receives further army orders? . . He is -- i Date - Set Altar- - an Orchid CMP Then's tow xdttmnri, He, Transform-eg Shedis 1 4 and 5. la Feeds It Wist a |