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Show 6 THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Nov. Probe - - 27. 1943 Stowaway Brides Defended by Solon - Hull Assails ed Under Hull said S. Fleet have had ence on Germans. questioning by Lucas, the presence of the U. at Pearl Harbor must some restraining influthe Japanese and the - another Observlngrat point that "diplomatic influence is not mili- much stronger than the strength behind it, the tary " former cabinet official said that If the United States and Great Britain had been strong militarily in 1933 Jihey could have prevented Hitler from expanding rind:'the Japancse from entering China. Advised Army, Navy to questioning, that he did his best to keep the war and navy - departments advised of the crisis - as December 7 approached. also Senator George drew from the former secretary affirmation of these statements: ; 1. That Hull told fellow cabinet members on November that (D-G- a) r anattaekanywhereby Japan, at any time was threatened. 2. That on November 25 he told a war council meeting that he Japanese were already poised for a tack and the safety with the rested the country pt army and navy. S, That on November 28- - he reiterated the statement to another war council meeting, stressing the element of possible - - -- . surprise. Hull was applauded by the au- - dience as he . left the witness atand and made his way slowly to the door. Grew Becalled 1 Former' Ambassa fffif Grew, ic- suming his testimony, was questioned by Senator Ferguson about correspondence the Ambassador had with the late President Roosevelt in December, 1940., Ferguson recalled that Grew wrote Mr.' Roosevelt that the question is not whether we call - - hslt-t- othe --Japanese- program but when. Grew read from his records . that Mr. Roosevelt replied that he was In decided agree- - hard and fast plans could not be .laid down, asked whether Ferguson Grew letter meant that he saw in the near future a war between the United States and Japan. ' The witness-repli- ed d that he was doing all he could to pi event war. He said the possibility then of a clash with Japan need not have been a military clash. No Bluff Suspected, . Grew said he 1never thought that Japan was bluffing and so advised Washington. Former Secretary Hull, telling of, hia JasL.ineeting with the Japanese peace envoys Dec. 7, 1941, said that the White House called him about noon that day with report that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor but his informant was mot able to con-fifit immediately. Japs. Talk Peace n aroserHull said, whether he should receive the he . should leave open the one chance in 10 that the reported attack had not taken place. Hull said he wenlTTrito the meeting to find that the Japanese delegates were talking peace, peace, peace. Because of the report he had received, Hull said he "felt like taking liberties jn -- talking- wijh them about their government that would have been a little undiplomatic in ordinary times. ) asked Rep. Cooper Hull for his estimate of Saburo Kurusu andKichisaburoNo-mura- , the Japanese envoys. The former secretary said it was his belief that both knew that during the negotiations they were here primarily to prevail on us. to abandon our doctrines and policies and yield entire control of the Pacific west red-ta- O y 'Xf gray-haire- - portant House committee on immigration, in a telephone interview. It fs outrageous to keep the foreign wives of our servicemen, and their children, away, from husbands and "fathers "In this country. Unless the Senate acts quickly on my. bill to provide suitable transportation for these women we'll soon have a host of such stowaways. (London newspapers reportracket In ed a " which British girls were charged 1000 for being hidden in sail for -- troopships sbout to America.) Rep. Dickstein would not say whether he planned to intercede In behalf of the two British girls. He would not mention Kath-- - - bride-smuggli- m - -- (D-Te- leenMoodylheJJO-yearpl- un- d icials-d- pe non-quo- ta 1 non-whi- m -- tails. mm EAT --TH ES E married English blonde who on the Europa with 5569 ar-riv- ed S0LDJFR:CRFFTSSTOWAWAYmWIFEj BABYPyt. Ralph J. Maresco, 24, of Corona, NT"Y greels his wife and in Boston, who their son, Joseph Ralph -t- eight-months-o- ld of stowed away- - in troopship from ficials said Mrs. Maresco, 25, a native of Birkenhead, would be allowed to stay with her husband pending settlement of their ease. (AP Wirephoto). of Hawaii, including India and whether Nomura and Kurusu the trade routes, to Japan. knew definitely that Pearl HarMust Have Known bor w"as to be attacked" v He added, however, that interThey were here to clear the way for Japan to go forward on cepted messages showed the her plan of conquest without I Japanese envoys were instructfighting," Hull declared. think these two gentlemen must ed by Tokyo as early as Nov-.-2have.been morally certain, if not 1941, to continue talking with were in earnabsolutely so. that their govern- us as though theywere not- .- ment was going on if they did est, though they hot clear the way they must have known that the Japanese miliRobins, now usually half tame tary forces were going on- - any-ho- and preferring suburban to forest life, have become stupid and " Hull said he didnt - know lazy in manycases. England,-Immigratio- n w, , roopr'Mondvrnor--wpvld-immi gration officials here permit the girl to be seen at Ellis Island. --"Bui" theTcongressmarrspoke warmly of Mrs. Winifred M. Maresco, 25, who stepped off a troopship at Boston with her old son Joe. Pvt. Ralph J. Maresco, of New York, raced to Boston where his wife was paroled In his custody for 30 day pending further investigation. ne Mrs. Maresco must have-gohere hell, getting through with that baby. Rep. Dickstein - said. My heart goes out to - .... her. . Mis Moodv. who arrived on the Europa, will face board later this week to plead her case. to set aside certain ships for war brides passed the House" some weeks t: closed their loot of nearly $110,-00- 0 is buried in Los Angeles County and in danger of being washed away by imminent winter rains. U. S.'Atty Charles' H. Carr told newsmen that FBI agents have intercepted notes between the defendants, John J. Uckele, Camden, N. J., and Stanley Matysek, Niagara Falls, N. Y., expressing fear of loss of the money they are alleged 'tiFhavc stolen frqm the bank messengers last July 30. Carr said the notes gave no indication of its whereabouts. The two are charged with kidnaping the messengers. Thurston1 M. Patterson and Victor Lohn, and leaving them in an isolated section after robbing them e4he money they wer taking to- the Lockheed Aircraft Co. for cashing pay checks. these fine families, the congressman said. As matters now stand, the foreign white wife of any 'American citizen is eligible to enter the United States under a status." The congressman also hopes to speed legislation which would enable U'., S. servicemen who te married girls in North Africa, Indig, China and the South Pnelfie beureunited with them tn this country. They are all fine girls, Dick-stesaid. I mean to see that they, as well as the white girls, get permission to come here just to the nearest consul and supplying the needed deing federal-o- ff robbery-- a 7 ' a global one for which Payroll Grab LOS ANGEELES (AP) went on trial in U. S. district court here today on charges of armed kidnaping and NEW YORK (INS) Two beautiful British girls who stowed away in U. S. troopships and landed in the arms of immigration officials Instead f the GI s they love, found a strong champion "today in Rep. Samuel (love willfihda way) Dick-stein, (D) N. Y. I dont blame them at all for ago but has hit a snag in the Senate, becoming Jtowawkys,'! said the j My aim is to cut the imthe heads who congressman that is holding up the reunion of TnenFwtth you- r- conclusions but that the whole problem was U. S. Victory Bonds ctndO. P. S. Foods both are good vestments. Buying extra victory Bonds now will aid our wounded and assure you future security. Buying O. P. S. 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Dslicious llc Pkg, Oiallire7::1 Large Green Peppers Bordens OrlginaL Nucoa lb. 8c Celery Apples m tflljrjhrsv Spinach GLASS CLEANER Belli.,, urn PEANUT 9v Noodle Soup Mix Ilp,on'oc A9& 3 Pkgs BLUHILL Clearex Quality Cream of Wheal lb. 9c Monk Seedless Large Busches ;'Hr0c m, Caa 12 eft nest - & - efreshest Pillsbisry '"1Qa Carton. ei. -- 9to $ 20 c Cam 19c Pancake Flour I.Tk, '18c DEVILED 3 Cheese Spread 14 ttD f Vegelablei. Honey Butter, cans 39c top 7 Helm. Blralned S OR. CIOM 3E S5EU317E1 2 oz. can Baby Food Macarourirrljic; Pkg. Cook- Quaker Quick ing or Regular h.) THURS. L Hot OPEN TIL 9 P. M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AND-T-It 10 R;Mr SATURDAY & in- -- FS Prices Effeclive TUES., WED. Be Home For Christmas ' (AP) U. S. PARIS in the troops European theater of operations who have 65 discharge points can expect to be Two home by Christmas. In By Bob Considine Inquiry Report (Continued From Pace IF testify before the army board, but had furnished it with some ' documents. He igaid he had been gratuitl-ousl- y brought into the report, apparently on the theory that To jo and the military element moving absolutely with Hitler on world conquest were not doing so and were not guilty, and that this peaceful government . . with no two ocean navy, forced peace-mindTojo and Hitler, that bunch of saboteurs, into to 65-Point- Vets Go on Trial Fkg. 23c 14SI SOUTH MAIN SUGARHOUSE S01 SOUTH MAIN MURRAY TOOELE Ml SOUTH STATE |