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Show o Dr. Bennion Alcoholics- Anonymous Hold Meet - Appeals for Bond Buyin spread all over the world and since 1939 has helped 18,000 persons. The size of Alcoholics ing of 'Alcoholics Anonymous Anonymous, he declared, "ini from Salt Lake City and Ogden creases in geometric ratio as last mght at the Newhouse Hp-- I each one' of us helps another." The modern concept of alcotel. , They and a few other invited holism, he said, is that it is an outsiders heard'an anonymous allergy, like hay fever 'or diaspeaker" whose trouble had been betes. doubled because of a natural afJust as a diabetic canrjot live fliction and the acquired one of if he" takes sugar, so will an al"AA" alcoholism explained what coholic die if he continues to is by stating what it is not. take alcohol. There is no cure Alcoholics Anonymous," he except to stop drinking. said, is not prohibition, reform,, And that, he continued, is cure. We do not crusade, because the . first step. Drinking is a you can't push a man into symptom of alcohol as stranWe help those who ask gling is a symptom of diphthefor it, by helping others we help ria. An alcoholic must admit ourselves.he .is one, quit drinking, and The organization, he said, does then find we are here-t- o help instead not seek members, but i him. sends up stgnarilares sblhal Alcoholics Anonymous workf those who need help- - can know when will power, hospitals, - where to get it. psychiatry and' religion "We don t coax or cajole anyin the ordinary sense fail. one to get on our rah. Alcohol We enter upon a relationship is no respecter of persons. ,To with our Creator, Belief in the must seek a victim get honor God, us outadmithe ispowerless powerand above willingness, all humility and esty, to overcome the urge to drink. destruction of We'lJ help him face it. is our creed. said6 AAL has The speaker Governor Speaks Thefirst : of the three guest Masons Continuespeakers was Gov. Herbert B a man of1 the cloth and a man of medicine attended and spoke at a gatherA statesman, A special appeal to spur lagging bond sales was made by Dr. Adam S. Benhion at the Rotary luncheon meeting at noon today in the Hotel Utah Lafayette ballroom., He pointed out the need' for bond buying, is great, to finance hospitalization for the wounded, j to bring the boys home, to terminate war contracts, and to educate the veteran, promised by the bill of rights. The five hundred million, or half billion dollars, in Utah banks today is largely made up , of individual savings accounts, he asserted. "This amount is larger than at any time in the state's history.' If each citizen would convert even a part of his savings into bonds, which art; just as much a liquid asset and , draw larger interest, the goal -- would be surpassed immediate ly, Dr. Bennion said. He challenged Rotary niem-- " Tiers, as heads of institutions and" f industry, to cooperate fully in the drive and stand behind the stateand nation; It would be possible to meet Utah's goal ( CHAMPIONS HONORED withouneaving this room, he Trophy emblematic of the Utah State class B football chamis presented to Bud Jones,""captain" of the" Victorious Binghani High School added, so'lef tis take holdTmdJ pionship help dq- - the job. eleven, by W, P. Miller, left, Ogden High principal and state - high school activity 'Melvin L. Dyewas in charge fromJeft,:..Bingam High roacli, and H. T. Godfresypresidcnt-o- f 'olfhe progi'am, which"ihcrud!njf' the Jordan district bqard of education, watch presentation ceremonies at noon today. the rendition of the bond song -'- Coming Home, written by Lor in F. Wheelwright, and perform ed by a vocal trio. Reed E HoIfT of the Walker Bank 5ncCTrust Co , was- - inter- viewed by Mr.Dye and Newell "B. Dayton on the subject of --bonds as an investment.. -- W. P. Miller of Ogden, chair- BINGHAM ( Special The luncheon meeting was ' in a an interest of active to the Utah High School man was Tribute BingTaking today paid concluded with a 'film preview, problem which greatly .concernsham.High. School's state Class B Activities - Association, - pi esent them the problem of compulfootball champions by students, ed the championship trophy to the school officials, loyal townspeo- Bud Jones, captain of the team. sory military training--i- s newly-organiThe celebration' included, in -- Sosuth High ple, and visitors from other-e-d School debate club ucational institutions in an ass- addition to the assembly, a mat'and the embly-in The boys- -a the high school audi- inee. victory dance, held. in. the this week's questorium. high school gymnasium. School girl'against, was dismissed during the afttion on military training: ernoon hours, The club, composed mostly of Barber Shop Coaches senior speech students, - meets Principal speakers at the aswere Horace T. Godfrey, every other Tuesday to debate a sembly Air On Again Tonight president of the Board of Edunew question on current events. to Barber Shop Coaches," (Veterans are encouraged cation of the Jordan School disDebaters, "under direction of uae these columns .for FREE the only radio sports show teacher, trict, Ike Armstrong, head footEnglish Harvey, Myrth WANT AD service In seeking not that gives the fan a chance ball coach of the University of Only debate formally but to express himself, is on the employment.) ) and Arthur E. "Peterson, discus- in round-tabl- e Utah, engage ii in KSL- t Employers tonight-over of the Jordarr meettheir at "superintendent sions scan these columns for the type Sponsored by The Deseret School district. Principal T, H . ings. of men they are seeking to News and station KSL, of McMulhn acted as master Among those participating in is Barber- - Shop Coaches Ploy.) Cleo are clubs ceremonies, activities OFFICE WORK: heard regularly at 9:45 p.m. of . Mr. oaeh of the . championship an tsjoblor Saturdays only. every Tuesday: 574 Mrs. Elm and Sanlisteven, introteam, EW. Gibson, . Three Prefers office work. Call "Mr prominentSalt duced Bailey to the student son of Mr. the Ken Goates, Ave.; players Shubrick the at are enthusiasts Lake ApartStrong sports 1783 and Mrs. F. R, Goates, body and" guests. ments after 6 p.m. on hand every week to com1700 East Street, and Chris Apostle, student body pete against each other on TRUCK DRIVING: - Veteran, South was in charge of the Smurthwalte, president, daughter Dorothy to sports questions and 26, wants inside work or, truck of Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Smurth-wait- e, which included, in assembly - Permanent. Jlsound.otf.JEenerailyfiLlht "driving:1065 DenverStreet. "faitiorrwthr trophy-presesports picture. 12T Gordon Lane, Murray. and visiting speakers, several will be Heard tonight RADIO: Veteran, single, 27, musical numbers and short talks Thornton Adrian Morris, First Radiotelephone holding by members of local civic orPembroke and Stephen Class License.desires employ; ganizations. Feature of the Dunford. - ment with broadcasting station .musical " program was a male Be sure to tune in BarTwo years amateur operating quartet .composed of members ber Shop Coaches tonight A federal court-ju- ry today 4 four years- experience maintain- considered from the football squad 9:45 over KSL. at customs of the the R. W. Mr. Armstrong, in delivering ing radar equipment. Orient in a Verd(ct which. the address to the squad Sharp. .376 North, Second West -- MrsGosuke for their Phone Tobari, proprietors of the Realty ormances. He set STUDENT WORKERr Hotel of "attempting to bribe a down five points characterizing - year-ol- d veteran attending Uni- federal officer. the successful athlete as follows; The defendants admitted that versity, desires stock or light brains, a desire to win, the powwork. Full time to Dec IQ, they left a package containing the federal The: corridors .of afternoons and evenings there- - ten $10 bills and a carton of ciga-re- ts building yesterday and today er in,within ones self-- to exert self muscular coordination, after. Moderate typist, William at UieTiome of an OPA .in- were packed as "hundreds or and to be able to come off the Henry, 840 South Sixth East St. vestigator charged with placing persons, including many field "with the respect of your Telephone ceilingsfoy Toorns in the j ed service men andyvomen, opponents. Veteran,- - hoteL soughlr civiLsemceziSbs XOOKSHELPER: it was argued before the jury At the same time the civil 24, desires employment as cook's assistant.- - Twoyear- s- experience that in the Orient it is universal service officials say they have as army cook Willing to leave custom when a person comes be- 2000 jobs to fill and that they can not find workers urgently townr Write Lester Wolfe. Gen-er- fore a magistrate or a governGIFT SUGGESTIONS ment official that he must come needed.' Delivery, Ogden. bearing-presetsJ esNeeded much very today, CLERICAL: Married veteran Throw Huqs Minora pecially at the Ft. Douglas separwith , two years B. V. U., two ation-center, - Blanket -- Shay- - Hugt Sells are experienced RFGAgency clerical schpol expeyears army No typists are in the typists. Tabic Lamps Pillow clerical Bd rience, seeks permanent lines of those seeking jobs. - - position in Salt Lake. - Write Surplus Equipment Stand Vanity Lampt Likewise needed at the VetQuantities of laundry qulp-mep. Wayne Kerr, 210 North State St., Vasss erans Sets Wall Racks ls here and at Hospital industrial sewing - r .Salt J, Tables . Cocktail over the nation-a- re hos- Figurines "and platform 'portable deDRIVER: Veteran TRUCK Occasional Odd Tables rderlids and kitchen counter scales, declared sur-- e pital sires temporary employment as and Chairs Child's Rockers workers. Veterans have first FinReconstruction the by plus - delivery truck driver for grocery ance Corporation, today were choice for these jobs. Hassocks Pictures Lamp Shades! or department store, or would offered for sale re.They-- ' wont take them, lothe through marked Clark N. Stohl, civil accept service station work. Edd cal agency in the Dooly BuildAll These and Many More service public relations officer. Hawlik,- 267 G St., S. L. C. ing, Gerald L. Leaver, manager, SERVICE STATION: Return' said ed veteran wants to lease going The material, purchased dur- Club Holds Meeting .... service station in .city armed - The Knights of the Round Ta ing, the- war for - the FURNITURE CO. " .Has managerial experience with forces, is both new and used, ble met for their weekly lunch, personnel. Phone Proro is Murray and 'much of it jtill in the eon at noon today at the Hotel Sugarhouss Leaver ex- Utah, with FresidenUHarry D. original packlpgMr. plained. Pugsley jn charge. County Commission " Students Debate EootbalL Trainingilssue: -- ?onors zed mm?: are-urg- ed fo-da- air-aga- -- Veteran, - I R.Br-Baw---s- nt Jury Considers Orient Customs K 19439 - THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 27, Hundreds Seek Federal Jobs la-b- or - - astating problems facing man- kinds He explained the popular belief that alcohol is a stimulant is false, that it is really a depres- of a person it destroys the finer instincts of his nhfure: judgment, reason, kindness, sym- pathy, brotherliness. After it destroys these he said, "it goes after more functional parts of our bodies, the heart and other vital orgjns With the alcoholic there is no censorship of. the higher qualities; alcohol depresses the better instincts of man. fr. Marshall declared that al-- n all medical men agree they have not been very successful in the treatment of alcoholism. We fail where Alcoholics .t succeeds because po doctor can be as understand- ing as you can be; few physi- cians have suffered from the maladies they treat." hereisTiff better therapeutic.' ' treatment." The leader of the group spoke present briefly tq the 100-oafter the three men finished. He said because all - member? of "AA are anonymous it cannot be contacted except by writing-tAnonymous r I - dd . pos office boxes. We stand by to help," he - . . de- clared earnestly. There are two groups in Salt Lake City (No. 2 sponsored the meeting last night) and two in Ogden. Thet post office box numbers are: Salt Lake City: 1414 and Ogden: 1288 and 1251. 1862. our-hel- - Four-Da- y. Maw Extra Heavy Retinned COOKING UTENSILS r don't know he said, o any other occasion in my life when--1 have been so- - moved -- as Reunion. tish Rite Masons of the inter- - kind eould find' themselves, (jis- cover and than 100 members of blue dngsand then-a- sk 4heJielp-o- L lodges throughout the state re-- God as you do the world would pro- - no doubt be $ success." ceiving degree? during gram. He commended them oh theft Feature of the reunion, which nerve and courage,-thef- t humilopened yesterday at the Masonity, and said he knew of no othic Temple, 650 East South Temer instance so definitely in harple St , will be conferring of the mony with the Christian prin32nd degreeTbursday afternoon ciple that to seek help is to find and presentation of airama, it. ; The second' speaker was the Masonry and Patriotism, after the reunion banquet urndheeve-- : --bishop of the Catholic diocese of Salt ning. James W. Collins, deputy for Lake- .the supreme council in Utah, is . Bishop Hunt said he had directing the reunion, aided by naturally been a little reluctant heads of the four coordinate to come and speak to the group bodies andthree newly elected because of its uniqueness but 33rd degree Masons: J. G. Tit-le- y that after hearing the first testiand S P. Dobbs, Ogden, and mony" he had realized the AA" Frederick C.. Loofbourow, Salt code as being essentially ChrisLake. tian theology and recognizes that Ogden members opened the without help of Gol human reunion with conferring of the ; are lost. fourth degree underairecnbn of In- an analogy of the fight of George F. Meissner and B. J man downward pull Finch. H. M. Jones and E. A. of sinagainst theHunt said man Bishop the fifth Bjorklund supervised fights! conflict between Ideal? and conduct. David L. Stine di.rected conferThe downward pull," he deof the sixth degree. ring forces facets of lour lowclared, In charge of the ninth degree er natures to the surface; It is were Jed F. Wooley Jr. and R, thanthe stronger upward pull. A. Marriott. Also communicated nature is whipped and were the seventh, eighth and Human ri te.JwlDiQut.-th- e. :hthrougfitheT3rrr degreesr help of God, Salvation comes as the reThief Obtains $809 sult of" God's grace and mans cooperation. From Safeway Store "And that, he emphasized, I? Theft of a money bag containwhaUAlcoholics AnonymousHa ing $8Q9.4Ifrom the checking domgJly blessing is with you stand of the Safeway store, 710 The last speaker, Dr. H. L. South State, was being investiMarshall, acting dean of the gated by police today. University of Utah school of Thetheft-occurre- d sometime medicine, told that between (T a.m. and lp.m. Sat- alcoholism Is onAef the two or - -- three most dangerous and dev- urday. SullabU Jor houiaheld mining .cafeterias, etc. uit er comps, ior hotels, heueee, bearding : he CAKE PAN Hound 50e 10 Inch $Us7 STRAINER 335, SAUCf PAN 0 Inclr Six tVfc KETTLE I 35 1050 Dp. Inch Gallon Slse With Lid. KETTLE . . 1 350 10 Gallon Size With Lid. be-in- gs - - Steel FEHCE-POS- TS 7 Limited Supply 64 Fool Length With Anchor Each r the-gro- OPEN A C H A R G E A C C 0 U N T AT HARDWARE APPLIANCES SPORTING GOODS up 207 SOUTH STATE ST. PHONE 6J - to-w- al n -- -- nt, Lake.. hos-pita- ma-chin- es, GRANITE -- Considers Requests , Still under advisement today were requests submitted to the Salt Lake County commission yesterday by OfWr Richards Jry Holladay Lions Club and business men representative. The requests, asked appointment of a full-tim- e deputy sheriff for Holladaji, county aid in decorating the community for Christmas and enlargement of at county bridges, located South and Second Forty-fift- h , St-.Dr. and East Highland South St., and Forty-fift- h Walker Lane and Highland Dr. 4, .v a The real .ws ws u tc e subsistence expenses, expected to amount to were $300, approximately ' granted City Attorney E. Ray commisChristensen by the city sion today. Mr. Christensen will attend the annual convention of Municipal Law Officers of the United States to be held in "Washington, D. C. Dec. 2, 3, 4, and 5. The city attorney is a director in the national organi isation. lake-hom- 99. e -- rif jdoren apdjiutterjnd bread andshoes and shirts double, then triple, in price. That's tht trouble with the theory that you If wages go up and output does not living can increase buying pou er simply by raising costs rise. Then a man may be no better off wagei. than he was in the first place The most important thing isnt what a man As a matter of fact, he may biworse of. wee- kBecause thats the ; start of the inflation - makjn wages per The most important thing is how much ht spiral with its mounting cyclone of con the can buy with the wages he makes, fusion. And once . spiral starts prices 'two ahead of keep wages. usually jumps e that counts isnt what d "and ? -- jjf - . take-hom- PRODUCTS FOI AtCCtEANFNG NEEDS Dormitory Gets $400 City commissioners today approved appropriation of $400 tothe BPOE No. 85 for mainte-Tiance of the - Elks serviceman dormitory during the months of ; --November and December. j MS City Atfprney Oiven Convention Expenses .Trintl V ' f j i AT yOURMKHORHOOD' STO&E It doesnt help to have $2 to spend instead of $1, if eggs go to $1, then $1.50,jhen $2 a really you take home in pay, but what you can take home from the store! GENERAL MOTORS si r |