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Show - Hidden Arming y Nazis Told j British; Report Six Truman Program! Jews Killed Battle Fishbein Scores THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 27. Vinson Pledges 19455 Knudsen Urges Military Training WASHINGTON (AP) committee, because Tm s: Knudsen, General military rot a military man." He Mid, executive who directed however, he believed young the army's production program, men shoul.d be given the techNEW YORK Dr (INS) (AP)--- A JERUSALEM British corprminique said today INDIANAPOLIS (AP) advocated one year of universal nical and mechanical training Sec- - which charges, the Nazi leaders , NUERNBERG (AP) Morri$ Fishbein, editor of the that six Jews were killed and a number wounded a gun Secretary of Fred M military training today as a needed in modern warfare. ret Germkn activity to violate battle yesterdav between British troops and armed Jews at Vinson made Treasury One year of military life as it clear today that boon to democracy and the nathe Versaillesxpeace treaty by Kfar Hogla after fesidents had attacked police who were search- tion s young manhood. proposed by President JTruman fiscal government the undercover destruction of a opened tomorrow when the court policy He no js had view therniTr he Said, would teach youths the 1uthr lng the Jewish. settlement T ' a f pointed Toward maintaining gik disclosed andthe defendants will itary value of peacetime con-- r fundamentals of handling themof reg,njenuUon thtf led to i Unofficial reports placed the ,ow ,,nterMt ra,M prf'enl ' totalitarianism in Germane. 'Ion, he told the House selves if they go Into wan" today by American prpescutors of Nazi horror camps. toll of yesterday's disturbances Vinson took apparent note in at the war crimes trial of 20 In an address to the aixth au- - in the Jewish area of Palestine By WARREN GOODRICH- a ,speech prepared for the What they will see is disna-Stat- e Nazi leaders the national at nine. Jews killed and at least I Chamber ofCom-merc- e X doubtedly . the ,mostsickening - lnua Dr Fnh- - 75 wounded. and the Indiana war ficommittee, physicians, The German naval command, record of human depravity ever bent vigorously condemned the nance committee of recent sugofficial documents Palestine appeared calm to- -' 'bocVes president s revealed, xbecorded on film in banking circles lhat proposal. gestions Coun-4 as foresaw as early September, stacked Jtike cordwood'1 awaiting - He predicted that the Ameri- day. The Jewish National loan fates be increased slightly half-howork stop-- ! In his first public statement 1938, that the Reichs rise to huge Cremation furnaces after can worker may find himself cii called a on the subject since he succeeded power would finallv result in same boat as the German page as a token of mourning the in disgas chamber, for the dead war against half or more of the firing squads, Henry Morgenthau Jr. last July, ease and starvation -- had -- taken worker did with wage deducThe General Federation of world. Vinson said it must be rememe tions more than toll their Jewish Labor cabled a Strongly The portions of the admiralbered that the burden (of the j The enforced absence of Sir pay to the British Laworded protest ty files forecasting another public debt) would be much .Let the people of our country-r- bor Party and British and United 'chief British world war were made public Hartley Shaw cross,week-brouealize he said, 'that the Stales labor greater if --the level of Interest prosecutor, this organizations. by American prosecutors, but about rates were only slightly higher movement lor the of to placing the decision Tension subsided gradually as Tnierfupt were not read in court and He added . American medicine under con- British supwithdrew from the troops as a result will not form part the presentation of evidence A policy of low interest rates porting the indictment s first trol of the federal government trouble zone north of JTel Aviv of the evidence. a svstem of federal comclearly benefits the taxpayer bv concount through that the defendants a The British had thrown .cordon Declaring that preparation making possible a lower level of Hitler and other Nazi pulsory sickness insurance is the around six Jewish villages yesmust be made for w'ar, one offi- spired with to wage aggressive war. first step toward a regimentation terday, and, armed with government leaders expenditures, consef mortars decial German navy document qtientlv a lower, level of taka-thwill stop tem- of utilities, of industries, of fi- and machtnegunx and supported clared: War against England This presentation than would otherwise he and eventually of labor by tanks, had entered the vilmeans at the same time war porarily at the end of todays ses- nance Itself. X possible. More important, low lages in 'search of persons re- against the empire, against sion. interest rates wijT be a stimulatsponsible for attacks on coast ranee, probably against Rus- - Will Resume Monday ing forcetnpthe economy genwas" stations. The cordon guard sia as well, and a laige num37th Units le erally, athey will make it Dunng the remainder of the lifted 'last night. ber of countries overseas, in fdr. the home-b-- uy er to get week It is likely the evidence w ill Due Home on Dec. 3 The sudden outbreak of dem- -fact a gainst one half to two x"be more house value'- for each dol- devoted to war" crimes Next Mammy! rtmstrationg after the village thirds of the whole world.' on the con- flar oj monthly payment, foi o were blocked off for tbe seareh .t SAN FRANCISCO la id ...before Monday the hearing were Documents JAPI " state and local taxpayers to get The aWv announced today first waslaid to retaliation against the the tribunal as evi- sought a refuge m the Jewish more schools and more hospitals dence that, from his eailiest with Shawcross, who will have units of the 37th Buckeye" in- British seizure recently of a homeland returned by then from London, fantry division-are (on their tax- - dotlarsrpandtor Greek- - ship whleh- - was earry ing --days of power.-Hitle- r -- falsified .As we foretold, - a - policy du rlaLftacerns statement of .5chejuJed:ifl.iTlve-JijSrP-,DC-- -l tentatively illegal immigrants. and public ty publie reports of battleship ton- - giving the opening whrch-prerenJ'ews'from enter- utility Memberrof'tfie' from the Philippine Islands. companies to get more ha gef,bu rrrtsubma rTnes' VScr a establishes and Armed Deny evBeing Palestyvd ing for every dollar of their crews m isolated Butish staff will present trained Only high point men of the huntsdown Jews plant rcgimewbiclr fixed charges " The Jewish labor organizhideouts in Spain, Finlan- d- and idences nrtheconspiracyor"ag division are comingihome, the - have is who entered already Vinson coupled with--a general t Holland and rebuilt the German gression against Poland, the low army ssid Low point, men wer" ation; protest, sent to the British bound to a - --countries and Norway-.-- U.'S. Congress review of federal financing, a and given occupa-- " Labnrpai'ty.the 'aTr"force"ifnrter"ihegutse'"rif screeheTout to s, -- commercial aviation program. Eai her, Goeringof and J3or fuller participation in power to plea in your the American Federation of La- do everything Reichsmarshal Hermann Goer-- orously when Alderman quoted " current the victory loan. a avert catastrophe bor said. lng and Grand Admiral Erich the former German air chief as Raeder grinned broadly at one telling a London Daily Mail TO Purchase StfiCl It should be clearly under- Ask Shops Close man or. The Jew ishNational Council point as Assistant Prosecutor correspondent that the German stood that not -SYDNEY SeveraT woman gatheredifjsingle Sidney S -Alderman -read -fromJ -mr - foree was ptirely-defens- iv fAP) in the settle- called upon all shops and fac--Australian motor body- building ments cafried orused arms of lories to close In todays token a list of instructions to Nazi di- The prosecutor-sai- d plomats on ways to parry quesprove later that Nazi leaders firms have been authorized to anyefnd. Their opposition to the stoppage, and for all traffic to tions of other countries about had other intentions rch was fully in harmony halt in the entire Jewish sector purchase 7500 tons of steel from the Reich's rearmament proThe court adjourned for the United States manufacturer; with the declared policy of of Palestine. The time of the . gram. day at 4 30 p.m. (10 30 a m. government sources disclose!" (Palestine Jewry)-tore-si- st stoppage was not publicly anthe seizure of Jews who have nounced. EST). day, Start Far Back The instructions apparently cause the defendants considerAlderman able amusement," commented to the court. Charging that German scheming to violate the Versailles Treaty started soon after World War 1" Alderman submitted documents which he said proved that in the very month that Tfitler came into power, the Gerto mH. Wto imtMm I man navy proposed building a M IM wwuirViWfXw m Ito rgreatsrms industryby selling -. iiAisI iivm munitions to other nations. comii mn. The proposal was made in a recommendation signed by Raeder in 1933, he said. The Ger man admiral listened attentively as Alderman read off another memorandum, dated uTj934, in . Raedera which handwriting said' Low Money Rate William Motors j j seeJaSFd rtr Animal Crackers I ur take-hom- ght hj . Infantry four-pow- pps-sib- er -- inj -- -- j at to-le- ad- nodded-vlgKioh'd'ut- ieX r Industrial-Organization- msruTVRE is m -- - YOUR WINDS! Yi-sh- A 0VALT I W FACAIEo12 ..2 2 0 REAMitWH chief-- el -- the navy expresses the opinion that later on the fleet must anyhow be developed to oppose England. . . . The fuehrer demands to keep construction of JU-bo- EAT com--plete- ly secret-also- -li ration of the Saar plebiscite." Aim At Treaty Alderman also presented a secret document detailing early - the Rhme- plans to land in violation of theJVer- sailles Treaty an act jwhich Hitler carries out without oppo aition in 1935. Listing step by step German dominatio- n- of Europe, Assistant U. S. Prosecutor Sidney S. Alderman said the early schemes were - of modest origin and fantastic nature but developed into a real threat with the rise of Hitler. nr plans-for-Rei- . 23: 4 fcr 33s 1 BiiiM OWEFLOUH subrr Pkg..-2- SYRUP D .r Scully. laUlalloa Gi.-.ft- -: 15 I MATCHES CONSTIPATION J - -- r ation? Then letter SillHOLA'.r, . Then 1 tned 8 ALL-BKAand after the Brat trial experienced relief ' I now ant eWi-jKELLOGGS day a. part at my regular diet. The eufferinn from aoaetipation hare nmahed add I am everjoyrd at feeling like a new person at the are of 2. I am paeeing thie newe long to that pi here who nra an String may j6nd relit f,...Mra.. Hralrjoa .k!ererr-2k- IBawthernn Are., Newark. N. J . KELLOGG You, too, may never need ether harsh laxative, if your an- con- -' stipation is due to lack of bulk in the diet. Just eat a di.-- h of delicious KELLOGGS every day, and drink plenty of water. If not satisfied after a trial, tend empty carton to Kellogg of Battle Creek and get 'dottki your money book! ALLBRAN l not a purgative, its a wholesome food made from the vital outer Dryers of wheat. It proALL-BRA- N ai gentle-aqtin- g bulk, which Get et your grocer. It's made by Kelloggi of Battle Creek sad Omaha. ALL-BRA- 37c . .: .. women whojhavtNvanted Peets Soap and couldnt get it! More soap-makin- g materials have been released . . . and were now turning out greater dont always find Pcets Soap at your groceFs... please tr again! Its worth waiting for . ... it may be there today! M M t, L VA A AtWAn Ywl Ito ito toft ORflllGES IszV mi to IVUrAY . LOW NKW S lbs. 47c GRAPEFRUIT Ib.8c SQUASH lb. 5c CABBAGE ....... lb. 3c POTATOES ! - 10 IhttSSc YAHS 3 lbs. 29c AU00AB0S each 23c 2 fr 23: IE: ic: . lb attf amounts of Peets Soap. Still more is on the wayllf you 2 fcr 23: 2 Fkgs723: 2 fcr 27c 0 10-d- ay promote uormal laxation . monOa.., ry, llafhm, 1 far UMtipcUa ta o I medicinal Mopl la tall laks, Mur- - I Mafua, MlSvala JuaeHpa, I I If nR Drapar, llrerlou. Tooele, Uaioa UT I iWII"nW Hand Cenlpryille. Thete Vrleee EHpcHt Good news for thousands of Found Relief In Famous eakfast Food. er Writes nd 'S. I - Con PS'Ti" SfliiKA0jsr-is- . YillEMlES J !1- 10 lbs. E2s HAISIH GRftij Al- WAS A VICTIM c 51 c Gno ch Germairwar-preparatio- vide help -- LIFT 0 WS T EAHr- -. derman asserted, jfcould have been interrupted at several points." Seven distinct phases bf aggression listed by Alderman -- Were: One, period of prepara- tion from 933-3- 6; two, absorption of Au stria rjhreet grabbing of Czechoslovakia; four, invasion of Poland and beginning of actual war; five, expansion of . war to Scandinavia and the low ... r. pttack on Russia; and seven, collaboration with Japan and Italy in aggression I gainst the United States, . ... Will See Films A new phase of the trial under the count of the indictment I 34 ........... ifiXM |