OCR Text |
Show - ,.. , ' , . . r- , - - - . - - . , s' ' - NEWYORK(AP)---Stock- ' 4 - - . - , --li- . , . - ' k ; - d . ,, ,33 . 407 , steel S w,..;1, 1.,11,0 iT I I. '62'4. 2 . . 41 - -' ' be!,4 ' 0DEN---11tah.- t , - 91 1256 11011 cents,.71,001-.Motor- The n,4 ' 508 ,11 - FtGW 4 , al 83 40 .71(1324 4 r, -- 82 99 : 9 89 ahout' . ' 1 heitrrs" tm,(hur,: mitstanOmg 25. outherous loads in4rrnitials good stotkers an0 lerder eers 12 7b t3.40: idd good to choirs tock aterrs calves 13 00: load hetler raltos 12.90 Hog.; 885 total. 00 market. 715 througii.' ' .1.4 a 4i ' is' 5 e. . qt. J:. '. ' :' '..: '' k 'Lit , t '' Iv ,:1, - N..41 -9 , ; to dtrettrody.good Niltient 10,10: the log CbUtee ,ffilrIS 300 . 1 ":14-01- - : 4 '- . Curb t toval - - -- e- , 4 - 1 4 1 411 to. . ...7. --- 1 NIFTAHER . I i 4- i I -- 177 Croftt il -- 02.. .02 ..... 1,01nr - - Glenn Douglas -Aircraft, Martin-Woolworth,- - - Eastman -- Ward ; ----- - - Coal - - 13' Utah Eaot- ru,irrtri Eureka Bullion .22 Earcrha COM , ,,:,,, ....ii.- 24 3 y l M agnoia Lead - - - .. - ill w - - - Park - I V- -- - - . rtah Con. C00, ictoy Con. 4 4 I t- - rov, 5 35 - .15 .02,i, - , ... 1.0711 .05 ,ns . ., ... ... :, ...... .03 .08 c ' 14 - 3.15 .11 . 1: - - ..,,, 'ao rt. rt. tt-O. :ni OS ,eiti . .0512 . - ; 6T- - P - k L 2. C. M 93 Pit - -- Sotes .......: -- 412 s. .Brittol Silrer Bullion, Cardiff. Tails. - I. at 13,-at Svc 2500 at 2L- - - E. eratt. 11.000 at 2. Pt., 3000 1000 at Std.:. - 1 load; larot,- 16 mtoPtly 10.6012 12.00, beet forder mixed 14.00. steers kind 12 medium stoca tweed', 111 4.-- , 9,",ranennr , nu Co v.., 19 22 152 94li 43 19 1- ,Ok un .1834 I nsv,-I WS r S...!sAnnd 1R74 1814 1834 lo34.1- 2514 1512 57 57t. 447'4'7 441'4 - 'vs 14 -. Stinea, lrintio Cent.. Tintie Lead. 41506 Con.. 4500 at it'''3;lernÁlin;Tanatio tollatod --- - wat at ' , 4341-,43- - - - , ' Over The --- , it , - , S. L'. Bank , i'. IP, - Ind . -- - 9 90 7 90 48 00 11.75 10 85 , ., ;7 - , . - market. Not Enough Strikes for e . ..- - z 4. . . ' 4 2 e - BRIGHAM li t P, -- , . -- - - By-Th- Willie Pep, 130, outpointed Ed- Philadelphia, non- - BOSTON - Hartford-,---Conn.- Henry - Z ,4 ,.1 - Mouzon, Wesley . . phis; drew, : U- P,1 I - . 4 .. ,,, ,f,...,...,.,.. ',- 771 " ''', 1,1,t , ,e'r.( 1 - t - - - ,.., , iIt - 44 drilk ir ' ---- -,.- I t lf:: - -f) Z v ' 4 -- 7,;:,',i, 1--- , 1111Nol'ott. , r 4 - ---. -- -- , , ,:, ,: - , - Ak-- ,!,..i'. ' ., - se THE-- , -- , ' 11 011 YOU'D SErITER STAY 1OCAY! HERE", mICHAELit4IS5 'TITO WILL 'UNDOWITECILY ., - NERVOUS! " . '67,,,- 11. -7 -- I . -----...- me 1- .(' . ,, ' Ao 4-,- , (10). . 74 ' )Z , New York, (IL. BALTIMORE -A- rchie Moore, Hot-- 169 ik;- Man Williams, 16114, Chicago. , , - (II). -- - - . .. . , t - 4, ,,,ft-- - r -- ' 46 - 4 - i -- sitis LocKs 1 ti ,. t. E.WERISA6912- r Ni 040 1; YOU ,,,,,,r , afuw, uw . , i i . - i ip' 11 . , 4 1 ..t it)10) ,41 , .. 1 ..., ihookyr Wil rn kw 111) ow0mit 14 27 , --I- lk - w- PRY -- kji TONCUTIG4T2 - PEAR.- -r ' k - 11; ... e ,Li - . ,,- - ,it 1 .k1 A. - 1 w;;1 0,4by447 s $41 Wit, il I 1 . . itt ...., - 1 t .., ' ,,. . :. - 11 - i - V ) , . - .4,, af." aro:0 , --- .. , ,, ------ - ... ' 7Lid , 7 .,.. .7, - whi .1... Nancy In.," lidostimmom - ,N , -- 4 .)- A '- - Yr' xl A- ' : - $ .1 . ykyr,011, -- Tr."JS . op. In . - ,. Of c ,41 , 4 , 1 k ,) , - o 1- - .... ., -- N ''' ,......,,,,I,. . 4' , ) ,.,. - . aio. -- ,---- Clot , , 2- - . -- 'ffi - - tZnett . 0,;...41",1-- g -- WINDY ) PRETTY. I ll , IONE ita 461.4111110 , v;) ), , .0, '0 . (AO. , 4 I , .S ' )( a ,0 - cso. - ,--- 1 opi , . i , , ,7 -. , , ,...... . . , W........ ...001.-; -- HOW WAE'- IT IN THE PARK TODAY, SLUGGO? movilm.m . , .:10,frif ,,.. 44..e,.... , otoglit i;------ - I p..,--- . ".- .. 1 .. , .., 1.."' I - , - ISIIS,: PEA1,.,--,ji- - ., o-- 40 11, L 1 lii,.....1."" 0 ,4;,,,- 'ID W2-.1'-s- . A. , . - ,..,v : ,..t).,. 1 rnr.' t1'4, YOU s - t- -- , - . --,.- .,. --- ., , -,. ('' I: r4 p,. - .., -- - ;e - 0 , ,.....,4111 - .CA:t ... 1. ,-,- Le, 0 I 4e.....84 . THAT ..ss,b, , 1. -1- - RR -- t . - .4 lt-b - a ,1 )' 1 P ,,,,,A e- ...,- , ."7 i ''l ; e 0 5 PedA, .; xeot , ' ' disesseessoossoseostr-e- - ..- -.- 74;107" . ). ' i ,- - --- -, '' .888... A , , ' - PI) 17 100 :7-; CCt4PLETE- - , (,, , 'Emu ota13 , - till gbh., ictiT COES ril wow . .- , . : I -- ',7- - CONrIC144 PER CENT siist4 ipti , - ;,. Ir a I - --- - , ?Nn.- - 11 , rrs.n.te A6E0L0LOCT F- 771- M4RKS -! NE r-- - ; 41!pwr Oft ' ' illallEIK WE sol ' lark - BOB ' mAja...mAy5E r---- - 644 I , . -0-4 ' DollyDripple : N caress, A venom 11111141111161". 1111 Ca.ot... A,..offo .. IP',A1 WWNIIDF 1. i 1, , 1 ' - li PICKED - - - - stab - . '' ....- . fl !I . ...., S .' 1 'The Nebbs' are heard oyer StaHon KALL Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Nebbs THE PISHES FOR NOWj . .... '. , L2TPCIIITY1P'A - , otS$ , -- - ,.) ti:its411:15- , tzsALLWATERvis aossas ,,,,, 4 - A- 1 -- ---I -- 111111.210 4 111 r i lal r ' - -- IA Ind doPma p. 1.11.11V - 1 ..f. - - no 111 4 .,,a4,,,I... tgo; ,,,-- i- I wi.tois Ne, CitirSj ROD moe$4,101011116Egs tie I ( . , I N - ;CO 'a. ' , 505. Istaitema Cv,TiriFDoegsweDENICt ugg , 4 14AD . MAD! IltE511 DAILY -- i, I , I V' 'N.1;it) 40 - k t a k( , ' I t ,, a ti - ,, ..) , - ' ,',14,,,' catpsE? . ........' ' . -- - Smith-- I , .., All Scorchy 9 L,--- - , WERE CO,FusED.ItE 4 111 ,, a . - .......... ' I - - ---- - , E i,EREss-N-- , aNg) , . V. (14 - o -t - . . , goo AMP r' - I' ) ql- 17;ITII ' ',ill', ', 11 - - ,, ilil - ' , 1 CELIA!? 11), t r 0 f 0 t - --- Guate. 47,,,,491-011, ;8; AO 1 ,v,,, ,, ,. s It ta "ii - r,?,.,,,,,.. . I or ,, , , ' :6 iv , ii , 6 r, etooDr.t ,, - 4- , . , - , ' ''N. 00 1 , 1414411414" . 0 . .57,, ' 3,), - SOS ....111.r--j- - )1 t... sr scotxxyt - dat.W.opy 1 Philadel, 138, non-titl- e, PITSBURG- H- Danny Kopf low,.144NewYork--(CQL,knocked out Gene Burton, 139 ' 111 ' ' ,. Th e il 4( i- - ' - ,,,,...7 , - Z Scarlet O'Neil - 160.04,40:' - ' METAL MINING INDUSTRY. OF UTAH - , - .,t 1 - IMAGINE THE ',.) -f- .1 . ,..........--,-.- . ,, " ' , 7 - die Giosa, 135, title, (10). 'PHILADELPHIA -- Ike Wilt- Hams, 13512, Trenton, N. J., and , , . Xstr , ','1F-T- ',. Polo Federation announced to. National - Fights Associated LastNight Press' - ''O. . '''0- s,ht it k,,7111,!,, UtahAP) CITY, Bert - here in January:with teams from mala.--Pe- ru And Aff,Iti,,0- in rayon goods.. loner throe pupa, - 117611,000,000 ten -- et a"billienr-ter--wages,- '-suppuis, tam, fivight end Inmifirg. III had nu" Cappers."- - , SWALLOWER , r4 - I'LL GO ALONG Z4, o' ,ti, 11 .. 1 NTH YO- i, ' . ,.. - T--wir- Moiói-Leogu- ' bilirA . ) ' IA lers,,- made Only . , ,..dait ' 17".., t ' 'ai ertared-sitrobit-by .Ite ------ -- IV . t ite , . i ssilit, V S 41,4F-- 821 559 00 Illr IL i, .: -t ' --- ,.. - ...4 , -, ,- i adtok,;... - ,420, opli. .. . - 1 , (1 lzr 141'f - . 4,4:44 DeTAILItelST7THAN .,.,11 --- .. 1St t.A .. 4 iV : a - V41,- .. - , , 0104 - - . r Jettra--- f API,-Barr-y TAS . AVEt-EBaltomorft fighter. will pit his experience and stamina against the youth and speed of Enrique Poisons. former Mexico C213, bellhop. in a 10round wrap tonight. - , a, i...... I - .41.1.4 - ,1 ''' ' ;- ',. i I - V ) i ' - ,,. .,e, st,t weLL, WE IL TAKE HINI AND LOCK 1 HIM UP! elr - - - - ;lingo 8 25 49 00 12 15 11.18 7,225 295 Or, 4 727,127 87 2.850.780,34 ... - - tet i ' . I . ' --- 1).Aar. - 14-- vl" - Asked 10 10 , Clearings bank P131111 day last year , , Today's clearings Same day last year. Same . ' -- TePtelld:RY.6 , - --- Amalgamated inv. Frt. .. Amalgamated Sug. Con. '.. First Security ,Mtn. Fuel , Utah Oil - 's ----- - Count'', --'-- - g ,t --- -. .,, 4 inception Utah Capper has paid out in Utah - -- - ,, ,,.... , - - - Irs . -- 914. 5. .. .1 ..........,. , ,,, ' , ''' ',, -- -- - i - ,) - ' . ' 1 9. I1OOOt .. A , ,.-,, ,, , I ,11 ' a 1, ,1)'. ' t"4..ti, 14... OR - ar t411- ., ,- I I' 7000 2' '42000 at Va. 1;116 at 34: 241t0 s- t - - , , ri , it trimming 14, - Sioux , ."11." eV.,i ,.1 4 t ampummomm. prowiii ORK(Plbrator 4., - - - i.N3. 1 , - s of ths NEW V Atchistin. Topeka & Santa Fe Rai?road Co. today declared-- a dividend of 41110 a share mi the eommon stork, pay.ble March I ta stock Jan. 25. The' Name amount bad been paid M Previous . quarters. , -------- -- 91- 4- le 934 , hr I. ..4.,. t Trnbute .i ...... 2814-1- -15- 00 A , :rarll. 4234-- 43 1 - t Wahaa-- ,- Chief 4- - ' . eratfl i - - .1, Mickey, Finn, Bingham Ondders ..... . , , : ."-f- it -- . Coall . . ' ,:f ti- - '1 son cal Edi: south -- ny . & . ,v Mitt 13.00. h-tand good 00. 11 . ,,, :.,,,. -- - t:- - f ezgore pANg:::..? . ,r, itt , , ' Dividend of $1.50 ,adver if Simmons - tit-- - .79:4,pritti.- Sheppard, - Washington4. tes East a leg In. serial pitcherwholost 13141' 4434 Eget' Utah. BOO at 13:- 1000 Start Brands .34 ' .Entotre combat,-- sand --Ed Heusser, Ctn.. Stones. 50n4 at 4. E,G & E. Zapf 145 :31342515, 9 G&E 37 prof 2 127.8'127. Cinnatt Reds hurler, took - a 12 Furoks Billiton. 500 at 22. 127 Stand Oilrst ro-two m - Zurek" Tilly Con 98 at- 40. 45,- 4- 4 834 -'. 34 army' ell-' 4c7-142 Oil Great Western, 2000 at 4. Ind -- in - Born cers match at Silver. 400 at 34, 1100 at 31-- 71Al Oil N J IS 811',4- 24 IMPIIIPOP NEW ( TPX111 6000 2000 23.4. 7ndian Queen. at 2: Co ..o. at 59 MN - 'S in cotton textiles was confined to small Bushnell General Hospital.' I4 Mimi Thermont Co 14 - 13 1334.f. it Leonora, 24.000 at 2: 13 000 at 234. December rmeasea of .elotha for Sheppard toppled 138 pins to 7 64 Little INay. 5000 at 31.4: 10000 at 2, Tr! & W Air 8215 The situation in sheeting' 6051 '' shipm,nts print Stosenw. 7500 at 4'4: 1000 at il Colon Carb .. 14 00 - OR - and Osnaburgs wax tight. Some orders lead Heusser by lig, but they Mt. View 2000 at 3,4, 20 rilltIn Oil Cal 2834 2ft4 WS ,t's were .alten against priority for the low trailed .Maj. Ralph W. Wough- NOW Park, len() at 1.20 A 5134 Lines 111 53 514- - ". (led apparel program. CodIltiod Ohio cooper. 2000 at 19: 3000- - at 20. . 4 Cor .... Thrwood goods Wootton WU no . ter,..' Flint ' Mich., Who scored Park Binaham,, 4000 at 215. , changed with mills linable to arcing 181, and Brig. Gen: Robert M. - Park City Con.. 600 at 45, . , business became of tabor . .0addittiona.l Ptoehe .14riaini.000 stAti. , - In on ellere-to etimulate the Hardaway, who knocked down ' Plutus. 100 at 20. low cost 'Priam' program the office of .55 L ---' 1000 at R43. Royston. Iirlie- minutustration it,Pned a order .' .,,,,, oo,..Rico Arr.. 1850 ,it 2.15. 8000 at 2.20 21 A .4 manufacturers to ext;ed their Polo' Matches permittmg 1444-....A at 210: 800 at 2.25. Ar on certain types et lines price ,highest !! - goo& Lltt.icL. 18.000 At V.- Sitter Sort.. 100 'at 2.4. 71.000 atI'lai and available lot the ettlihso Internmonth services polo matches will start 34 sno at-- , . ' ,; ' ' - . : J5'11- Serrel,-I- nt CormetCalkirtion,--2000-.44,--334--,son-a- 25: 1300 at 2314. ,. 3000 at 8: 2000 at 'Pi.-Commonwaaltb. eras. Oil. 1000 at S'i . . . - load 5061125; medium m,,,d lit 13.950,14 00. Mewl,. -good hal fry. and allied- y 8rllnjs 14.15gs --,,d - Railroad to Pay - - ., ntedomultilif ,,,.,,,d.m la run, leee -- r Chief. Con.. 400 at 3 00. Clayton Solver, 200 at 1.30. -- Colorado.--1000 lit 1,1. r001b- Met.. 10.500 at 27. in g.onood't all - ' ' 5500 13 000 - j -- ,,5.31, steers- 2'; m, NO --- - ,. CP - Alta twine .500 at f - Mr Bill. 1500- at 11.. - :1,:no: 95 no -- 081Pik t. 95'2 4te Cash Grain Soles - 7' un tire Cla P & L S8 tial1 5'. a B7L 15.: trainfed - ..4 'a M2'., :::::::ut,M::::"....7:::4: - 7 Nf. .113..--.0134 .09 Unlisted Stocks . 68 25 27 1 D. .01 .13 05 - - t 27'. 26'. Depresses Grain 4 Ill ? SHERIFF r- ' CNItaAP Receive 0215 .11 -3.50, .09 . 0234 .091a .03 .. . .... 'Weat Toledn .........-- . Western Alloys .,... .." e Con. umak r .7--, - t, - i . , ...ALWAYS qN THE ALERT, I HEARD -CREEPII( DOWN THE HALL: HAD MY GUN IN HIS BACK ...AND He KNEW WHAT WAS-.---HAPPENIN711-t- d KEST,-0E--COUR SC,WAS.MERE. ROUTINE! ., PosokfeLear,-1;:------------ 421 .02,4 0114 .021" -- - r 10 00 .80 .021, - .25--4.8- ov,.. 01 0 00 .55 02 .05 Oil 104 26 25 11-36, .0aned "" T 2 ...... '. . - .os MI '' . . -... ' : 'ellit 'k. HIM l'- -' .,,,,. ,,........ - ) tr, ' FRANKLY; NO, CHIEF! JZCDNTGr'ENIM Ur A FIGHT, better, elsoico -- KANSAS 50. 14 i pg IM.- .. :Oa' 5,55.47 ,......., .... , -- .47- - . .n3,4 ( on. 18,iranqra C I - .02,4 Tar Babe Mille Lead Tintio 8tandard rnion Chief 4-- .,,,,,- - . 46 .03 . '' il'4 lbsi s -1-04- 104 1 - 48'.2 15A 53 4 ' lambs slaughter 4 331t " 15 --- 1 sliI a 40 52 , a 1044-41- piE - o irr;.--4.- API-Pr- ofit In ( AC En. (sir,., taking eestely active;. lam ha 'steady to 10 , ,, ,, IL-the Moat, 34 - 37ka- - 36, "36 ward carried- rram .. future er:- - await fully a leady good and la times away from the day's hest markt., 46 121a - Il'a I2"4 lamb trucked.in native to shipp ' ''''. '.... 16 sidethe '''' 111(1111d in take 7....1L traders with 14 ''' 62 la tit' 506214.60: medium and alnd"d .,4.,Esi. chl'oh:1).; SLEEPIN' LIKE A BABY! THIS )131,4; , and await announcement., of )14., 13 000 13.75. 41send 27 27 moots 3- 7- 37' I ( i' TP- !! 1946 ROPER-cedin dmr 110 rye nth 12 CHANCE. 4. 27 6164 IS MY ..a To dr g's, crop GET HIM earlimro 603, - ell'. -- -- 00, - -PULL 'THIS SHADE ' DOWN, ArivTel&Tel3219214189 .,OUTA MY AAR FOR GOOD! 9223,2,,,, ports on parity prices arid the Deeetr, - rid. ,5 i CHIC.460- -- I A --- !ital. .....; AND GRAB A LITTLE MORE Am 1110000 ' 62'i 60'a .,enn 8 .11a bee flour anhanly rate. RUB-OUBE GOTTA A QUIET ,i, ( Nearby contraria in - rye. tt." a, much, 10 009: aalahle ealval Am Wat Wks 70 33'4 22'4 23 SWUTEYE BEFORE T LAM ail 4. 11s- -14 ,., , Fonts Minify-rhoearly-nI C THOUGHION ACCOUNT OP 20 ot WOO tOtal --1000Pnerally st5ady markt. 28 w"... 65 22 . 4 1 '2 Am Woolen 4, l'-- -I OUTA TOWNthe aession. were 14 to 1 coot tinder on all grades '""'""'" 1 TWAT COUPLE DOWNSTAIRS--1,- ? P BUT mow.. and - 0 &Set. : &OM Anaconda Con 145 47's 46'2 47'. 2.4 a close an toward linlah. the fo).0 & and occasional-135 82 11Se medyesterday 14 13's THIS .. 01 on ' weakness I Armour. LIGHTDONT . of Texas that' 2000 huahels rennet', hum ,and goo d grade 'ee rs and heirs AtchT Is SF 30 1.131a.1.10,2, 111'1 1 SEEM BOT0 HER ; ' ''. 7.3-114 :boat' sold loa, deliver, bP, 0, 4'4 44 and Beef rows.. however bulls end veai-- , Alla., Corn of '33 24 23s 24 41'4 ROOM MATEMY 4'1.the At ,finish wheat wan ttochengrd to era fully steady', numertma loads year- t2 81s Aviation 8'4 RN, Corn 118 -111.00:-b- ulk than yes tentaya, 111.00 WHOEVER-H- E ,10.4,, Deoem- - ling and A 26, ,,,. 2 , "s hith.ri: k.211,,,,, 19, 714 .46 . 7 (aps ItS1 .4. corn - wa un,bansed at 0 18 00. lop heifers 17 00; heavy gutter Ret Fonda . ' 8 23'S 23'4 23'- s- 1 As 1.1111a. - Oita Deymbea, efts'. 0 00 down: weighty sausage hints-- ',tun& Beth Steel .. 17 1041,a 93Iir 04'44 14 to 13.50: 15 to ra 50 Rye Lit, i down. stnek castle mink realer. ... 55 27's 27'. 27,4, Boeing kir m aa 4.000g "I higher to Its lower. DeNttityr fully steady at 12 00Q 14.00 mootly. Borg Warn .. 11 52 - 5112- -42'i 1 4, - to - 41 1 , 1, Aa 1, , . and choice higher, native ..0lambs lb 004a 1 38 Caltt Paik r. N.' , , 375. 37'- si . III N'4, N.s....,11-1 .... N.)67,1 ,, Mike discounted 100: load Wash. 175 lita; NI, A a,,,e1 17'i 17's --17'4 1 gloom t . t . , bred 7i-1141&104Ianklia s 4L"-4 7,441. Range---ofGram-Future4be, i 10 130 130 '2 .. Chrys Corp - 124 ,, &..e. .48..se -- - 1L2 eat-- P1434-1- 8020,18 WHEAT sail 4', 334 ..--,,.., -- 4 , P'4,. 1101-4--rho. -- Ed 3, '14 14.44,s, , , --eAu, ,N.134,Rsi --- i , --, : , 20314 era' 44 2715 11 Cone Tulle, . 00'1. 27'i . May. 1101, --- 4734 we 11.198 rent-ra- n 5 11774 4714 177 1.7734 L741,4 ,.. July , 1 42 rent -- 0 Del ,. 31 43 1.7534 1.75 1.74's 1 75'1 Sept. ' Crane ro .... 2R 41,i 40,4 41,'s 1 . CORN ; .4 1 Pet 01 ' DOWP45TAIRS CLIA, 4'1 Curtis Plitv .. 10 22,4 2134 211''. Dee. 1.18 ,. 118,4 Curt Wrirht ...129 0.'2 03,4 Pi ; 1519Y 1.1834 .. THOSE CoUy5 ARE - - . ... 1.15 , . ' 115 2534 25 la' Detyntl Ed ' ... FOE US ,- ..,..-1.1111GUNNING Y DMIZ Jur , -- -. Ips,tlit,.1,6,,,,,.. ..., assvs111,1 11. Lull. PLAY 1 B Class CtAk46-L-font.CANT THingharriHigh's ..4411 HART & 7;1 68 Toe F,! Powpr 17 17N 173- 4- 44 OATS 0''''' ,if . TAG wiT04 THAT' 107 61 La Et- Co11.0 4 61 PICK HER OPP IIEFORE.' SHE 11' ( Der el ball champs are being honored , i , 1535 .7h7. ,xst. Imo,. ,, ,10" , g.......... lle" ' .11' 't:e't. 7 53 Gen .7414 OCrayfor thetr--gfrdirForni4 51'4 53 .7454 .....,-- . y 7814 14...44fi'S ' .... MO POOL tz. '',a 2 - SR 733- 4- 7134-72- 1 - :.7 2 -- Gen- Motors , 15 g N and fromzthe schedule of events, '711,1 A,, 01,40 10 ,, v , 1 Gen Print Ink 18 1834' 1834 1634 , RIZ ' - 't 4 '91 ::tri I 1 is certain that the revelry wili 3 70'4 1.88 Goodrich B F 703,4 70'4 188'4 1 11824 187 .:L......, IN, N 7 I ) 811 1 1.111 14 80 I .817834 1.784 fs I T 55 v,,ils, , May 4,, Goodyear ' .', ' 41 -'' show the Miner , a ridders es that 10 mo 64 104.i ..-- Jul, '444 Gm, gli ,' ' , 444t44 , 5 --, 24 -- 81 Stmt. 1.4414 1.4334 1.43.41 ' Gt. Northern ., their work has been appreciated , , Vs i 20 29'5 291,1 29143BARL FT C -' Greyhound ?. r--v8 'bee. 30 30 2211 1.22151.2134 1.2134a ' 2 30 b 37 fellow- students-- , school ot-;,,,, , Holly Surar ,,,, 1 tif 1 1 20 -' 2014 -- - -- ,. tii 7 55'5 11 May 55 5511 ,,,, mernesinke m.o , . vi,, townsficials and the a ULE 24 11 2934-4- , , 31 Bingham LW'S 2934 1.11'11.11'1111 Motor 25,4 Hudson 0 . 99 27 9734 lot Harvel.ter 972142 If IA , 14 Int,-Niczzt,., Can 6928,339,439N, ., .7NON'''. 1,10;1 . Int Tel tell .:..106 1034 W. 30,4 ,, assembly this morning 0 v, ,,, ,r, ...- - 134 441 -- IS lonckhopd lifre AP 3574 - 346,-- - 35',1 ., . p, with 2 thezlestivities red: sa-,hit0hl10ueo,Int,r 36 14.4 104 Nin la Kan To 1.',-', MS 1.16.'notrinal No., 1 bard, I 79, nominal. , paid the boys by-,-,i x r,nt2439.34.3"--3vNo corn sales. a representative of the Utah 24 7115-- 76 a, Mont Ward. , 764., NIGHT 1 GOT TO TN scsuf nolo' No. I mixed. 1101i. No. I mixed 001 AND IN FLA514E-- S E4414-iDON'T 75 23's Pi N4411 23,'s 234., a. OK THIS LOST vv'es FRI6HIN"' US WHAT High School Athletic Assn., a - TELL MIHKIH'S THAT Pel)HAPS 6034e 61: No. I wimp hp.,.. 80.,.. 11.151VDCGR 3ka C014111015 sa 35 Sea FEEL oF NeYtIt 4 It. 4JUST COULDN'T D Prod Nat 1 33,. EARTH OH )00 MY IF00481511 3 INVE5TIGAT 72. 6 TO No. weathered:- ...Iwhite hteltry7 MAR. mernber of the. Utah University IN US...P21.L., 1314 13a41314.1, 15 1a1 HAViNG N al a Jr up my HAPPENED mAn A444440tR..a.Cet t) ,,, -- , PAST.... - ISetIOP. 45 - -- 47 - 4218 - Itto trade white, 74. msty. No. 1 ape. YOU mIND ... r., NM' 2n 47 coaching staff, board of educe- r -- - -34 .i.- -Ii ,.., RR 202 32 i --tior, members. town board mem- , Zorth Pao .. IRS 17,5 1834 17181 Barley. nnmin41: muting. 111811.19141 el, O feed. 1 15er 1.23.5.-34 21 Ili bers,' and members of various 201i 20At , ,1 ohm nai 1 1 171PM seed per hundred 'weight. nnininal: other civic organizations. 25' 3714 WI 371,-,- 1 Oliver Coro 5.2565 MIL-re-d 50, 14 92 - 11144,-- -,5 , . timothy, toP, Mot 1 .... . st54, -, ;.1 I pl'awnrkkardli ,.., 15 75, NMI ,, einvar, 55Following the assembly- a vie 40 .., 514 - 44 ,.. s ,..1,. red clover. , 31 50:e-wee-t , ......:r. 1.1k1, , twooNA"os, 28 i 34.50. common Is 33.506 alfalfa. 50; 118 to ,,ii. ,aleike. J C. 4 Penne. tory dance being held to fill lig i L , 1 291'4 2S'll - 14 . P hil& Eine I 'I )9 29 holiRi! , the of remainder the half 4, t t , 74 1 -19.4 la 99 la ovim Corp 1 i ' i day set by school officials. 2 2334 23'1 13I114- - ar ' 'Rayonter Du. ill I It . 74 32 21 3214 32'8 Remit.'" '. Rand, I ., Inig4111114111 ft ' -' - ' 3n --, steat on 27.4 12114 , 27t,e ."""b R04 ,,,m 7i , . 99 17 37 3alle Sear le , i 01 ,021i Silver Standard', Long Minas .,.....,..., oAron Rinasoln .. . - , we ,71 03 - 31 tru,ked 4 -- ls 3't 33 qua .. ,.,0. - CoaLn. Saver King Coal. 5111,or King Weal, . . Silver Shield --- 7 - Rnyxton - 15 212la .. ., . rpm- 177.1:: litio Argentine Prutrincel . 4 I - Elepant -- A.- T noebe 50 1 4 .02 ',2 .041,2 4 00 .04 50 1 20 14 .75 .04 .03,4 Am Cable & R -ow Con Am f ryatal 8 . Am & VP 2 pt Ain POWr & 1. Am R At St S Rn41 Mill Am A171 fll'It & R 02 ,L., 02 .06 .64 .03 042.,2 .,,....., 1 Conn or NeILMO 4.4 -I- 3'. .a44 11 LItAhLetthes '' I -; i 2 Chem.& D Allied Stores ......, 4740 A ths-al ft h n.04 ..02,,,a .01 , . arrernier Park Utah - 4 -- .02'4 - ,:...New Quincy ---.-- .. ' Lilv - - - ;.;,g.,1, . r .,........,,r ohm chtm, ...... Park Bingham Con. Park"fity Park Konold - II - ....:. Monntain View Nalldrivar ,... ......,.-.........,..49 New Park :, .02 .0414 ,. .63 c. 341nacow MI- - CIL! & , -I- 184.2 184'2.1641a t Al ".'1; -.- , . ... Intl 4 .0R ,10 .02'4.2,., .04 ?Anises t;.,,14 ::(.,::;..1M --,,- ,. Ig,Iltri Monarch , -- . 1Ma mmoth 1.1111er ' : ,....,,.........,..,,.--0- 2 - .Litti. .. - .......... ,.... own-to-1 -- .fr - : Unit Lt Allied ee- 51tn- & PI 4 72 z . ::: l- k 4 '41We '''''' ' ' 7 , ti',4.,,,-.- :k ,.,t -- 2...:. , -- -is so -11 3 .40 Western Silver .... H0,11 1141alt Queen .... K..,,,,22,p, ;,.............., Ken tucky.0 tah .. -- ' i .,. an d -- - cbaemital. .02.4, 1,17,....nt I 4'' 23 . Eureka !Cues - tional - Harvester .01T, mit 1 , .07 '14 .03 PI" - et ricoy, turesf-America- 4 --,- - 4. ' Ir...""Srl Crolin Potnt E. fc'iff'Telephone, Paramount Pic- - in po., SmkIting, Phelps- - Nht ils - , ; ''. . - 1f1 ' .... , ,...,.1,'4 -- Cnmrn. kll 7':-- - .1,4: ' 14.041'-la-le - 4 ' . - - LOV- E- 1 - , . s ' I . ... - BRAvE51" OF ALL - aaz-- ' -- TH' DARKEST, HAWSOMEST, 114 VHUT IS --rHis THING FO' LOVE "4 CALLED 'IANEA' p AM COTTA 0 ME -- ENDS HIS LIFE ON EARTH .0.". FIND w -- HM -- M OLIT.P." WERE WILL N I 3IRTH- - , -0 , ., i t 4. - ...--- EK-- - ro, Ik ' 6 ' ' 1 r , - 4. - i - ....-..- ,,.-.-- . , ,,,, "''' - i:).''' V. .,L A S.4 ,- ,2X11 tili",11.1.1 YAR5. ,m'In3n6. l 1111z4 it ' ff ,' EIGHTEEN-- - An1AANt.frp 144 71- 1 ' .. '.1L...14. ---. ...--..., V ' ,:- , ro;To, ), 'vt . . TH' T MAH .'NEVAH KNOW UNLESS- - - GO 9,,,,n,- ie. L...1 I subs. - ,;,5'-, If 71 - 't eI .4, ' . .s--,- :" . - t'"Ax 1'17:144 I 11...."n's ' '--a OF FRIENPS? ''''. '1 $ ' iNW ,. 4.r.---- .., -. r.-7- - N114 ,..4 , ' - tt - PEOFTEFCTicEwEim5yOuRFR64CTiRcHELPEA..5 . ' C.11 .,,...,,, .,, ,.. - - . ,. 'Kerry Drake . 't - . , ' - ' 1'11 - - --- ,, .... e 'ft-- - , 4:Al !WI.' . , ,v.'41'll;ity ' ir 4'41 ' 2'' ,- .11, 0 L ap.or 27, 1045- -15 ,.....,1,mm.mmom..0 yes, At PEAR! PERHAPS yOti CAN EXPLAIN wHY YOU IMCLUOG ii 010(.5 SHOOLDERA, mgATBALLI ,, t ,stri,I - , : LETS NOT BE NATTY, 7SOMESOSY MOST KNOW MODE ABOUT TALSO4. ONvieZE11 NIS ACQUAINT. 'BOUT 1WITH NY WIFEFA LANCE cozy?1 HEATING PLANT HAS A WIPE DOOR!....w10fift THAN "MIS : , l - 7' .. . 00613.70. 13 1 ' - ' 1,5,0015. 14, - - . 'eaters ', 88 -' 111411,- rtont'll;i;I ' ,.', '', TO! RAVE , er 0' 'ME FURNACE Of THE 44 915. 63' 6193, . - .154 . ; woorr WE Trx--- - Ar, riaa .tigaites ettady to , strong, spots 38 cent or, more higher on, iest lots good IAL chotoo vealers: g,,d steers 14 35610 00. odd bead 10.00.. car load 13.00614.15: rommon to. medium 900 43 13,00. Jew strictly good hollers 13 256 14 20. 2 loads 13.50. litriclly good young cows.'1.00r12 00: tar load iO 50211.00. 11.0012 9 00. medium bulk 10 00611.00'. strictly good beef bulls 10 006 11.00 soya. to chiller 88'. ' shelved- its gain. -- olvleea: to Netmilm2o5I't SOOgoill4S0b", nienium 4 '00416 IS:, lour Mow 8 00817.75;',- - eatmetii Lail di--- 500 nollia,::410.bo. , ., . uwilua tin: D'Ir,114.d '1'44 ,!2,...:,2 2 ,A- - BOW 1610 Cattie throtigh, 110 thret.t SI)Av 0 tant,,a,:.11006:,Met, 30L. 200431' '4 ','s 66'. 149's 341 ('N1!-P- i, 441 4- 344 541, 2114 , 32 38 25, 'I' MR MAKE'S 554 CWE OF OUR MOSSY. s . MICE 1 take City, Utah, Nov. Salt . CA54 54ARDLY - 4421 throng keihng at emlum price. Sheep: 1346 total, 182 market, 05 dire,t, trutit in Ison,b4 11311blotthiro4tootn,e113:.900d kg 13,4 01 ,21 41 3: W;,. iq.,,: t fieareteelitt 07;20 13 tv 14 lit .. 341 - 4 00,2 74 41 3 1,s , 24,,.4 a 24'4 07,2 ii - 1, - Sec , ,, - Ii , t ' , 1, 20, 45'11-1- .rtE DESEREivNEWS, , strike ' lb. 315 lb. 94 AHAL0WANNETS.. if...'15E' 14 76(014 SO:- - over '325 .113. .. 14,30614.53. - 89,,, . shares Changed hands on the first I too depressing owing tv the 3(314 t.1 ii 1;1'4-4-as .,,.'. 13 110,0 14.35. sow 9954 190 can: :Before noon the stock was liif asettlement could soon ,.21:: 9,:,2 71 T'THINK ef 1615 2250 1'1161' Mark'''. sheep., "4'."117' it '''' blocks at affected.' Buying for an tbrotith. nothinr done early-- . lat , 8144 inJarge 34047 .., 61,4 Abeingtakeri i ' 104 inad -rood and rho. lb, Idaho 214 cents. 'day: . ., ; part leeks ,', ' ' 0 14 00 come aided bullish arguments... part load feeding la nib's 14 H.; 1. i . 5 ' . Prominent in the pri at 13.00, rood allO new high" N Y. , t", Titg gill seaea4ie$ ' -- aleiakit ehOwn Itll,..71:711 HOi2 COQ. - .04 class . of the &nigher) time .......-;-,0the greater. part s,d, 16 Biark Metals .............." '01 IP Mr s. $614 Co Am DEN tAl 56. l'SDA1 Calf'', railway - issues, ' Alum , 04'.4- - were St. Paul Bonanza 51.1ninr. , .03'4 a ,, i'f". a , Am Cyan calven? salable 400. i 7.,...... abl2600 reorto , the .1214 .1311 , Bristol Sliver' , 44 further responding Atlas, Corp war .... 4.1 ..1.',6 .1,.'4 114 ... ,, total 500. 39 per eent cows. 50 per cent . 1)6 '6616 21 a- led q I1I 31'4 Bunk of ' k a' .aa kll k -, 44 .salea- ater4d.z--- -2 saris '''' 14 1,4314rinatf 431,4 y 42:4 loads chows fed 01(4.111 1710, load ,hoirl, -, Kennecottrt Chi Flex Shaft ',k court.;LAnaconda, lir 3', ."--- 1 ( 111.1 Con. ..., ... ; .. ..... 2 00 ' 2 26 I ritip,, amrrt,e, ... - 18 2914 ' 28', 29.4 teirterfprr-1Rico-- Sugar, South Porto 12 00, 4,1 a medium 10.00t, A tram tveti0, 204, 30 '.. rikorol 101re41"4 ..,.., ... (214 t 1.L000.12.00.z.tood. stet 4 0000 bnet a rt.ci - Warner Bros Attracting j)id4 1).0 I,. Ruh ,7,Kr .0a' ti'l eti11- 10250 10 75. good stork eniVN1 4.a&..&,,, tfl ; were Northern:- - Pacific, Great, 2 I (ith7RPKili C milli 26.9rjEM111.1111r11111ma,-Metals 341 ......4 ..,44. 26,..2., .:27 . U S Steel, Bethlehem, i . N th itlles 15 ate,Prn , 'digir "1111 Comet 46 .. Hnrnbla-- , Oil 45', 46 I , i's & s sut, s,t skm t, 49 411ta, 'about 1,700,000. shares. -.NEW 1Foil Bolstering sentiment Was it big lt, ( Api, Salo High Low batch of pleasing year-en- d Il A 0 55 A ..F100 91,u 00'4 vidends including increases and Li$ r!,,Ieleo;o. extras. ' Rails lost some of the.ii 3344 52000 --33,i' stamina, however: when Predic88 314 8854 ma'PNP44544o ,..,. 36 412 91'.2 tions of a boosted disbursement 90 835. r 404 83'. for Santa Fe failed to pan out Ir(tP 134: tiZ9s4:54 and this stock, up 3 at one time - tradectAt4112 7- ., S 1 Imp 12 394 ,,ott , ,k' specialties. While most top marks were trimmed ks.,11, o.,r 41.W4 near the .close, plus signs pre- 4i."""h - Tremendous volume of trading in the "penny" issue, "Silver may mark up another high, record for number of shares , -- It - now klöwdctiAms mentsand setwo 1,- - 8: - r(',1 citmi amuse- The stock's of the Pioche and San. Francisco mining districts ke Horn Silver, Comet Coali- -. Combined Metals were: tion-an. a quiet- wererailPP'erl'i'irwir motors, aircrafts, wr:. -- z -- ' appeared and thin Leading - . ) ;- but - - ' New' lead York board, today , was all on ' the only ' ....,high side with sellers s. -- answering the''up-'1b--i , New high.; were. registered by -- Rico Argentine, at $2.25;; l'srew Park. at $1.20; Ohio Copper, at 20 eints; Western Alloys-a- t 91,4 ' - ' cent - - , ' to 3 Dealings 1 , , , s - , ?OS- diLltre00eL.-- no,t Intim' 13.006414 00; best young tows 12 os: Philo itinol, slow; prweg steady with IhMI Veek top sent 13 00. good 26 to tke i h.oher low irwift iteivoy lov!or mailiet total,,02 market. le direct, , . ' 'rat tnbelaLat 0341115 FaVörites-Uri;One-tolThree-Point- T- - , , r,..,..,ETTAEE-RldhrsDA- ...; . 1- , ---- , ,-. - .. ,,. .. . !I L - . , - - - .: Stocks Push Stocks Travel RecoveryR-0-0-t- e Livestock .:Itt lt, Hig generally continued to .travel, forma, route In today's market, assorted favorites adding S. L.- Ekáhange the recovery ' .,44.4 at points peaks for the past severaryears. . nos, 44 ,4 were quite active at The Salt Lake Stock Ead;ange; " '' after iutervals opening of the following the r . - - , , 'Ir.ft ..., .. . .............ito , , - . ' |