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Show ''CESSPOOL TAKE rCesspools. Septic Tanks W, go Cletjitd WEANING ALT IM CO-- 365 War Surplus Mart .nywber. Ren (hit DYEING I.AKfc E lh bkis (UAIMi A Carry lub 9o Phone DYE 15c A I1 tODAK FINISHING hObAh Establish) 33 Year TTAH PHOTO MATEKIA18 W St Phone 3 1404 Temple J1 (Ornamental Iron Miscellaneous For Sale CtEANIHO Table Pool ken friers, Cart $14 5ft II 95 $5 75 . . . Ski Fdtes Ski Pole ski Bunting New Arnn Saddles. lot Fx w Druu Clothe Line and Reel Rubber Matting lb. handle Iona Axes . Sledge Hammers Ph xig) w 4b.- , ( is Marks 15 4ft .... .... ..... $17 50 $1 98 . . 98' Jtc , ... 98 98c .. 2ac-9- . ,... rub it H Tt H l,affy pold Imperii between Seam awl 5lMI Saturday Reward,. 4 M2l L4DY S wrist wath platinum lout Ml en trine Knda Please dial 4 487? Literal re trd LOST DtStRFT ROl TE .NFVts 3130 B(KIK No 181 Ase and 39th South Tb. 1DKN1 It 1LAT ION , BKML NAME ARMS UOM) 5RI,F toSerial number9071905429ft Gordon Arhn Sirff Return I itv Reward Mont st Mi-i- LOHT I ET mn old Pajmahah 1 amund right ere 8 9263 Howard 1345 Miller Ave , pup vie ring Park Stlifr shpiur of Phone Co. IiUNSaA 4 8491 ..PAIHTING GAL MATER OIL GAN ft FLFriRlt A ATOKFR BFTTFR IN 9 WAYS L(WLST PRTI M VI AT LR 3ft PAIM1NG AND tXPFRT PAPFR HANGING Ph 7 5988 or 8 5230 2S61Sp. JJATE ALL FOR $135 washing diuine sewing ma hmr ns PRINTER- S- BOOKBINDING Special SI PH 6 CLOCKS and jewelry re- paired - Diamond settings and en e nur gifts" for Xmas. gravingDoc 01en Taeklo hop 71 1 Fast 6th-o Lake Pity WA1(HEQ PRESS DESERETNEWS BICHAHP5 - 531 - Water Pump Repairing LI. Makes Models aud Work Guaranteed Estimates Gladlv Gives MARSH SERVICE 8 4743 Lake St A Meet CLEANING CO It RUG J31.EANING costs no mors for the best T015 So 7th E Phone 6 0117 JIOMNEY Slate Trusses SFS, "crutchei surgical belts West all Lake ArL Iamb-o.l3- 5 2nd South 'STOCK tKTitCA AND BEITS FITTED BY EXPERTS WALGREEN DRUG CO 310 So Main Salt Lake City TRT ttter f WEDDING JNVITATIONS Get oar Artcraft special Prs prices. Beaaon Building 4 1095 Building Material - 2441 NEW MATERIALS' 00ft ft. quarter inch aheet rock. 40 000 ft half inch gyplap. lftftft doors all ernes 1000 rash SPFCIAL PRICFS, BO " Nowell -- Builders Supply 0 3500 MAIN 6 6253 fit GRADE COAL tO --"Handling 40) Knight Spring Canvnn coal 7 4925 W 33rd South - HUNTINGTON COAL CO -- Genuine Deer Creek Canyon Coal. Prompt 63586 Delivery CAN AND SPRING ABERDEEN - YON COAL DELIV PROMPT ERY DEAL COAL CO CALL DFER CREEK COAL CO 714 South 2nd East Plentv of mal and prompt delivery Ph 3 7026 Dogs, Birds, Rabbits SFI.L buy trade eatlie, pigs farm implements A T Saunders 6461 . So State. Murray 439 buy trade cattle ptra farm implements, A T Saunders. 6461 So State. Murray. 439 SELL Furniture Wanted TOP PRICES PAID FOR FURNITURE STOVES, TOOLS, ETC 3 8270 WILL PAT you hlthnl prleo for iwrd fumiturfc. mrn I .nltt. eta. or 3 4536 tall . Compare These Values 824 28 39 2 24 18 60 6ft 50 95 50 9A STATE Miicellaneoui For Sale SEPTIC TANKS 1 BECK WELDING ? STATE Steel Fittinga, garbage Metal -Large Ttree can 150 So atnek of ft air Music aad Tubes . in I eiut Motor Ma compressor Army Truck all sixes oa Immediate Tin Svriw, de- -' 111 wanted Toft Mmiet 313 cash aid FAN THI4 RFMEDT 2 FMPLOY-MFNOFFFRINO YOU IN THE LOCOMOTIVE AND CAR -ROUNDHOUSE - DEPARTMENT TRACS AND WORK RIP Radio 1 DARK A-4- SERVICE or Mur. 923 FINE USED PLAYER PIANO MAHOGANY LY OK. ' . CASE, MECHANICAL- Summerhay's Music STORE NO. I 16 EAST let REFIMSHED AND Good Pay DY No experience Salt ro Homes For Sole- IF YOU WANT a good liveable house ftewly remodeled for only 85500, call, Howard. Hot 31. iarjIilu 5 rm bntlr, echool and -- near hne- Oak Strictly Business 000r-- -j-mntUsv-ao,- 20 tmest location church on but or full today for bae$6700 BROCKBANK Pt. TF'Txchange TReallerl 2948 room col. stucco 26x14 living room Tiia fire place Kitchen and dinette combtfT Thfee bedrooms and bath Full basement, furnace and d Bench. Nicely Eaet stoker. and vanety of flnwera. CaU Jensen 3 8597 or 4 848L JUST LlSTED--- ft Utah Realty t-- & Construction Co. 136 East First South Hop Even. 486ftvCaUjlenseiv thtt BRTCK EAr-STDEft ftTln al tile, porch, (mh electric range New electric water heater - 4ment baaement New roof, fenced lot, 1441081016 down Co. Over 20 years In K L Real 6 488ft 456 So Main REALTOR for a - -- HMHTY3H ker heat, basmt, gas water heater. Verv attractiva boms pear East High. rm brick home with gar. ear 4th E ft ftth Sor 639606 American Housing - Rf.Hfir Dill J 1663 F Wallace Alder, Realtor M.in South bnildinr nd full basement with furnace and toker. Suitable for any kind of business Located on Edison Street between 2nd and 3rd South ontv Vk block East- - of Plate Street. Don t miss this buy NTORY TWO 1 7693 McFeatter, BRICK SOUTHWEST BARGAIM ROOM stncod over brick home Ire, double garage, coops for 1009 chickens. I acre ground. i , possession. this for only all South State Sfreator Chevrolet Co. 466 SO MAIN. FB. ' bon nfftey MOUNTAIN FUEL ADPts . Cottage In Clearfield . VERY WFLL- - constructed with YuH straight wall basement and new hot air heating system Buffm and kitchen tile bath hardwood floor throughout Ton -- homo can be handled with vary reasonable terms. SPROUL REALTY CO 34 3 GOOD WAGES GOOD HOUR APPLY LAUNDRY PARAMOUNT 686 SOUTH STATS 0452 OR WOMAN to S COUPLE work in Mission hoots out of ths tale. Duties and salary to be worked out with lodividual Cal or wnto 3 2741 F.xW-2- 54 0. ftft Main, Room t. 3rd State -Realty 90S Bn. I nit BMff. 4 6626 or 6 3697. 7 0936, 7 646iv 64461, 3 6467, 6 1662. Dial 4fiows your take-hom- e pay these days, J.B,? Co. Era. Garleson's ore still J AT P. O. Paying Top 1 Prices - Used Gars - - - Ppntiac-Cadilla- 547 YOUR CAR : - Free Appralsalg THOMAS t COMPANY 745 80. STATE Acrou State Street From Scare Roebuck New Sit J Mill More Used Cars "Will Pay "Highest Prices" in Salt Lake City During theNext 44 Nevv-Cars; Your Present Car Is Bound to 929 Dodge Victory 6 $169 Chev. Spec7 Deluxe Drop in Value! r Now: Be Wise-S- ell hlebat tnprtae er olftrrd fr ,t ,nd bn lory uad nr. probably never .rain. Sre $1259 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner $1299 99! ! areTIERE!! - $399 -- 4-- We Will Buy -- 1935 Chev, Master Town Sedan T94l Dist.' c SO. MA I N 8th So. at State $1439 - SEE Carleson's 1941 Mercury Sport Sedan 1 "for -- Chevrolet- r 7 $1029 - r CAPITAL - VernCoggle BALT LAKE 6 "Highest Bidder Dili Streator Chevrolet Ray Barker; The Finest Lake's Oldest 6L4o-Mt- ir USED CARS Chevrolet Dealer New Car Store 465 SOUTH MAIN Used Car Lot 505 SOUTH MAIN Dial Orden in Salt jl - 6-- Bird 3760 WMhinrton ""Salt Lake's Finest Selection" Buy, Sell, Trade 3-76- 780 Soi Main Wholesale. and Retail 2. ' CAR NOW r -- - HEISER QUALITY '41 Buick Sedan ' . .$1614 '41 Buick Sedanet.. 1512 y41 Buick Sedan . u 1494 '4i' Pont. "8" Sed.. 1536 QUALITY 811 '39 Chev. Coupe-r.- $ '40 Ford Club Cpe.. 984 '39 Hudson "6" Sed. 1068 '38 Hudson "6" Sed. 495 599 '37 Chev. Sedan-.- -. 582 '37 Ford Sedan '36 Dodge Coupe . . 495 QUALITY ... PAYMASTER DRIVE RIGHT IN Youll Get More Cash Than You Antldpa1d AND YOULl. GET rr FAST 3 5455 Of 'Phon We Come Out GADMAN ' W, Buy Rite We Sal Rile 648 So: Mam Dial 4 2479 . Open Till 7 P, M. 336 ; ; j Salt Lake, Most Convenient So. State ! - TOP CASH For Cars and 4- BENNETT'S 510 AND I 825-83- Trucks LARSEN ' CAR COMPANY of thb cats ora quipped with radio and half. 25 t HEISER! 'Most All Priced Within Ceiling , THE 1 bra J SEE 1 33 CHEV 4 door. 6 ply 36 E Cryitsl Are. DECIDE. to '42 Olds. '76" Sed. $1734 '42 Pont, '8' Sedanet 51 '42 Stud. Cmdr. Sed. 1614 '42 Plym. Sedan , . 334 '42 Willys Sedan .. 1276 1 5313 Ph.4-029- 2 SELL YOUR Trade, Accepted But Not Required From East ft Edith 9 rm. brk. with 38 rm apart, tn bsmt dbie garare, stkr. heat. Call for details. L'D borth Richard St evenings and We have two beautifully and comone homes, pletely furnished near 20th ft Hollywood and one near 22nd and Downington. CaU for details NOW, NEAR - Dial .HoLdaya SUPPLY COMPANY PERMANENT WORK 3 6911 . Good Pay Permanent Position Write Box A49 Deseret News LABORERS WANTED! Manage Property 5 Room Brick L zzMachine; Operator Pleasant soon working conditions NEB YERN JOHNSON Just thiqk 93768. WICKS Bookkeeping DAY' 14 BUSINESS BUY ONLY $6950 . 221 So. West Temple Between 8 and 10 a. m. AUTO MECHANICS , AND BODY MEN -GOOD- POSTWAR JOB home of five ell improved lot with garage. Oak floors, sto- Lake Store A Well Established Industrial Firm Has' An Opening CTevr4-Dr7Sar- J 10 Days Sedan 4 BEDROOM HOME NEAR 17TR SOUTH AND 8TH EA4T New. BrdwJ1 ly decoratetT "rohff hitched 'rrfr sutcmsOc heat CLOSE-I- N breakfast noo Bnd hot water. 87400. Call Tborup, By T940 1 VACANT Will remodel tn duplex, ft rm. modern, Furnace, Basement Garare, Large lot, Paved, E. of 6th E Only $1600 down. I 3203. - - Coupe . 1 4 1431 8 6477 17000 Ideal family nicelv arr rms. are HERE ' - $1259 et4y( n NEW CARS WANTED 1941 Oldsmobile BRlt.K- - ft rm, mod- - Basement garage, matal fence, good roof, fttb So Dowell-Wilkinso- that $1389 v Had Mai loryr Bea rdsha Dial 4 1461 IMMEDIATE POESSION 4 room modem home. 1 3 acre and coop forJ200 chickens lncated Just Fast pf State neaf 38th Soirih, lit -- t FACT - , 1940 Chrysler New Yorker DAIRY RANCH 16C Mr-I-3I nil- rated 3ft river pasture, good dairy bam, ney granary, goop, other ontbldgs. Small home, electricity ft water. All machinery, ft head horse harness 34 head Holilein milk toHi.rei bulL brood sows ft miles from town, school k church on rood road. One of best dairy seettona la West. 826,800, terms. 77 ' MIRRORED' l5ih East - valient floorpiaw, Youra pecewsary HOTEL ft Regardless of the 7 Sedan floor,-firepla- ce, EXPERIENCE PREFERRED GOOD SALARY AND COMMISSION. CAU AT 9 MAH FOR WORK EXTRACTOR SO Pianos Made Smaller Sugarhouse Music KETCHUM BUILDERS -SUPPLY CO. - level water right, acres In al fftlffttaL. ,JilqwedLJamL NearU new tractor, attachments, mil machinery to operate coop, gransrv. machine shod, 226 chxkens, 14 head aheep 1 row, 3 heifers, ft tons hay ftO bu, wheat, good 6 rm. hruk bom In A 1 conril tlon. Eyerything goes for $14, tn Exchange Place "Realtor " 32 Working Conditions RADIO REPAIRING RADIO 6 4656 To Work in Prominent- - FAST. EFFICIENT, GUARANTEED CALL ANGELL 3891 So. Main. Good Salary Choice 1 Salt- - 1 Mortgage Loans PLAYER, noon BE EXPERIENCED REFERENCE REQUIRED MUST To work Full or Pari Tima COSMETIC-SALESLA- ACRE FARM Phone IMMEDIATE CASH for your home. Will buy outright or eel! for you. - McKINZIB . REALTY Cashiering General Office Work NEWHOUSE Good Pay 5581 very little, ftfrfecl key. Excellent eonditiofr 2ft Roll ft Bench Terms. 2231 So 7 lb . 1 tn 1 nm GOOD GERMAN VIOLIN and trombone for tale. Call till Bookkeeper and MAIDS Permanent Position Write Box Deseret News Summerhays Music Co. used - hed., Working Conditions WILL BE FOUND AMONO OUR USED PHONOGRAPH RECORDS JLANOl FINE - Well-Establis- Operator: Pleasant Hits- 5 AND PART TIME 213 SO. MAIN - home, good water right, feed coops for 1800 hens egg barn, cellar, other outbid , ftow laying heoa. All poultry equipment Full line machinerj, good team, harness, vow, pig some hap, a good hu lnesa Would 12, trade. Only 760 00. 6 9284, men! Call 7 0227 J. C. Penney Co, GOOD SALARY 1 vocal tfamint glee the- beat-- n Wonderful connections in Holly wood Call 4 2734 for auditions SO - CONTINENTAL BANK BLDG. OFFICFR OF WELL ESTABLISHED LEADING LOTAL FIRM - Machine It You Can Smg - 1ST Would You Like to' Work From Now LZUnfir Xmas? GOOD SALARIES OFFICE APPLY PERSONNEL Bookkeeping SPINET PIANOS The new Spinet by Everett la here Order are being taken Call today for demonstrations Summerhaye Music Co. WF.1T Housewives ? Outstanding Opportunity-- . Awaits Experienced Industrial Firm Has An Opening for a player, mahogany 1 walnut upright. Both very good. Reasonable term, 2231 So 7th E 3 to 7 p m 17 15 East No. Temple Women OPERATOR- - rm. 2ft Autos Wonted '$949 " 889--- - con' ' 194LChev. Master Deluxe 6 3439 Houses- Trailer 3 Bdrme. Colftv-man Range, circulating heater, aide leer ice box furnished 9 plete Dishes, lmene silverware etr Tine home for someone 679ft oaeh let Trailer. 2865 So State. 1942 Ford Tudor " rood, 4 7819 acre USED CARS 15 ft Trailer for SALVAGE SeeRay Bradford or- - Gip --Thomas QUALITY HEALTH PROTECTED -- OrK:'Dr BeardshaL Mallory, ACRE POULTRY RANCH. Good 4 I Ind So . 4 8119 fee Cow GLIDER Automobiles For Sal INC; West 19 Judge Bmldinr S33 Federal HOMES' $15 950 WOULD like to buy 3 or Grange-r- or TayloratiUtA BITNER REALTY -- COMPANY rent For Itself 'Phone 5851 ALTO State 739 Trailers "fS TAT g- - and trams 9 and thrt -bedroomsGas-ftn- d heat, Insulated walls aud ceilings. ull basements, tile dratnboards, tile round tub. showers, beauiota tifully decorated Large trees, etc shrubbed, tawtis. Priced at 91000 to 82000 below Salt Lake pncaLocated tn Aoiartcen Forth-Uta- ha thriving commnmty with good ecbonis. water elean Pure streets, no smoke Pay $608 nr more down, balance Lke Property-P- ays ear wrecked CO Ronches 285 acres fine dry farm land to fall gram. House, planted weil AiukftonuiixUL.htneryL(0. m Bins Creck Valley -i94ft wheat crap should sell for ftlft.OOO 00 Price 811 50ft. Terms r Lall Howell garage BHirK 2 Here s an excellent piece of property requiring little upkeep, Mart of Jrta,-j- re lJarf room furmahed. Two- - mascompletely ter apt, downstairs. Income $2898 annually. All newly papered and room, ('lose in painted. Laundry sidcrr-ery- . on. desirable -- rental property. Will accept reason- able offer or trade for home or . CaU Garff 4 7538 acreage Owners! ' 1018 FARM FOR SALE "PAYMENTS' . Fountain- - 8 0017 OMMLHUAL on nerts cash Tourist Auto Wrecking State AUTO end Truck parte Cash PRICES care 8 4881 TTIS7 FormSrAcreoge, landscaped 3 ON USED AUTU PARTS WRBCKAGK . HONE) LOW SPRQU L, REALTY - 3 0452 Richarila ftt. LOW DOWN CITIES Real Estate Wonted CONDITIONS Well REALTOR 3rd booth. 1 IMvone F Business Property ( PI YOU nT thinking pf gelling your home now is a good time m thi is a sellers' market W havw caeh'Buvers for home fn all claves List your home For-qmwith p action and courteous attention. E- es iLedy-G.Qmpa- ny Beason Bide FULL-TI- Call jMr. Hoeny A Gas-UtTITtl- and bath Lot I and has a double 117 513 T emple: Bowling -- PERMANENT POSITION price. FORSAL- J? 34 Beautiful Gilmr Park, ft room brick, bungalow, J bdi chubs, oak lovely floors, fireplace, gum-woo- a finuh. tiled bath and dram Full baeement, gag furnace, Frrbanre $10 25ft p APPLY IN No. 9 So. 3rd West SoM The Latest Experienced Excellent Salary Auto Dismantler Keen Auto Wrecking - IT AND TALK WITH ODR CALL IN OVER S33J AMUNDSEN VPLENMP SOUTH COMPTOMETER' here at Salt Lake City one PIANOS, Mountain States Telephone & Telegrapb WORKING TDD FOR city TH STATt ROl . Income r Fountain-Hel- PLEA A NT WORKING CONDITIONS OF CLEAN CHRISTIAN FOR CHARACTER WORK CHOIR PROFESSIONAL BOMfr MUMG BACKGROUND REQUIRED, , CALL --4 8207. - YOUNG MEN II TO 25 TEAKS OP'AGft Rlgb School Education or better and able to travel Will be trained tn Telephone Exchange Equipment. Long Unas Xarrler System. and other types. Future to this field Is good Best working conditions and advantages for etnpiojss Help Wantod Into 997 at Attention, Hom l fireplace, oak flooia, tile dram, stoker heat, -- water -- heater; Lovely lot with garage. Income Property 4656 OP FIRST Fl garage,-Libera- 845 FIRST ... SECURITY Main . rELT AUTO Sa State - ' ed. 10th East Very attractive 6 rooms, only ft yens tdti, I99SO " 69 East 1st South S.30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M Communications Equipment 1 nsta I lers:: EAST to sell now, $12 000 Attractive 6 room brick colonial, east enrh district. Entry hall to spacious living room end dining room, fullv carpeted, I nice tiled bath, finished bedrooma, room tn basement garage, gaa heat. Large lot nicely landscap- REDUCED and ctuivemenl kite lieu, 3, bedrooms of with. Oodles new bathroom pact, a 'with irnwem Mrani Hi iuTnrit?i and water boater Well., planted iturv brk, bidr Ideal repairing, mernhandigmg andaholecalmg of f!e district. Splendid poi31xft Bldg- - meaure bdrtiees feet on lot 185 feet deep Listed St f 10 000 term nan be arranged. KMtiHT REALTY TO 4415ft -- Realtor -- Fve3 8087 8 9803 Co. Ph REPRESENTATIVE AT Men and Women 6116 A Iron Monsey 3rd West Phone hand Can. tnjke So State Street. .. lira?, 3 Pump. tanks, chine ry Pacific Railroad 0 Sunday FOR POLFS STEEL CLOTHESLINE WIRE AND ETELETS, FREE DEL. SOUTB 79 -- I ER An Iubertv Park attraitive 6 room britk colonial, good prewar ennstnu tlon, in condition throughout. Oak flbori, gum finish, good sued rooms, cement baaement. fireplace Lawns and shrubs, garage. coxy larg oloset home, n. Offers These ' 66 tranaferred 5 1781 DOWNTOWN TELEPHONE OPERATING WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. TheUnion Beesley Music Co. Furniture For Sole 1613 One Who Will Be Out of Work BEST CASH PRICES - 6 5429 RE Don't Be Want a and Good Opportunity for Advancement So.Wt Temple LIMITFD-lfUMB- fur Bark Beautiful Highland clean through-out- . room colonial Jtull oak floois, i bedrooms an stoker heat, alsu baxement, electric range, south ftont lot wlih gaidge. Home is vacant 34s has at lor our mspecliOn the ket 4 jour ,cont entente. Located on a lovely street $9300 7 room on the Avrnufo home in oak excellent umditton, pretty floors throughout. Displace, coay front lot with Ont using Butene- - and Gas Air Machine and one producing water gas fine Pteel Oil Gross revenue two hundred thoTTOind wmnjallyr Box A 50 Deseret New WANTED A i alt IN GROWING With Good Salary 4TH SO. AT 7TH WEST the teima.- - " ) -- Position KETCHUM BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO. - PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF BAND INSTRLMENTS AND PHONE PIANOS 4 Reliable Company Wants Furnished Apt. or House Jn S. L , Murroy or Midvole for emplore - -- Permanent 1 All kinds and makes Call Mr Summerhava 6 1274 Lerrtre'e Do Y ou FEE MR. OLSEN A-5- 3 Business Opportunities .UfVU 4Jil.ftMl-.tt4.K6AtRlKR FI MNLKS. 723 So. State Steady WorkT Good Wages 7 Box DESERET NEWS BY BAND INSTRUMENTS Wanted, Best Cash Prices PIANOS BANANA and Hubbard squash, all ktnda of apples potatoes onions. Free delivery, 331ft So. State. Ph. SO of inauranoe adjusting not -- claims, insurance experienoe neocssarv but applicant must he able to use typewriter. High school graduate and equivalent jot eer of rtillege at least Moderate aalary 1o preferred start but poaibilittea for advancement and increase in eal ary pxrrHcnt In apphing rive are, edutahnn three referenda Write - - ' "Dairy a borers. , Fox A Music and Jladiot Wanted Farm and Garden Produce 135 Kennels Wants Several-J- The Farms Top cash meet for animats dead - or alive. Phone eolleci Murray 286 NORTHWESTERN HIDE AND FUR CO. 4 2113 ti S Jri) ffut WESTERN-FURNITU- - oY large General Agency Excellent Opportunity For Right Man rlT To Learn t Utah Music Co. are headquarters tor tabblt kins and all other raw furs For highest market prices ship all your raw furs to us Childs wood roekera ' Coal heater , Floor- - Lamps- .- a finw eelectlew Wanted Livestock J -- oftheMany Livestock For Sole We Platform rocker Student desk aL range - - for DUPLEX APT bedroom . large Mfg regional executive local refer fo can gne good 453L eu e Phone Evening 4 778L Cloverleaf- - - IN CLAIMS DEPARTMENT Rent or Leate ISOO-L- Apply-Mr. Fetzer 36 4 3743 -- Draftsman 1 Ph kitf henett APT BM 2 OR e Store Equipment Men- - CASH FOR YOUR PIANO OR RADIO 163 3RD SO Attention Rabbit Raisers - 1 0307 r-Eixtur Upholsterer- - POSITION OPEN Buy SAMUEL WELLER, 4 3485 WANTED TO BUY To furnish new home, need eon plete household furnishings, elec or gas range washer nigs bed TurnlturR room and Urine room 6 6395 f Help -- Wonted re- except $8500 WANTED Position Journeyman c CALL WASATCH CoaLand-WoocL - 8 5338 Wonted To Discount Cash and Carry. 10" Bo com pres FLOOR SANDERS son paint sprar irays, eouipment gold or rented- - A C Whittaksr, 648 4 8827 So State Felt felt base 84 95 RUGS 9x12 base hnnleatwr 3e Bq- - Yd Heme Furn., 838 So. State. - etc nfl t ft SHEETING lenethu, 88 50 and $6 70 per 100 ft Some diamond met-- fence left. Cement mixer for rent. Native Lumber Co all 838 with H SOUTH Permanent CASH FOR BOOKS Wedding Specialties -- COAL HEATROLA beats boms like furnace. Best bnv in eity. 41 Hampton Are. Pb. 43077, for 6TH EAST $25 sW ittr General -- Office Experience Who Is Interested jn Learning Salt Lake .Cabine Co. ' Newhouse-Hot- el - ROLLS parts Bower s Furn Aportments Furnished Hours 8.30 to 5 p. rn. -- as st' p LADY Phone t a Ljj Wonted--T- o North Salt Lake perColldaycomm; J, C. Henson T PRTGHT SALE GOOD FMERSON PIANO, 3 piece, living "room act 1983 Fief 4ftth oiHh -- WRINGER wasbera. FREE Iniptcllon Vending Machines all sites So, 4tb 743 4 5160 LIVEWIRE iOR -"- RUG flour bagtt burlap -- 3637 oil drums (ftpe 33 SALESMEN MM all purpose power trmtf. 3 of 26 h p 3 of 31 bp Write H R Bolt Implements 133 Mam, Bruham 4 tv, I tab Ph 148 BARRELS KHRH1AH, HAILING, LD PH AAHf - NFW- REF AIB SERVICES OEMRAL Training 4 of furnace. colonial room. oaks floors, chide all' furnishing kes frigerator DEMAND - immediate AKK BAHB6RS possession LEARN BARBFKING Uj a few bualneia a anoniha permanent britk $7500- - Last oulh Teiuple with a big turftme Salt Lake Bar home of 7 rooms. 3 large bedrooms, 170 t ber College Regent to good that owner la renting out roomers, ocdipiee the 4 rooms on HOW fO -- MARE J40NRI- - KITB the main floor, gaa furnace and A SIMPLE CARTOONS book water heairr. vervnne like who to draw, free should have no obLo tied In a fine Avenue 9809 Car- - j ati ligation Aimplv bruk-an- d stucco loom Exchange. DegW 8C, lo4tinn 8 room bungalow, oak 1 floors JirepJace, Pleasant Ohio tljL hot air lurnae. arge $0 foot lot with 3 garages" Terms. American .Linen f Cudahy iPacking Men Wont Work - APPLY IN PERSON AT OFFICF- - OR CALL , MR. HUGHES Overtime - - Coal, circulating heater good condition. $2000: Phone Edition and Consideration Maraame and Volume Tnrttnwe Uireiertted in Weal . Eai aiNf and LaUon $4000 SOI TH OF MIRRAY ON STATE home STRFE1 8 twom frame in good condition 7 acres ol land. 3 irn in good pasture with spring on if About 300 feet front age on $7500. 4 Top VVages on mending done dresses and aweateri coat, Misc - - Catalogue Binding - s0 - ND OAK FCR.VACE and pippf, monkey atovt hot water hadwick Ph 7 1431 tatik 28Ai LARGE aaaoHmeot coal eircuTatme nratcea- h eatery Real rartrm values from $19 95 and up Har4 Furniture345 stufe den WRINGER ROLL9 to fit all wshers 171 A pea 8alea 4 Bervlea g 3rd A DKTFC AGENCY Tan von Rd Shadow inf Apt shoplifting ( all afnr 4 nm 2.165 liv. and EXPERIENCE NECEE'ART EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY invisible r OF OUR EtPLOYEFS . Y AVL v fet room 7 St. O alorv home, tn ludea 2 gas betters and a faa range. Farly 194517 Auto Parti, Glati Repairs DUPLEX near Sugar-hous- e A 6 room aparlmeut and another of 3 room. Neat and rlijan Good tenants Automatic taa heat and water hegter. Large and a 2 car ga lot. 52x151 v rage. Buy it "for $7250. 2 tte.hate BATHS WE TAKE GOOD CARE NO SO. 3rd 2151 Schools PB .XAVork, Rot WILLIAMS EXP mhme, double beds rompiete- BUTS -- Meat Packing House Work 7 2887 . on Located $4250 Homes For Sole DANDY 4 room furmahed Fullv brick cottage. Incited on the Avenues vou tan hate poweioo up will on ol tale. $1900 losing handle. 257 South Main PI i 4250 & CO. S. N. KRESS WAGH-AP- FREX HOSPITALIZATION HOT MEALS AT CAFETERIA Also (HILPRLM IN PFCrtII7F I Homes For Sole - TI ITLLBAl MS 17 Fast- - Broadway Full Time Good Wages Butchers Collect Ogden, THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 27, FLORAL DESIGNER 3 Good Women Skilled & Semi skilled AND D FAST Brooder ormnh I)r lor quirk. sale cheap fclC 1 OATS-AN- 23751 We Need Wanted Salesmen Wanted 9135 8 f Cle.n.fl MASTER HEATER & .APPLIANCE CO and- 1469 Personols Id Poultry Cesspools r Septic Tanks 1 0153 AS FIOOR FI RNACF8 OKI IVERY IMMEDIATE ? AST TF RMS HOT-pOt- NT FTFCTRir RANGF5 RFRIGFRATORs ft WASHFRS ON DISPLAY CLEANING. CALL 3 1011 OR 3 4538 Given - G EXPERT PAINTING High-Gra- roftneha THFMARKFT- Lake Call WOMKV SFWING J Women EXPERIENCE rOT NECESSARY WFEK TCP WAGES MEAL AND UNIFORMS FURNISHED Started' WOMEN !oon Chicken Inn 4 iF HKATFRS Xhixkens FOR. de For Live amt New Gas Ranges STANDARD ft APT TWO Claonlnft Papartn 140 ON RFDMAN Affiliated with Bekins Van Lines give prompt moving on tts return -- tnpa to eerviee Utah from uoh distant pomta a Kansas Citv New York tbrrago npw--- 4 o Angeles San Fraa. oiaeo Seatile Dial 5 1727 RET MAN VAN ft STORAGE CO STORAGE -- B A.DLE-TO Mavflower tan Servica """Ttirnr eerv lught till 9pm till 10 p m so Mne Saturday 6 8536 re open Mniidiy ami ' Moving 'and Storoge - HIGHEST PRICES RRGIS1ERED nurse would consider' earing for sick for furnished er unfurnished apt . or house tn Balt Western Trading 7 4108 LOT Poultry and Baby Chick Women Want Work hetrn Wanted Help New Dept:. MEN 7 5788 bOOD FERTILIZER GET IT before (all rush. 84 for 1 yd 113 (or 4 vards 8 6613 LANDSCAPING done real i site rrccncd fertilttar and soil 8 1087 downtown or 7t ii Hast buv imp biph 111 uree 6 nmmil 9487. Reward ht'itoalit JUg PH STATE SO 372 Soil and Fertilizer- - Lost and Found LOST, jHelp Wonted Men WAITRESS' Guaranteed material aftd " workmanship ANTROR BOAT k STFFL OO IB 53 -- PORCH RAILING 111. Iron Help Wanted So. Main Dial HIGH CASB PRICE paid for eld FELT or trucks cars ftCTQ WRECKAGE CO 846 to flat UUS1 toavs iiL model car lo pui hnns trailer Will pay up t4 Fleasa eall enUerC $2508 cash and give information 8 74 Na dealers cah far late model car RAE CaJl Good enough for ft 8333. aesr - |