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Show DJ Th Dlllrtl Nw I'Ul T $att . Nevmbr City, Utak Lak flulceyser: j tion an abnormally high ratio. A competent local observer, in with expanded the confusing factors gppra)slng continued . on a which are retarding reconver- - ' 27, t94j area, swollen war activity, high level during the early months following V-- J Day. In the first full month after tfie cessation of the Japanese war, momentum was still carry- Ing the district forward in fi- mmcial rarffactionsrwbieh were 3 6. per cent larger than In the corresponding month last year, Likewise, the business activity index for the city itself showed a rise of 3 2 per cent. For the nine months of the year, statistics record continuing war- time growth. The rate of growth has slowed down since the end F or the n 1 n e ' months the business activity in- dex showed a gain of 8 8 per te cent compared with the sponding period In 1944. . The subjoined figures sum- h marize the period the city: Construction per- were up 23.9 per cent in number and 7.7 per cent in W stand for the constitution ot the United States with its tnree deportments of government os therein set forth, eoch one fully independent in its own field. Roads Mean Much In America roads with more than two lanes artdof this mileage, 14,681 were only three lane which may be extremely dangerous when full capacity is ' more attention be paid to the roads and highapproached. Speaking before the highway conference of ways and the condition in which they are kept. his association in Washington, D. C, recently,' is the of most in to It a position of those opinion Mr. Upham declared that where the volume of know, that vacation travel is due for a tremendous traffic requires it, the primary rural highways boom as most persons are thinking of vacations of the future should have four lanes. He pointwithin the United States. Polls conducted by the ed out that the conventional one lane each wav is American Automobile Association not adequate to take care of much of today's that 84 5 per cent of those polled plan to take traffic requirements, and that the three lanes, an t0 comPromise with llm,led ribt .their vacation trips-bcar, and that 43 per cent" of aUempt way, is condemned by engineers under many of the group expressed a preference for the Rocky highway- - accidents Qnditionaas an. invitation-tMountain States, and Only five states have in excess of 1,000 miles each the Southwestern States. In view of'these facts, of more than two-lahighways, and the -is important thaf"lravel on the highways be " dominance of this is the three-lavariety. ddition to this, many of the multiplerlane made as safe as possible. To do this new roads and i surfaces of a low-ty-- must be constructed and vast betterment programs highways haveMueh to need of of this mileage feror Krgde. -- must be launched for the Improvement of the old. repair,' and these programs should be launched as soon as possible. Highways are to play an thinking of this situation, it may surprise to learn that only six percent of the 333- ,- Prtant parljn the.. postwar. era.sncLl.hats.Ut P to P?r Tooo miles of primary rural highways in the United whic fails ! hav ta f,ad V to profit t0 mi -S" opportunity g0," two have more than traffic lanes, but such from the tates crop of tourist dollars which it might is the fact, according to Charles M. Upham, en- - otherwise g!eanBelng In the center of Scenic gineer-direclof the American Road Builders America, Utah should not be one of those states Association. Iff 1943, we had only 20,879 miles of having roads of an Inferior quality in any respect,. sion, included: 0 Determination of labor to wa demands, (3) Scarcity of raw and semi- finished materials. 0PA regulations. (5) - Difficulty of retaining " t- -J $) under tax setup: '""" profsbusinessman's seven-poi.A credo for reconverff-hasbee- n F. Gra y, 'formulated by Henry president of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, who rec-fir- st ommends y?at: J, (1) The federal government v should withdraw from business as promptly as possible. "(2h Public works should be to scheduled as to .fjll the gaps or any lags in employment by enterprise. ai)d npt to , compete. The office of Price Ad- ministration should face its prob-I- n Jems realistically and be govern-mi- ts ed primarily to encourage long range employment opportunities. 4 -- Discrimination, s h o u Id n in the disposal of ,up. I6,9. per ceft "uber be eliminated per cent in dollars; properties. surplus -department store sales rose Building space required 14 4 per cent: postal receipts, 61.5 per cent, and stock ex-- 7 for7 war 7 Puu,rPse :sh.0,?,d he er made available- - to private , change" transactions!-33.4"p- -cent in number and 67.7 per Prlse with despatch. be freed cent in price." It Is significant hat in the transportation fields promptly in- - order- - to expedite mi 0 v f re i ghr-c-ar men and women to work and dined 0 8 per cent, where; air traffic rose 68.9 per cerjjt for processing "Into finished plane-39.0par. .products. cent in number and passeit-ger- s "(7) Immediate provision . should be made to decentralize carried," and "140.4 "pe1 cent in airmail loaded, such government authorities as Jrw Department of Labor Orjfejr. necessary,, even to the extent of figures (incomplete) indicated creating a western Office of Wr more job openings were report- - Mobilization and Reconversion . if mch anm establishment,. is Ctfhanncmploymenf-- " But, of course, these statistics found to be necessary, in substantial measure reflect a 4 closing chapter. Businessmen, jI You're Me . Telling looking ahead, are concerned -- 4with where dirwe gofrom here"' ' In "wartime. the expanded" Radio broadcasting is now. shipbuilding facilities were in25 years old. But, adds Grand-th- e San Francis- public eye Jenkingi K lg stlli a ,mere co s -- main peacetime - industry- ,- pappy 7 to some of those infant compared however, is the production of food and kindred products. The comedians gags, though they are job of reconversion in this in- - infantile enough. dustry is deemed negligible. Ap- - Grandpapa first radio receiv-- a repairparently cotructn'Tsst.lir'ol er was a crystal set. It was the device save yvldlng shipyard - employment wonderful during this transitional period. fct it didn t work. xAt the. turn of autumn,-all "The old hoy says there was quite a thrill in monkeying with v industries, lumber, and auto- - ?hat first set because you never mobiles and parts were cm- - knew when it would blow out very iuse in the house. plovlng more persons than in 1940, when the bay area had In those days it was the Grand- a population of 1, 400, 000 or i pap's custom to sit up all night about 17 times as many persons as were employed in fac-h- o trying to get distant stations. K WITH the vast amount of traveling .that Amer-- y leans are going to do in this country during the next few years, it is Important that more and y have-disclo- Employment On Coast . . sed - nt corre---priva- y nine-mont- ne ne pe lm-ma- ny or -- - . k V4hat allstreet car tracks willbe removed next summer, and that a new modernization program Is under way at the"company,a offices, shops and which we fall just short of getting! In the day of the horse-draw- n car, a family could prepare a lunch, board the car and ride to the end of the line and then find a picnic Spot , garJge, brings a somewhat nostalgic recollection i of the days and glories ot the past, and a realiza- - a short distance away. What a day that was"for - tion of the transitoriness of everything iff this life, the children in the family. - The electric trolley car A Deficient Diet t Within the memory of many residents of the city permitted the family to do the same,"but there ; came the change from the old cars drawn by had been a stepping up of the tempo of life ,and trol- somehow relaxation did not come as easily as i horses and mules, to the then "ultra-moder- n Heroes and the People - ley car, which could whip one home at almost tin- - it formerly had. The city had been expanding also, and one had to go farther out to find a good place ; precedents speed, and It was thought that the in-- a similar ' mood-- of petulance - fer- .- Howeverr as to- the Italians By Westbrook Pegler t absolute ultimate Irnnass transportation through"" to camp. Now. the trolley cars have gone and so and named one of their preten- - in italy. who did honor the duce NEW , YORK-- By at inquiry streets of the city had been reached. Then have most of the choice picnic spots that were so the office of Jthe - tnms avenire5after"the Fascist' and would have been brutal m of Provi7 came the electric trolley buses requiringno .. v. e close to the heart of the city In those days. O, tvierinre ctory. our sentimentis that tracks upon which to run, and finally the gas- - how the tempo of life has increased. And the name 0 ussollniStS has whenMuslmi the gov- were innocently misguided they conto aeems buses their with restlessa with and have ft ernment. has been changed to Russo Street in greater speed . propelled This, loo, probably brought change and exploited. been rescinded now. , venlence. res and a hyper-tensio- n that knows rib rest or honbr 'of Albert of German American Nut long afterward. Marshal Russo the first And the passing of the horse and mule cars. relaxation. j " " Rhode-islan- der of the removal street car the will tracks j and then of the trolley cars, marked also the pass- -t Yes, Ing of an era, for the conditions and men and see the close of an era, but does it see an increase of Italian line- - I er Adolf Hitler. It is not to die in 4 V'r when, naturally, it would be in1 women In these different periods have changed as in soul satisfaction and contentment? Yet no one age amiss now to consider what a to triumhim convenient I much as the forms present give of conveyance. In the present would want to return to the past with its lack of war. their feelings must be, havingi The , marshal had 1 phal reception. era we are out In the forefront of progress and-- I conveniences and modern appliances, for the huwars That laid an egg and, for once since fought well .In "two advancement as a nation. But are we as happy man soul is so constituted that it must ever be on street in when they Germany, against Mussolini had made the trains any the march toward growth and development ever-i- American citv ; as were those men and women and children in to run on time, a train was hours hear that there is something - the era ot the horse and mule cars? Are we as search of better things for the members of the ever should late on a run comparable to the in the German breed or blood ' freea from care, or have our worries Increased human family during their. oiournUDQnihe Jl4L he discovered east coast and able survey indicated that named for the t rale commensurate with the increase in the earth. Haven to New Yorkjn the end. including, we would have to even EisenhowerS' were employing one- - west coast static sounded exact- -' De Bono fell befoie a firing assume, w, h o 7 tempo of our existence? Do we get the satisfaction The Salt Lake City Linea is to be commended man thirteenth of the new popuia- - ly alike. for its decision to remove from the streets the created Fascism , from the simple things of life that "was obtained squad, so probably his name blood, out of corners came the from down from those things 50 years ago, or are we strlv- to a rails that belong past age. to Mr. Pegler' even before the Americans mov- which.he. was an apostate,-ma- ed in. - A remind us that some conspicu- is an odd faet that, It ous Americans of Italian birth or Mussolini certainly descents whonow repudiate though popurarin Italy and today Automobiles Mussolini, were glad to honor would of the jieopie be a him and to receive honors from had he won hero his war, our disBy George E. Sokolsky white collar salesmen, is hard passing it mi to the public. him not so long ago. These perposition toward the Italian' to get. He would have to give "Despite ThTs . requirement, sons are, for the most part, pushDo you want a new car or an is and aym- forgiving dealersill actually realize con- his salesman a salary and comful and selfishpolitical upstarts people argument?" n general,' higher margin- s- than mission and maybe he wotild who presumed to speak for all pathetic whereas,-isiderably of GOOD ve no mercy-for- th , ' In all this sea of OPA dicta have to dust oft and oil hls. they did before the war. The re and atrlkea and atatement hark 41 list prices for automobiles cara because the customer Pnnited dealers a wants a demonstration on Sun- - through subsidies from the Fas- and forth, there are no new "theoretical discount averaging day morning, which la.tbe cut government an d trashy We Jo this .although every cars. And the OPA labored early observer of the rise of time he has to see a car fot7jbout2ipr only ' Hitler lx months and produced a for that . acknowledged In other words; the dealer is demonstrated in the Berkshire mula which kids the manufac- - the sucker. That is how these Hills. That is just one little exmany Germans hated him and turer, puts the dealer out of great mind in Washington solve ample of what Mr. Bowiea only bowed to the terror and business, eliminates the spare the problem of the row between would not like. power of the Brown Shirts. tire and leaves us without cars, the great automobile companies And (his in spite of the fact I could pile it up, but whata And the cari sre the crux of the and -- that so many Americans have the use -E very - smaU-bus- iff done the same in many cities, proposition. all thatMr. Bowles statement man knows what I mean and he The OPA has always been means is that the dealer in 1941 knows even better thanl do that particularly in the northwest. a queer among governmental . had a mark-u- p of 24 per cent, it was a snide and heartless trick We have seen business men, agencies but in this automoout of which he paid rent, taxes for Mr. Bowles to give the proud and ostensibly stalwart in -bile business it would seem and 'other employes, pression that these smatl men, their American convictions, aa though thla. price-fixinelectric light bills. Including even in 1941, made a profit of their American'Iovau - Operate with the goons, who. are even-backen - ty. Shortly before Pcarl Har. almost identical -- with- Hitlers agency does neon signs, advertising, per not care at all whether- - we ra etc. Maybe, he made an an lndependent, side-strebor, they subsided and by eary storm troops, -- and for the cock-crodollar or two chiseling on cer could tell him that that yet ear or not but is more on December 8, same reason. If they resist, the concerned with the proposition overhead cars, but any businessman, "ure Includes "mostly terror will p.ut them out of 1941, they had denied him exerthat it, the OPA, shall even the smallest, will be able and what remalnr is a compara-t- o ines by shutting off supplies at cise authority to the fullest prove- that a 24 per cent lively small amount, added to by In Providence, they were es- - thelr doors bating up their But what matters, so far as the mark-u- p will produce a com- - such labors as selling parts, arrogant, as the selec- - Payees and their - customers American consumer is consmall paratlvely profit. Of running a service station and tion of the duces name for a and boycotting firms which deal py cerned, is that his aged course, if the' volume' is large, "repair shop and 'dealing in ice- - city" street shows. comply, the They were with them, if they has ene or more wheel the small profit may develop a ond-hacars. Or doesnt Mr. alert to resent criticismsof limit will help them-an.In the grave; that it aneesca- - large gross but if there are no Bowles and the OPA know how ther the lhe regime or the duce and competition by killing, oroffmak-no fumes and makes a noise-- - carsrthfr overhead will eat up business is done in boldly demanded the elimination business of their rivals a dezth ODT The rattle. sBke States? everything."" such material from the press. 1n8 t impossible for prospective off th rllroids nd 1 would suggest as a practical Back in his yesteryears when' They, in turn, were overwhelm- - rivals to open up, . rep us from - the or A .prevents reMr. Bowles proposition that Chester Bowles was earning a That. was. Hitlers way- .- And Ingiy repudiated by the Ameri- getting new car. And they sign from the OPA and at- cans for whom they took it up- - yet, not because Hitlers rules living, he was what Is known f tempt, under the terms of his in the trade as a 15 percent on themselves to speak, and now were worse than Mussolinis but ,rec"ne1rlon tiT ' ukase, to operate as an auto- ia told: ine 7dealer man; that is he represented na- the names of Russo, Basllone and only because he was more In setting retail ceilings on mobile dealer in Springfield tionit advertisers who outshine there of all theoient, many of us damn the " nf.w. utomobiles, "we have ap- - Maas., whence he came. I know him nothinr but he got 15paid of New York, Provi- - mans as a race and. point out per recent from the newspaper, SU,ru 40nI?a,1 p?llcy Springfield well, owning a dence and who that German children are suffer-'servPhiladelphia nd J- " farm not too far from it. In other the "and duce here. media, magailnes ing no worse than Hitler made tailers absorb all or part of the the firat place, Mr. Bowles Who knows what that expert-enc- e It is not always unwise to Polish and Jewish children suf-naincrease in factory prices within would have . to work himself has done te his mind but public places and institu , specified limitations without because labor of any kind, even does it get us new cars? tions in honor of living heroes. I 21a Ol LIIB The Pershing Squares here and there were in an hour Worth It? Nor-n- o LOS ANGELES (AP) of emotion, but there has been be re. ton Morrison, who had words that suggestion they Arthur Baer By 'Bugs' named, in honor of later heroes, with a speed cop who flagged 1 However, in the case of La- - him down, found that California The world Is waiting for the has been out on the white ever tron. Greek fire means nothing Guardia Field, the selection sure- - law on disturbing the peace takes atomic blast as if civilization aince the molecules ni T. N. T. less. Those things ly was premature. And for La- - in a lot of territory. started were the man upstairs who hasn't growling. now are classified as practical Guardia s own sentiments on that Morrison learned disturbing dropped the other shoe. Joke, like ringing doorbells and we have his own observation, an officers peaefe is forbidden If war break Inn Shell love you more whan you give her this sparkling When eyep-bodchairswirln irresistible has one, then arae. shortly after Corregidor, that the and he paid $25 for his caustic improve the we can- all be even again. Wars might n la the PSnlon of humanists time combination engagement end wedding ring. Hand was not yet to honor Gen- - language directed at the cop. interim by selecting our exits In 4K yell od . are a eriesot . w -e otherJnn0centbi'Standeia,. ed ranee. I ver ipsge- ti mprovements suc- fashion. Either LaGuardta forgot Fenced In the brilliance of the atomic wal- the formula accentuate for eventually gold aj on revenge. Joseph (AP) lop, we can expect a little fer- - fed 'n destroying himself like that the airport had been named - , CHICAGO thediamonds, Our epauleted for hn-- r heonsldered his own Bartr 11 complained his house war Vnentatioff by the -- next parcel - tha - championword swallower a bow in the middle of to be secure being picketed by a man who fame distinction who took and experts figure post. , there will be and MacArthurs immature and stands out there by the Tor th epauleted experts con- another world which should make the subject to sharp discount in the picket fence and dances up and war in less than of the end of the light of later developments. In down when he sees he and holl-eith- er the nri1L h1Li a secret. Sooner predictors case LaGuardia seems to er be'S cold. worid thirty year jee happy. It cer- or later every nation will either You don't have have been immodest. A sewage ,g cominyg. tong in gen- Police freed Shivering Joseph ujnl ,eastfbable erous installments, ta be fiding a plant or dump would have been Kveton from the fence, where r thereof. as an more f Zebra to get the But gJ the dt teemJ j0 he experta picket through his belt had appropriate Which meins that even the 1975 we might as well send our ment brass ring. causht him. -. be will counterfeits Looks as if genuine. Any- )aundry out for a while, reverse The Italians, during their con- ,.... While getting thawed out at DIAMOND FOR HIM we have things thing that can bopp a crater a the tires and not get too far back quest of Abyssinia, impulsively a hosnital, en route home, if mlle deep and IIve mile wide " the alimony. mixed up a bit. -- bum Baer the old familiar name ton chattered: I dont know how must be tendered the respect $100 Scientist warn if you happen to be the last of a Roman square and, over- - I managed to get hung up on due distinguished vacuums. ua atom will be the last man. man in the world in 1975 you night, pasted up- - paper strips that picket, but I couldnt get a mrt looXlnc diamond rln That doesnt scare me. After I Not since the Chinese invented may be very lonely. But you bearing the name of Marshal De loose, and I thought that guy for th mao you lor. II my fright dial doesn't regis- - ' Otters J45 te $1600 gunpowder has there been such sure will be rid of a lot of obli- - Bono. They revoked an old (Bartell) was going to watch me ter over a million. The needle a wtapon as the belligerent ntu- - gations. compliment to W oodrow-- W ilso- a- freeze. -- - - One by One the Old Landmarks Disappear nrv ECENT announcement of Salt Lake City Lines Ing always , for that "Something j- Pegler: ' S the-may- 4 fr -- 5 .-- f' the IS any n I fac-tori- es Com-munii- m, Diamond From y l- Solcolslty: 'IUOTKE. s w Wanted: I Its the King we-ha- Gifts anOIakes a Investment ST the-gre- labor-unlonA- ?- nd g, price-controlli- nt et gro-ext- fig-us- ed w bus-utter- ly. Jal-lo- d -- the-Unit- of effi-Dam- ers ed rlOSneS Dusta Trifle Pre dated if car-wh- ed - . Lu. Kve-expung- ed X I |