Show DOINGS OF CITY FATHERS interesting session hold held and much business at tended to the maiorand mayor MaY orand and coune council bof of paro wan city met in regular the library awn in and auditorium J january andary 8 3 transacted considerable busi bus new of intent to the carowan parowan Pa Por citizens of rowan a report of below which is riven given mayor bayles stated that the business was waa the heanne bearing of the report of the various tit city Y officials find and the turning over of the affairs of the new administration for the next two ears eara the report of the city sexton was waa road read and after some deliberation was defered back 1 for a 4 more detailed report the report of the city justice was presented and on motion was referred back for a full annual report the city recorders drs report was read and accepted as aa was waa also the treasurers treasur ers Wa F W pendleton chairman of the water works committee reported that the pipe line from the intake down to a point opposite the old lime kiln was in good condition and reco mended that a stronger line of pipe should be substituted for the present line in order to better convey the water along the lesser hisser percent per cent of grade from the above mentioned point to the supply tank walter C mitchell chairman of the c committees committe ee on streets and side walks waka reported that sidewalks were in fairly good condition and recommended that a few places on sidewalk dewalk al crossings should be better bridgeland bridge dand thought that if the water was kept out of the streets conditions would be much improved councilman Cour cilman richards chairman of the electric light committee stated anat the plant was in good condition and recommended im impje proe ment on the upper part of the power canal which would better the aur ur vice considerable he also recommended that some attention be paid to the wire lines suggesting that they be tightened and the poles set act straight in various places in the city mayor H D bayles gave fl a general report to eiring all of the various branches bran chea of the city pr operand spoke in glowing terms of the efforts of the council during the past two years he stated that the condition of the cemetery was much improved the streets are in much better condition than usual the electric light and water system have given sati satisfaction he also stated that the purposed ur posed ex of the water system down the lane for the betterment of conditions of that part of the city baswell was well underway the pipe having been ordered and arrangements range ments being made for the laying ay of the pipe line lindaa as soon as the he weather conditions W faill 11 permit this practically completing the business of the meeting the mayor in a fitting speech turned over t the h a affairs of the city to the new administration wishing success for them in their labors during the ensuing two bears ears the official bonds of the incoming officials were then approved and the meeting adjourned ORSONO ORSON 0 ORTON recorder |