Show zalme FARMERS have you noticed the wind blow lately it makes us feel like J 01 spring would soon be here 01 II 11 and d you certainly want your implements in shape when the farm work begins 16 I 1 ow is s s the me time to 10 repair them before the work starts V H BUY YOUR HARDWARE ill such as bolts chain harrow teeth ai clevises Clevi ses chisels plow shares 3 1 punches hammers riveting bachs wrenches nails scrapers AT THE radowan ra row rowan cin gau 1 table CO coop OV 1 1 v H hows 0 Ws the price if you are from missouri call in we believe we can show you they are right I 1 go ai n we are moving i IH I 1 but notwithstanding this fact we are in in con condition to serve 6 our customers BELOW COST 0 I 1 several misses and childrens coats that remain I 1 r over from the large stock shown this S I 1 winter it H PRICE REDUCED I 1 on what we have left in gents mackinaws Mackin aws snaps for those who buy I 1 1 YOU CAN SAVE DOLLARS S by watching our bargain counter you will I 1 find many snaps snap s counter replis hed every i day fi I 1 3 parowan carowan coop co op M M I 1 M SIX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD DEAL WITH ME I 1 I 1 apay pay much more money for hides furs and pelts than any anyone in an southern utah 2 1 pay as good money as un cle sam ever coined 3 1 I make your hides into good loathe leather in an iron county holy 4 A fr trial 1 will wall arvn convince 0 you o it pays pay to in deal deal of at he home 5 you can get t the be best beer t in an vegetable eatable and c chrome ler leather ithen 7 1 I g give eve a square deal at all tunes t me WM PRITCHARD tanner browan pa rowan utah fh high ii class printing at this office |