Show WALKING mm FOR HEALTH out girla out into the open this glorious winter weather never mind the wind never mind the snow put on old lathes dothe sand and rub her ber shoes but get your daily walk be the weather what it may dress loosely and comfortable wear easy shoes hold your head well up soil and your shoulders well back breathe deeply fill your lungs completely hold the air a minute or two then breath it out do this in regular time so many steps white while you brea breathe thein in so many more while you hold it then just a step or two while you breathe it out walk fast as though you were obliged to reach a certain place at a given hour this is one royal road to health aud and beauty it is good for the circulation the lungs and the nerves nerve exercise gives even pale faces a becoming flush dep breathing expands the narrow chest change from read reading n or sewing geye gives the lack of lust lustre r e eye back its sparkle pure air and peace are the balms for smoothing out ugly lines |