Show the little town of enterprise came through fth with 14 subscribers the past two weeks and we have word that soon we may expect that many more imore the go co op M M co will hold the regular annual meeting of the stockholders on january 17 at this meeting a financial statement of the business will be presented and other business attended to fifty five members of the haydn society invaded cedar city last thursday evening they were cordially welcomed by the represents representative people of the town and enjoyed themselves while there the matter with some of tile the musical talent of our sister city cedar preparing something along alon musical lines and come to parowan carowan to present it ita our people are lovers lovera of music mune and would no doubt wel come our cedar friends at any time they cared to come delicious appetizing pies always fresh at the bakery OUR SLOGAN 1000 subscribers by january 1 1917 bread fresh from the oven loc per loaf leaf 3 for 25 cents 13 fora for a dollar at the bakery every little helps if each subscriber to the times will secure one new subscriber our list will then have reached the 1000 mark try the scheme and see if you cannot get us one new subscriber we will certainly appreciate you efforts lone this line 11 we can print your envelopes and letter heads to suit you and while you are about it read every cry advertisement in the parowan carowan times they are of interest to you H S hyatt was noticed on our on streets friday be having co come up from his farm to attend to some matters of business are you ready nady for pioneers day tomorrow 7 if not you have but little time to prepare be sure and get the proper spirit of the day any and enjoy it as never before the coop co op company this week sent to every p patron tro a beautiful calendar each one being out of the ordina ordinary in the way of artis itic work the recipients cannot he help I 1 p but be pleased mohave to have been remembered by the coop co op in such a III pleasing ending way and each will without doubt take extra care of the beautiful calendar received |