Show save all available fertilizing elements element 1 in the mom ansual conditions existing in the fertilizer trade it la is important that all fertilizer material on the far farm especially those containing potash should be conserved the fertilizer ingredients ingredient i already existing in the soil should be utilized and developed to the fullest extent A great creat deal can be accomplished in this direction by deep plowing acon con stunt cati cultivating ting and thorough til loge lage there should be a proper system of rotation especially where one crop has haa been grown for several years a different one should be planted this year green man urea ores and other crops craps should be used as much as possible in their proper rotation of the organic substances manure both solid and liquid la is the most important and should bp an lazed wherever possible all material at of an organic nature such as leaves and beding of various sorts should be comported composted com posted and the compost applied to the soil special at should be given also to the on ot of wood ashes aidie depend ing on the character of the wood they contain con in potash in quantities varying ordinarily from d J to 10 per cent all tree trimmings tn tri brush cuttings etc should be burned and the ashes derived utilized the application of time to man many soils is of undoubted benefit though the availability of the fertilizing elements of the soil may not be greatly increased by its use the resulting improvements in physical and bacterial bacteria conditions may increase considerably the productiveness of the he soil |