Show amm PIONEER DAY pursuant to the proclamation of mayor maya H D baytes bayles the people of C parowan carowan will celebrate tomorrow in commemoration of the birthday of this city A salute of guns will be fired at 9 a m to arcase ills people cand and th the band under the direction of or prof eckles will parade the town dia disben bersing aing patriotic and inspiring music promptly at I 1 p no the people will gather at the opera house and be favored with the following program gra song by congregation prayer address mayor bayles chorus by haydn society address morgan richards quartet by A M V quartet talk by james J adams Re acing by bv pearl decker music by L L eckles talk by new S whitney talk by R IT benson reading barley dalton chorus haydn society at the conclusion of the program everyone will indulge in partaking of group lunches each being expected to bring a lunch and cup the committee will furnish thor chocolate tolate after the lunch dancing will be indulged in for an hour or two the days proceedings will conclude with a grand ball for all at the opera house |