Show LACK OF MONEY was a godsend 1 in this case caia it 1 Is put not always 6 that a lea of money 1 Is a benefit alady A udy in ark owes owe her ber health to tho 11 fact 11 that it she aha lull could not lot ply pay in 11 ad advance the tea to demanded by ft a clallam to treat her tor for stomach trouble in telling of her case she ehe say bays I 1 had bee been treated by four different phy physicians sill during 10 ye years re ot of at stomach trouble amido L lately I 1 called tied on another other bounly who to told ld me a he gold could not cuts cure me that I 1 had bad us onest of the stood stomach uch then I 1 went to specialist P cultist who told me ahad I 1 bad catarrh of the stomach and said ho be could car cure me I 1 in 1 tour r months ethil sum but would have to have hia us money ou down ifould I 1 could not raise miss the rec necessary sum mid and 1 in my ext extremity I 1 was azy led to cult tuffe coffee and try plate dult th the results u it have be been magical I 1 now sleep well at night something I 1 be bad i it not done for ft a long time the pain t in n my stomach chi Is gone and d I 1 am different woman E every time I 1 had bad tried to top stop leef cot 7 fee so I 1 buffered end f from severe bevere headache a ana e so I 1 continued tinned to drink it although I 1 h had ad reason to believe it we was to me but who when I 1 had bad post ii to shift but to it we was different to my surprise I 1 did out not solm lef coffee when I 1 began to drink posture coffee had been steadily and it surely killing me and I 1 dian didn t fully realize what was doin doing 6 I 1 it until I 1 quit and changed to pos ture name gl given by arral po co battle it attle creek C ock alch tell p llon comes me I 1 in i two form forma pet I 1 uns cereal cemal the original form fored must be well boiled and pack ages instant es soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and with cream and it sugar makei make a delicious beverage instantly vaa d 50 0 t tins both kinds kind are equal equally 7 dilutions kid fund cost about the same per par cup cap 0 them Is as a reason tor for sold 14 by grocela |