Show the on mt los lassen the acl government t geological survey code bends out at the r reassuring ring report that old vulcan has baa clapped the lid do down on L las sen I 1 peak dusk th the great grant eruption chudde 1 in may beema to I he have spent part the energy argy of at the volcue volcano mild and the general indication a 6 are that it aill muse cause no more mom disturbance this season though tle mountain may my aau I 1 continue to be an active volcano at tho the report says say that it Is IB believed that it will not it develop lat ino a devastating fury after the manner of vesuvius or a acme me of the alaskan volcanoes or other w well c it known fan foreign vote volca volcanoes noea mag while lanaea in a rago makes make quits quit a parlane Par aile lale of itself end ad while a 1 vol I race cano in eruption adds variety to the tha alt attractions attract ett iona that not see A america first offers yet we could get along quite sa ell it vulcan keeps the tag lid ewd dew down and a hit bit tighter too I 1 I 1 than ill it to la in a great many |