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Show FOR RENT If' . ' r Apartments Fuinit.iied ran Caithness, COR 2ND a K. ANl 1! ST. FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED AKTMKNYS. FINEST IN TUB CITY ' ARTMENTS FURNISHED WITH ' iST MISSION FURNITURE. PHONE ' AS. SOI OR WAS. 96S. eliSSl THE COVEY. Now, etrgantly furnished houseke aping 'artniems; elevator service, tlrcproof 'Mills; PWM reasonable. 289 East So. niple; finest location In city. Phono ;t woh s;i. duaa r- SHUBR1CK HOTEL APTS.. . Cor. 4th So. and West Temple. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished useKeeplng suites finest In city Urge .by janitor and maid service. Phono asatcli 44SS. gSliS MODERN APARTMENT 4 rooms, completely furnished: front d rear porch, janitor service; for rent ' week or month; choice location: $36.00 r; Lund. 135 7th E. Inquire apt. 1. e2S61 ' t'KK APTS.. I ROOMS. BATH AND sleeping porch; completely furnished, quire 44s So. 6th East. viE ALEXANDRIA CENTRALLY Located, Lo-cated, new management May 1; choice ! o-room apt,, elegantly furn., private th. Urge kitchen, $35; single apt., --2.S0. Was. 7099. 12363 R SMALL HOUSEKEEPING APART-ments APART-ments see the Raymond hotel; disap-tarlng disap-tarlng bed in each apartment: ratea 50 per week and up; thoroughly mod- !n. 64 So. Main. Phone Was. 1257. ir f3672 fs r- i.-TE NEW RICHMOND. 70 E. NO. w Temple: two-room suites, completely Squished for housekeeping: bath, tele- .one, maid and Janitor service: gas and Kvht furnished; elevators, spacious lobby, -isic, billiard room and all mod. con- f-nlenees; $25 to 535 a month. Phone lln 51 f4270 : D. 3 OR S-RM. FURNISHED APTS.; sleeping porch: private bath; hot water. - E. 8th South. h3937 .. ?. REGIS APTS.. 3 AND S-ROOM burnished apts.. 135. Was. 2475-N-W. 5 E. 2nd South. k903 p. iE WOOD. 653 EAST BROADWAY '. Very choice front ape; no children. k2925 r ACHELOR APTS. FOR 1. 2 OR 3 PER-sons. PER-sons. furnished in bUck and white .ahogany; ready for inspection now. 3tel Touraine, 42 E. Broadway. k354I .. AND S-RM. APTS., ALSO COTTAGE . tn rear; sleeping porch. 331 1st ave. n949 - COLONIAL APARMENTS AND Tooms, 144 W. 1st So., newly painted d papered. Best ventiUted house in y. Bath, phone, elevator; close in; '.jasonable. Was. 4915. nlS35 ESCOTT APTS.. FINE SUITE FOR ITrent September 1. n2310 ELL-FURNISHED APT.. WITH sleeping porch. Meredith apts. (K), 170 t avenue. n3739 :::ROOM L-PPER FLAT IN DUPLEX house, 233 So. 6th East; strictly mod-"n; mod-"n; hot water heat, sleeping porch. : ' n3735 ' WTLFLBY APTS. ',2 rooms, with bath and kitchen: $35. vner in charge. n3906 ? HOLLYWOOD APTS. ' -I rooms, finished in oak; new furniture. . "vner in charge. n3907 -QDERN APT., 4 ROOMS, COMPLETE --iy furnished; front and rear porches: ' "age if desired: choice location. The . :nd, 135 7th East. Inquire apt No. 1. " n4077 "RNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ; Modern apartments. All conveniences. ". one Was. 5067. o40 "OOM MODERN APT. 3D AVE. CAS. ' ; n'as. 4319-M. 635 4th ave. o28 -P.M. FURN. APT.; PRIVATE EN- 'i-ance. front porch; close in. Phone -as, 3475-N-W. 043 FOR RENT For Rent Housekeeping Rooms UNDBR NEW MANAGJCMBNT, QLAD-atone QLAD-atone hotel, 2124 So. Slate. 24 sleep-tug sleep-tug arul housekeeping. 1 s, newly papered pa-pered and painted and thoroughly renovated; reno-vated; modern onnvenloni en; ati-Hni heat; special 111-dnv rate, lurge. IlKht, airy looms, ji per week, two nice housekeeping rooms, lj p(.j- month, also 2 frOnl ground floor housekeeping looms, 14 So. 2nd Bast. i:ar-t HELVETIA, FURNISHED APTS., $3,26 10 $4,60 week; modern: strictly respectable. respect-able. 23 Nonh 1st West. wain 2 OR 3 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS with piano. 4:i3 Hazel ct., 4th So., bet. Otli and inn East. f:n5 TWO NEAT, WELL-FURNISHED, II. ami c. water, light. fas. 66 Bo. 3rd Bast. 1)2260 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING; NO children. 311 So. 2nd West. . U3271 NEWLY PAPERED AND FURNISHED houaeiieeping or sleeping 100:118, mod. 358 So. West Temple. h3664 LARGE FRONT ROOM. FUhNISHED for housekeeping; $7 per month. l21 So. 3rd East. k2659 S NEAT. FURNISHED, MODERN H. K. rooms. 661 So. 2nd E. "730 FURN. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT lis lit b. k., from (2.60 up; hot and cold water and light free; Has for cooking; stihilv respectable. 6s E. 4th South. Was. 3608-J. n885 2 NICE, CLEAN, MOD. ROOMS: NO children; reasonable. 617 bo. lsl Went. nl308 WELL-FURNISHEtT CLEAN, AlltY rooms. 3 11 So. 5th p;ast. nl527 2 1 ARGE FURN.. II. K. ROOMS; FREE lights and telephone, bath, coal and gas ranges, wash house; $16 month. 239 W. 5th North. n2548 NICE CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, electric lights, gas and running water. 504 Main. n2806 2 AND 3-ROOM FLATS FOR HOUS-E-keeplng. 12 Kendall square. W. Temple, Tem-ple, bet. 4th and 6th So. n2445 3 NICE MODERN ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; close In. 76 E. 5th So. DM40 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CLOSE IN. 12? West Fourth So. No children. n2627 THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 381 Earl court, between Fourth and Fifth East and Third and Fourth So. k2611 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; GAS. porch, bath. 618 4th aye. n25s3 ONE OR TWO CLEAN ROOM?, MOD. 545 W. 2nd North. n3118 1 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ground floor. 631 So. 1st West n3030 3 CLEAN. WFI.L-FURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor; gas range, light, phone and bath; good location. 389 6th East. n3346 2 ROOMS. PANTRY AND CLOSET, mod., furn. for h. k.. $13.50. Apply 58 No. 2nd W. k3616 FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN. FOR bedrooms or light housekeeping. 341 Oblad ave.. between 3rd and 1th East. 5th and 8th So. n3439 3-ROOM MODERN; SLEEPING PORCH, gas. phone. (69 Gren st.. bet. 6U1 and 7th E., on 9th So. No children n3493 2 EAST ROOMS BATH, LIGHT AND phone. Was. 1970-J. 624 So. West Temple. n3552 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, near new capltn) bldg. ; modern. Call Was. 2921- NM. n3839 2 NICE, MODERN. COoT HOUSeT keeplnc rooms. -heap: '-lose in 619 So. 5th East. n2923 2 LARGE. MODERN ROOMS: GROUND floor. 488 E. 3rd South. By. 1.36S-J. n3969 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished TvtbUiiArriiciiL new six-koom houses. 188 and 740 Browning avenue. Absolutely modern save furnace; rent $26 each. Utah Savings & Trust culupuuy. y!963 5- RM. IINFURnT APT.. THE OXFORD. US W. No. Temple. el 108 2S HOUSES, ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tuttlc Brothers Co., ljll Main street. g2249 " ROOMS. PARTLY MODERN. 217 W. 7th South St.; $12.00 per month. 1U724 8-ROOM MODERN, 654 E. 2ND SOUTH. Inquire 117 So. 9th East. Waa. 32S4-.I. h2359 HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. I .M all parts of city. BettUyOQ Homo Builders Build-ers Co., 340 Main St. Was. 2030. h3167 7-ROOM MODERN. 773 E. 1ST SO.. $25. Call Wasatch 7329. kS48 STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE, FURN. ov unfurn: Uwn and garage. Inquire 175 A st. Was. 2495. k588 45 ROOMS IN THE HEART OF THE city, newly papered and painted. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. S40 Main. W as. 2030. k937 6. 7 AND S-ROOM MODERN BRICK, close in. James K. Shaw, 153 Main. It929 (-ROOM MOD.. CLEAN: PANTRY. cellar, bath. 942 Harvard ave. Was. 280. k2353 TO RENT. TO A PHYSICIAN, THE corner house In Shaw terrace, to be vacated bv Doctor Ashley August 1. Jas. K. Shaw. 153 Main st. k3373 MOD. 5 AND 7-RM. HOUSES, 345 SO. 5th East; newly papered and painted. Was. 6710. k568 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 2 BATH-rooms; BATH-rooms; $25. Address P. O. box 1071. k2567 $40 BRICK. HOT-WATER HEAT, GA-rage. GA-rage. large yard. 1047 3rd ave. Waa 5734-R. n530 6- ROOM COTTAGE. DtlBEI AVE..E. 2nd So. Was. 290S-R. n570 S-ROOM. STRICTLY ' MOD. : GAS range. Call Hyland 169S-J. nS91 MOD. 5-RM. BRICK BUNGALOW; clcse in. Call Was. 5755." nl225 7 ROOMS. STRICTLY MOD.; GARAGE. Call Was. 2954. Dr. E. M. Keysor. 16J Main St. n20S3 STRICTLY MODERN S-ROOM BRICK. hot-water heat. 613 E- 5th South. Hv-land Hv-land 511-M. n2356 7- ROOM MODERN (NO CHILDREN), $40 per month. 324 E. 3nd So. Inquire A F. Savage. 2nd West and 4th South. Phone Was. 5313. k3U5 4- RM. STRICTLY MOD. 569 W. 1ST North. Phone Was. 2797-M. nl647 5- ROOM MODERN. $15 PER MONTH. 12 Barrows ave.. 2nd So. bet. 5th and 6th East. Apply 464 E. 3nd South. nlS34 3 ROOMS: LIGHT; CELLAR: $12. 928 E. 1st South. nl9S0 4 ROOMS. GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, large lot, fruit trees, garage, $12.50. 444 Ramona ave.. near 12th So., bet. 4th and 5th East. Hyland 1852-W. . M039 2- P.OOM BRICK, MODERN. NEW, GOOD condition. 11 Herbert avenue. Phone Mr. Granville. Main 650. nllsS S-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE in excellent condition; Bleeping porch, gas range, lawn, and other conveniencea 907 3rd ave. Inquire 615 Doolv bldg. or phone Was. 39 or Was. 1776-J. House will be shown by appointment. Price $40 per month. k2464 5-ROOM MODERN FRAME BUNGA-low. BUNGA-low. $15.00- 142 Beryl ave., State bet. 12th and 13th South. n2S57 3- ROOM MODERN; BATH AND SLEEP-ing SLEEP-ing porch, gas range: 209 So. Sth East; rent $25. Inquire Moore. 118 W. Broad-wav. Broad-wav. Garage if desired. n433 FOR SALE JPorSale Automobiles IE YOU WANT A CAR and can't afford to go very strong In price We can show you Home genuine bargains In used cars of till makes; reasonable rea-sonable terms m responsible parties. Writs for lull Information If you can't '-all. Here are a few bargains now on hand: Inclosed Paige. Studebaker, pus. Illllck, 1913. Reo, lino. Chalmers, 1011. Cadillac truck. 1 'a. Hilar, 1918. Cadillac, 1914. Many others. Ask for Mr. Cherry, Manager Used Car 1 leparl manl It AN DA LI.- DOl iD AUTO CO., Wasatch 45110. Auto now, Wasatch -t r. re 1 . n4238 FREE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE TO CAR BUYERS, Get the honest opinion of an expert automobile man before deciding on what car (o purchase. No ax 10 grind. We're here to serve you. We can advlae as to what car is best suited to your purpose. We can also help you gel a cur If you have decided on any certain make. Information In-formation of any nature pertaining to automobiles gladly furnished. Address Auto Information Bureau, BOX 6,"i9, Salt Lake. No charge for Information. n3B55 FORD, OVERLAND, STUDEBAKER, aeat covers, $6.00. United Vulcanizing, 326 So. State. 13824 MOD. GARAGE FOR 1 OR 2 CARS. Was. 1402. i,io E. So. Templo. K1386 1813 OVERLAND, FLANDERS, STUDE-baker, STUDE-baker, Dayton roadster, new X motor and car, ;ood inclosed delivery body. 107 N. 1st West. Wss. 5628-J. nlS14 METZ ROADSTER, 1913, IN EXCEL-lent EXCEL-lent condition; all new tiren. Call Was. 2182. 41 South State. n2058 ONE 1500 LB. PIERCE DELIVERY truck, In lirst-class condition. The Motor Shop, 651 So. Slate. n2794 6 -PASSENGER CADILLAC, NEWLY painted, good condition. Hy. 637-W. n3561 1914 MAXWELL 36 ROADSTER FOR sale; self-surter, electric lights; In fine shape. Best buy In town. Chas. H. Scho-fleld. Scho-fleld. Call Was. 3908. n3743 5-PASS1INGER AJPPBRfiON, FIRST - class condition. Must sell at once. Cheap. Inquire 3C8-4o Edison st. Was. 2531. o81 Wanted Automobiles AUTOMOBILE, LATE MODEL, A-l condition; no Fords: give price, description descrip-tion and condition. Address T-53, Tribune. Trib-une. n4290 WILL PAY CASH FOR A USED FORD runabout. Address C. I. Hvatt. Welby, Utah 016 For Sale Bicycles $5 CASH AND $1 PER WEEK WILL buv a Flvlng Merkel or Hudson. Meredith Mutor & Bicycle Co., 56-H0 East ttb South. n3558 For Sale Horses and Vehicles WILL EXCHANGE PAINTING AND paperhanging for horse and buggy, wagon or chickens. Was. 4683-W. U2277 SINGLE TOP BUGGY. CHEAP. MITCH-ell MITCH-ell Van & Storage. 273 So. W. Temple. 3392 MARE. 7 YEARS, 1000 LBS.. TRUE AS steel; 2 wagons, 1 light, rubber-tired buggy. Hy. 3065-J. 332 So. 7th East st. n3427 BROADWAY STABLES. Boarding; saddle horses for litre. First South, bet. Main and State. Was. 4290. n4309 Forjie PjJultrj- anPStock BABY CHICKS TODAY; POULTRY bought and sold. Ramshaw, 2415 So. 5th E. Hyland 304S-J. g3S67 FOR RENT For Font Mouses Unfurnished 7 ROOMS, NTIMi'Tl.Y MODERN, IN first-class condition, hot-wuler heat, fireplace and mantel, fine biiscuienl, with laundry complete; within walking dia-tanee; dia-tanee; exclusive naUhborhoodi best location loca-tion In city. Reasonable rent. Key at 624 First avenue. Phone Wusalch I960 or 2..S5-W. 113060 5 ROOM HOUSE, REAR 65 WEST 1ST North. Was. 4825-W. 114805 5- ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. DISAP-pearlng DISAP-pearlng bed, gas range, coke heater, Apply 61 East sth South. n3974 STRICTLY MODERN, 3 AND 4-ROOM house. Inquire 251 South 6th East. 114078 9-ROOM MODERN. LARGH SLEEPING porches, gas range and heater, furnace, also garage; carpeted on lower tlnor. Phone Wasatch 3801. n4064 NEW l-ROOM MODERN BRICK. OAS range, 39 E. North Temple. Wasatch 3730-R. H4066 3- ROOM HOUSE. LIGHT AND WATER. $7.00. 621 North Main. H40I3 6- ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, CHEAP, furn. or unfurn. Was. 3277-.I, 433 6th ave. o43 7 ROOMS AND 9 ROOMS, MODERN; close 111. east side; fine location. Was. 6677. 069 For Rent Houses Furnished AN ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM Bl'NGA-low Bl'NGA-low for 6 months, to responsible party. Was. 6364-.I, molnlngs. n3lil 4- ROOM MODERN FURN. COTTAGE; rear of 114 West Fourth South. nl744 4-ROOM MOD. SLEEPING PORCH, lawn. heat, garage. 125 H street. nl262 MODERN 3-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, large cement sleeping porch; cool shadv bark yard: piano player: garage; paved street. 169 West Sixth South. Was. 3436. n3272 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN. ON E. South Temple, completely furnished. Phone Wasatch 749, between 3 and 6 p. m. HS286 VERY NICELY FURN, 4 -BOOM COT-tage. COT-tage. 21 blocks from Walker's store. Phone Was. 3S74-M, bet. 10 and 2. n3493 PLEASANT 7-ROOM MODERN; BEST residence district; porches, fruit, shade; reasonable. Owner wishes board for part rent. 20 O st. n;1671 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN. ON E. South Temple. completely furnlshod. Phone Wasatch 749. between 3 and ." n. m. n4324 HOUSE. FOUR ROOMS. FURNISHED. sleeping porch, spring and city water, fruit. 1143 Blaine. Phone Hy. 3808-W. oS4 For Rent Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR 2 gentlemen; close In. Phone Wasatch 1313-J. f2330 THE ALEXANDRIA. CENTRALLY Located, Lo-cated, new management May 1. Elegantly Ele-gantly furnished single apt., with bath privileges. $12.50. Was. 7099. f2S63 3 ROOMS. MODERN; FRONT AND rear porches; gas range. 677 North 2nd West. $15. gl483 VERY NICELY FURNISHED FRONT. room In fine, close-in apt. Wasatch 5136-J. h2341 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI-vate PRI-vate family, suitable for two gentlemen, $1.50 and up. 123 West 4th South. Phone Wasatch 7110-M. h2961 FRONT ROOM. NICELY FURNISHED: close In. Was. 6156-M. 129 W. 4th South. k2043 FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE IN. CALL Was. 4572-M. nl654 ROOMS. LARGE. CLEAN. NICELY furn. and comfortable, strictly mod.. $3.00 and up; bath and phone. 131 So. 2nd E. n;47j FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved ant,' I mm, proved HOUSTON SPECIAL. 114100. Four-room brick cottage, calling call-ing distance for R. R. men; lernis arranged so that the rent you are now paying will buy this home. Call In and let us explain. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. COMPANY, 351 South Main. Phone Was. 27. nfflts FOR SALE BY THE OWNER. One of the finest new 6-room modern brick homes In the city; hardwood floors, hardwood work, handsome bullt-ln buffet, hot-water heat, white enameled buffet kitchen, full cement basement, 2 sleeping porches, 3 bedrooms, green tile mantel, big porches, plate-glass casement windows; win-dows; every modern convenience; built for a permanent home. Beautiful large corner lot, east and south front; planted with fruit trees and y all varieties of flowers; fine terraced lawns front and back. , Located within 500 feet of a paved street. Owner must sell at once. A great bargain at $5250. on terms. Phone Hyland 2349-W. hZOM BY OWNER, NEW AND MODERN 5-room 5-room pressed brick In Salt Lake's new and most promising residence district. Complete with large porches, convenient halls and closets; full cemented basement, cement walks and steps; finished in red gum wood; latest fireplace, plate glass mirrors and front windows; elegant light fixtures, hardwood floors, built-in buffets, buf-fets, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, soiled linen chute and receptacle, hot-water heating, plant, laundry tubs: back and front yards all graded. An idea home, ready to move into. Only $4500 if bought from owner. Terms. Call Hyland 1310-J n2781 AT A BARGAIN. 8-ROOM BRICK. strictly modern, in excellent condition: sleeping porch, gas range, lawn and other conveniences; back yard suitable for a garage or playground for children. Inquire In-quire 615 Dooly bldg., or phone Was. 39 or Was. 1776-J. House will be shown by appointment. i k2463 A BARGAIN S-ROOM, MODERN. RED brick; walking distance from town, on' East Broadway; $6150; part cash, balance terms. Call Hyland 2735-W for further particulars. n3766 PROFITABLE BUSINESS LOCATION at Pinecrest, Emigration canyon. Was 4153. n2358 FIXE HOME ON 7TH AVE. ; SMALL payment down. bal. like rent. Phone Was. 5934-J. n2968 VERY DESIRABLE CANYON LOT AT Pinecrest: cash discount or terms. Phone Wasatch 4153. p.1480 MOD. 4-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, northwest. 51900; $1200 down. Phone Hyland 1659. n3067 BUILDING LOTS ON NORTH BENCH. Will build to suit. J W. Ottenstein. 1011 3rd ave. WTas. 6516-W. kl465 A FIRST-CLASS. 6-ROOM BUNGA-low; BUNGA-low; all the new wrinkles: decorated: finest location on east bench. 1226 Princeton ave. Phone Hy. 274. n34Sl BARGAIN FOR CASH LOT. 100X120, near Main and new capitol; water, gas. electricity, sidewalks. Apply owner. Was. 6328-J. n3500 BARGAIN OWNERS HAVE TO LEAVE and must sacrifice lovely home, furnished, fur-nished, as it stands: 6-room. mod.; finest location. Was. 2540-J. n3658 6-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BT'NGA-low, BT'NGA-low, ' sleeping porches and furnace. Terms to suit purchaser. 633 8th ave. n3737 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses FIBBT-CLASa ROOMING HOUSE FOR sale ut a bargain; the best location in town. Address Tribune. It 11 22 FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE OF 7-RM. house, one block Iron Auerbach's store. Call. Wasatch Rooms easily rented. U2U FOR SALE BV OWNER FIRST-CLASS rooming hoi.au; twenty-five rooms; A-l location. 170 W. 2nd So. k2527 AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for the right, parly In purchase a good, well furnished rooming house or family hotel at a great bargain; 37 rooms, sLeum heated, hot and cold water, etc. FRIT8CH LOAN 4c TRUST COMPANY. 201-203 Fell Hldg nS17 FOB SALE, OR TRADE FOR S. L. properly, furniture of 12 modern rooms, hotel, steam heal furnished. Reasons for saGTlflcinjr. A good money maker. Phone Was. 5830, or call 210 W. So. Temple. Owner. n30S3 FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM HOUSE; small payment down, balance Uk6 rent, All rooms rented. JUS E. 2nd So. Was. I 5156-W. n3429 A GREAT BIG BARGAIN. 8 rooms of ,eleganl furniture, worth $750, being suerlhced for $350 If sold by the 10th. Party leaving city. Ross C. Davis, 113 So. Main. o27 Miscellaneous FOR SALE $25i)0 CAPITAL RE-quired; RE-quired; prolllable business In Salt Lake City. Best of reasons lor selling. Excellent Ex-cellent opening for young man. Enquire BANKERS TRUST CO., Newhouae Building. n727 YOUNG AND GROWING BUSINESS wants a silent or active partner who can invest from $1000 to $2000. Profits I are sure. Address box N-28, Tribune. n2314 I HAVE AN IRRIGATION PROJECT IN Nevada requiring some capital to develop. de-velop. 500,000 acres of land available. E. A. Donohue. 38 West 6th South. e3245 FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE Business; Busi-ness; good proposition; easy terms. Best reason for selling. Address B-45j, Tribune. hai29 PARTY TO INVEST $2500 TO $3000 IN good money-making proposition; local business. Address L-13, Tribune. n525 FOR SALE RESTAURANT DOING from $70 to ?ju business a day; must sell on account other business. Answer Box 214, city. niu65 FOR RENT BUILDING SUITABLE for butcher shop or bakery; all fixtures in place; cash register, electric fan- Mid-vale Mid-vale 49-J. or P. O. box 141. n3100 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A MONEY-maklng MONEY-maklng restaurant, cheap? Address K-41, Tribune. nl65 ESTABLISHED. CLEAN-CUT GROW-Ing GROW-Ing business; fine future; good for one or two men; can make $20 per week each and extra profits; owner can show good reason for selling. A bargain at $1500 cash. Address T-34. Tribune. n4006 TO TRADE GOOD. CLEAN MERCAN-tlle MERCAN-tlle business for small farm close in. Inquire ISO West So. Temple. n4051 YOUR CHANCE. W'lll trade best cigar stand, stock and fixtures, new, for vacant property. Paying Pay-ing modern hotel for Improved city property. prop-erty. Small improved farm, close in. for rooming house. J. H. Woods, Was. 2313. n4337 WANTED TO BUY A STOCK OF GEN-eral GEN-eral merchandise. Will pay cash. Address Ad-dress T-J30. Tribune. n4308 COMPLETE VULVAN1ZING PLANT for sale. Ogden Motor & Mach. Co., 2440 Grant avenue, Ogden, Utah. ol7 FOR SALE ONE-t 'HAIR BARBER shop: good business. Address 306J Soutn Main. Twin Falls. Idaho. o25 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Cafe bargains. We have been authorized author-ized to sell one-half interest In one of Salt Lake's leading cafes. This is an old, established house and can show results. Price onlv $350 to right parte. CAPITAL INV. & REALTY CO., Phone Was. 1172, 408 Mclntyre Building. o35 WELL-ESTABLISHED AGENCY Business: Busi-ness: selling on account of sickness; $600 required. Ross C. Davis, 113 So. Main. o60 A 9-ROOM MODERN HOME. ON ONE of the finest corners In the city; large sleeping porches; garage and furnace, etc.; easy terms. Phone Wasatch 3801. . n4065 For Sale or Trade BEAUTIFUL 12-ROOM RESrDEN??EAT bargain. Every modern convenience. Terms to suit. Apply 149 No. Main. gl490 FOR MOTORCYCLE 2 THOROUGH-bred THOROUGH-bred Jersey cows. Phone Hy. 93-J. nl869 - HORSE, SINGLE HARNESS, BUGGY. delivery wagon: good as new; no reasonable rea-sonable offer refused. Automobile want- j ed. 150 S. Fourth West. Was. 730. oS FOR SALE, TWO POOL TABLES AND fixtures, in good condition; will trade for second-hand Ford car. C. I. Hvatt. Welby, Utah. ol5 . For Sale Farm Lands GREAT SNAP IS ACRES BEST LAND, 5 miles from Ogden, all under canal; 6 acres alfalfa, 3 acres bearing fruit, berries, grapes: house, barn and shed. Easy terms to responsible party. 229 Moose bldg.. Salt Lake City. n4099 Farm Land For Rent. GOOD CHICKEN AND SMALL FRUIT ' and truck farm in Bountiful; cheap to:s right parties. Inquire 457 East First " South. n3417 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT, A THOROUGHLY modern and artistic ten-room house, furnished or unfurnished; good garage; . close in. Phone W7as. 2854-J. f2S41 Homesteads 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS, 50 MILES from Salt Lake, on the railroad, with almost every convenience at hand. This land is going fast and you will have to act quick. Our locating fee is reasonable. Utah-Nevada Land Co., No. 423 Atlas block. k3543 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS- $2 TO $6 per week. 143 East lBt South. n4067 " NICE ROOMS, EN SUITE. KUR-nished KUR-nished for b. k.; ground floor. 705 So. West Temple. n423 FRONT SUITE OF 2 ROOMS. FURN for h. k.; mod. Ill E. So. Temple. n4339 SUITE OF H. K. ROOMS. LIGHT AND gas. Phone. .-.31 So. 3rd E. n4334 FINE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS furnished, modern, reasonable. 66 East 1st North St. Was. 4301. n4322 3 H. K. ROOMS. $10: ONE. $8; CLOSE In. ,225 N. w. Temple. Was. 3156-M n4297 LA ROE ROOMS, FURNISHED FOR L li. k. at 57 No. State. 024 2 ROOMS. $11. FOR LIGHT HOUSE-keeplng: HOUSE-keeplng: near university. Call Was "M-a , os WARREN APT.. 505 2ND EAST 3-R.M mod., furnished front h. k. apt : private bath. Hyland 1920. 040 FcjrRent Stores and Offices CHOICE OFFICE ROOMS In" THE Tribune bldg.; recently painted, papered pa-pered and refitted. Inquire F. J. West-cott. West-cott. 100S Kearns bldg. X3909 DESK ROOM. VERY REASONABLE best location in city. Boyd Park bldg' 162 South Main St. e2S56 EXCELLENT STORE ROOM. NEAR splendid Newhouse hotel. Apply j q" McDonald Chocolate Co. ti61 M'INTYRE BLDG. ; STEAM. LIGHT fine janitor service; very reasonable rent- Little & LPtle. 202 Mclntyre bldg . g963 LARGE ROOM IN REAR OF WINDSOR hotel, suitable for billiard or sample room; also large basement In connection Can be rented separately If desired Inquire In-quire Tracy Loan & Trust company 11 East 1st South. k995 ONE LARGE STORE ROOM: REAR OF 57 W. So Temple St.; suitable for furniture, fur-niture, etc. Apply at 40 No. Main st k3267 ONE STORE ROOM: 27 RICHARDS ST Apply for particulars at 40 No. Main street. k326S .LARGE SIZE OFFICE ROOM, I51J SO Main. Inquire Salt Lake Electric Sup-Ply Sup-Ply Co n3562 BOARD AND ROOM RTCLASS SINGLdS OR DCIUBLE :-ooms. with board, close in; rates very isonable. Temple -:totel, 12 W. North -mple. f4347 NGLE RM-. WITH BOARD, $5 PER week; rms., $1.50 and up. Rear 114 E d South. g!672 :: "RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD AT .69 North State. h2001 -CE FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR-sood FLOOR-sood board; 1 blocks from Hotel Utah W. N. Temple. h2731 JANTED CHILDREN TO BOARD S - modern home; best of care; by day or : :ek or month. Hy. 639-N-R. 1132 e .fl South. 15931 )OM AND BOARD FOR 2 IN PRl-vate PRl-vate family. 15 Grace apts.. 1st ave : d State. kSgj -"JAKD AND ROOM: EAST ON SOUTH Temple street; close In; elegant rms.-775 rms.-775 per month and up. Was. 3355-J. n518 ' OD HOMELIKE PLACE, ONE ROOM :-to rent, with or without board 5 First avenue. nl25j RST-CLASS ROOMS. WITH GOOD - home cooking; splendid location. 605 ; 1st So. nl307 :IE STAN COMB E3 ONE LARGE KM lor two. 327 E. 1st So. 01513 TTH SLEEPING PORCH: DELIGHT -'-:iul location; ten minutes' walk from - isiness center; private family; for two ; isiness men. W. 1941-J. k2371 DARD AND ROOM BY DAY OP week; home cooking. 223 So. 2nd East ' . n2098 URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD FOR young ladies; rates reasonable; walking stance. 409 1st ave. Was. 1477-j n3740 'WO DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE ' room; pleasant, homelike surrounding vnvenlent to town. 439 East South' .-eraple. n3809 Attractive surroundings, walking distance; references exchanged - as. 3089-W. n4227 EAUTIFUL LARGE FRONT ROOM suitable for two; home cooking- near -'igle gate. Was. 2186. ' n4239 )ARD AND ROOM FOR UNIVERSITY - students and teachers in a new mod--li home. 147 South 10th East. ' Was -J- H4312 STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED room in private family, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 76 E. 5th So. n645 LADY ROOMMATE. 2 ROOMS. 26S SO 2nd East. Call from 11:30 to 1 and after 5 p. m. n2552 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND sleeping porch. No. 4 Louise. n2779 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED rooms; modern conveniences; rates reasonable. rea-sonable. Cumberland hotel, cor, Second So. and 3rd East. New management. n3033 TWO NICE MODERN FURNISHED rooms, furnace heated. . close In. 476 East 4th South. Tel. Hyland 1091-R. - n3122 THE CRAIG. Eagle Gate and First Avenue. Newly furnished. Single or suites: rates reasonable; nothing like it. Phone Was. 22S0. n3329 NICELY FURNISHED. OUTSIDE RMS. No. 5 Fairmont. Was. 7552-M. 113649 NEWLY FURN. ROOM, STRICTLY mod.: private home; phone service. 38 South 3rd East. n3648 NICELY' FURNISHED ROOM IN MOD-ern MOD-ern apt. No. 5 Miller apts., 60 West North Temple. n3738 FURN. ROOMS FOR LADIES, REA-sonable. REA-sonable. 433 West 4th So. n3924 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, with piano. No. 9 Emery apts. Wasatch 1285-W. n!243 FOR RENT FOUR NICELY FUR-nlshed FUR-nlshed rooms, with pantry, closet, cellar, bath and piano. 960 Lake st. Call. 114294 NICELY FURNISHED, MODERN RMS.. one block north of Hotel Utah; reasonable rea-sonable prices. 102 North Main. n4302 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen at 247 East. Fourth South street. Phone Was. 3789-NW. 032 FIRST AVE. AND STATE STEAM-heated STEAM-heated parlor; also single room 01- in suite. Was. 6776-J. Breakfast If desired. de-sired. IN TOWN OUT OF TOWN COMFORT -able furnished rooms. 325 So. 2nd East ol9 CHEAP TO RIGHT PARTY, PRIVATE family; 2 blocks from P. O. 628 So Main. oi MONEY TO LOAN LOTS OF MONEY. WITH IxDAI vance of rates, no delays and privilege privi-lege to repay In partial repayments at any time, stopping interest. A home concern con-cern that loans its own money, makes interest payable at home and cancels its loans the day paid. City or farm loans. THE HOME INVESTMENT a SAVINGS SAV-INGS CO., Glen Ml-ller, President; George Sutherland, Suther-land, Vice President; K. D. Hardy. Cashier. 6 West First South St rl261 COULD WE MAKE MORE LOANS upon real estate than any five competitors com-petitors combined unless our methods were right? Twenty years' experience with onlv or.e foreclosure. Tracy "Loan & Trust Co.. 11 E. 1st South. m2661 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential Andrews An-drews & Co.. room 339 Atlas bldg. el20G SALARY "LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed; business busi-ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank bldg. 01575 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D D Drake. 103 Scott bldg. f3264 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; LIB-eral LIB-eral options. Miller & Viele, 803 Kearns bldg all6 MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY URITSCH, 201-202 Felt bldg. C1S23 PLENTY OF MONEY AT LOW'EST rates. A. Rlchler. 73 Main st. Phone Wasatch 641. g2735 ON REAL ESTATE. WILL BUY mortgages. Elmer ,E. Darling, 139 e 2nd South. e2339 FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS SEE Tutde Brothers company. 149 Main st. g2241 WE CAN LOAN MORE MONEY ON city real estate; lowest rate; no delav TORONTO & THOMPSON, 319 Kearns bldg. Wasatch 3426 kl56 $27.50 PER MO.. COZY 5-RM. BUNGA-low, BUNGA-low, strictly modern, gas and furnace; good shade; good heat for a winter home. Onlv two blocks to Auerbach's store. Call at No. 7 Concord, 325 E. Broadway. n2998 IS ROOMS. HALF BLOCK OF THE university: splendid location for boarding board-ing and rooming. BETT1LYOX HOME BUILDERS CO.. Was. 2030. 340 Main. n2976 HARMONY PLACE. 7TH AND STH East on East So. Temple. 5-room cozy bungalow, with mantel. fireplace and furnace. $27.50. Call Was. 56 or 302. or house No. 31. n3088 5 ROOMS. E. L. 6 MORTENS-EN CT., off E. 5th South. $13.50 per month. Phone Hyland 1431. n3320 8-ROOM HOUSE. 144 SIXTH EAST Inquire 124 Sixth East. n2311 BRICK HOUSE. 5 LARGE ROOMS. bath, toilet, garden and fruit trees, corner cor-ner 6th ave. and A st. Inquire 280 A St. or 419 Felt Bldg. n3422 $20 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NEW-ly NEW-ly painted and papered. 118 So. 9th East. n3431 EIGHT-ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD-ern MOD-ern residence: two sleeping porches, hot-water furnace. Will furnish heat If desired. F. B. Cook. Columbia Trust Co- n4245 SEPT. 1ST. 4-ROOM MODERN, GAS range, $20; adults only. 561 E. 4th So. n3574 MODERN 4-ROOM HOUSE. ELECTRIC range. 261 E. 1st So. Hvland 1512-W. n3623 4-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE ON WEST Temple, $14.00. Inquire 744 So. 1st W n3669 4- ROOM MOD., CEMENT BASEMENT and gas. No. 4 Mills court. Was. 3278-R. n3747 TWO 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSES, 1120, 1116 3rd avenue. n2780 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK; KXCEL-lent KXCEL-lent condition. 423 So. Third East. Was. 7349-J. n2961 5- ROOM MODERN. GAS, $17 PER month. 175 E. 9th So. n2983 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 425 ELM court. n3491 7- ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN; HOT-water HOT-water heat, sleeping porch, full cemented ce-mented basement with laundry, garage 147 So. 8th East. Was. 5367. n3535 7-ROOM; REASONABLE. WASATCH 1638-M. 817 E. 1st South. n3625 $14.00 PER MONTH, 5-ROOM MODERN house. 26 Floral ave., 10th E.. bet 3rd and 4th So. Phone Hyland 59-.I. n3663 5-ROOM MODERN; SLEEPING PORCfL two toilets, gas and coal ranges: rent $36. Tel. Was. 3731. Garage. n4323 3 ROOMS, ELECTRIC LIGHT; WATER outside; $7 month. 426 So. 6th E. n4232 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, IN REAR 254 West 1st North, $16. Phone Was 4749. n3532 HALF OF MODERN HOUSE. 1148 Major ave. oil LET ME DO YOUR MOVING. PHONE and get my prices. Joe Mollerup, Was. 2211-J. o39 7-ROOM BRICK. NEAR OQuIrRH school, mod. Apply 420 E. 3rd So. 654 FIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN EUN-galow; EUN-galow; screened porches, gas range, linoleum and furnace. Phone W:--4069-W. o73 THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH BULL puppies, pedigreed. 25 E. Sth South. k2S62 TRIO BACON WAR HORSES AND COOP. dirt cheap. Ted North. O. K. Barber shop. 75 W. First South. o22 For Sale Furniture FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED springs restretched. mattresses made over. Was. 3299. S. L. Mattress Mfg. Co. pl35 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE, WITH piano. 759 Park St., 8lh South, bet. 5th and 6th East. Hy. 955-.1. Will sell any part. ' . 114320 For Sale Pianos STANDARD MAKE PIANO THAT COST $400. WILL SELL CHEAP. 614 ROOSEVELT AVE. n2646 FOR SALE I CONOVER PIANO IN good condition, polished mahogany case. Call Murray C.47-W. n800 MUST SELL MY PIANO AT ONCE. Leaving state. Your own price. Mrs. Butler, first house west of State on Simpers Sim-pers st., Murray. n4301 For Sale Miscellaneous POOL TABLE. CIGAR CASE AND restaurant fixtures, very reasonable. Salt Lake Cabinet & Fixture Co., 82 Richards st. fl009 BARGAINS IN NEW AND SECOND-hand SECOND-hand generators and motors, armature winding. Thomas Electric Repair Co.. 311 So. W. Temple. Was. 1246. o802 CASH REGISTER, SQUARE PLANO, pool table, steel safe, good fixtures, complete lunch counter outfit. Western Exchange Department, 213 State. Wasatch 2827. uS8 THE COLDEST AND BEST GLASS OF beer, 5c; I pint of bonded whisky, 25c; pint, 50c. s. quart bonded whisky, 80c; S. qt good whisky. 50c. Wine, 25c a bottle. 3 bottles American Beauty beer, only 50c. Social Bar, 502 So. State. gl769 ONE RANGE, DROP-LEAF TABLE, kitchen cupboard, center table, gas range, davenport, sanitary cot with mattress, mat-tress, eleciric grinder, 1 Tribune bicycle. Call 140 E. 6th South. g3661 UNCALLED-FOR SUITS; YOUR OWN price. 265 So. Stale. e230 HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OR store, such as new and second-hand machinery equipment, lumber, wagons, automobiles, etc.? Utah Equipment & Storage Co., 780 W. 4th South. Was. 2648. nlS26 A FEW MISFIT SUITS AND OVER-coats OVER-coats at half price. Beehive Tailoring Co.. 102 W. 3rd South. n260S LARGE STOCK OF POOL TABLES for sale or rent. W. L. Wetherbee, 158 Wesl 1st South. n3173 DOORS. WINDOWS, WITH GLASS AND frames. 32 E. Cth So. n3415 YOUNG HORSE. WAGON AND HAR-ness, HAR-ness, good for peddler, $60. 332 So. 7th East. n342S 20-H. P. BOILER AND ENGINE WITH well-driving attachment; also 2 rams, cheap. 1790 So. 5th E. Hyland 2362-R. n35G7 YOUNG JERSEY AND DURHAM COW. Wasatch 4837-J. n4298 SIZE 36 BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL CADET suit, best made, for sale cheap. 107:1 East Sixth South. o23 MISFIT AND 2ND-HAND CLOTHING for sale, cheap. Wardrobe, 57 w 'nd South. . a3275 THE LARGEST LINE OF UNCALLED-' for clothing in elty. Nobby Sultorinm, 219-21 State. k2731 HOTELS NEW HOTEL REX, ABSOLUTELY fireproof; newly furnished; centrally located. lo-cated. Rates, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Private bath, $1.50. Free auto bus. 253 So. State. k319 ROME HOTEL. 265i SO. MAIN ST.; modern; rates, 50c. 75c and $1.00 per day; centrally located. All depot cars pass the door. nl88 LAKE HOTEL SPECIAL RATES; UN-der UN-der new management; 64 rooms; newly tinted and painted; 25 with bath; ail rooms with telephone, hot and cold water; half block wesl of postoffice. in heart of theatrical, business and shopping district; weekly rate. $3 and up. 48 Postoffice place. J. G. Felt, proprietor. n23T5 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $3 PER week and up. with private bath, $5 and up. Chester hocel. 125 South State st n2460 ' HOTEL D'OURRAN, 34i EAST FIRST South. Rooms 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 ' per day up. By the week. $1.50 up. n4310 SPECIAL TOURIST RATES. ROOMS $2.50 up per week. 2-room suites. $5.50 Waldorf. 22i E. 1st So. niSll ' SECOND-HAND STORES HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR used furniture. Axelrad Furn. Co 42 W. 3rd South. Was. 9S3. n537 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ' used furniture. Axelrad Furn. Co.. 42 W. 3rd So. Was. 983. - o38 E LEANING AND DYEING SALT LAKE CLEANING CO. ABSO lutely reliable. Most delicate gowns cleaned and dyed. Soiled clothing made to look like new. Men's suits cleaned and pressed. Quick service. We call for and deliver. 265 So. State. Was. 5235. Hyland Hy-land 1939. U3265 LADIES' SUITS, $1.00; SKIRTS, 50C. We call and deliver. Keith Emporium Cleaners, Phone Was. 2773, 246 Main st. n940 PATENT ATTORNEYS TO PATENT INVENTIONS, REGISTER trade marks or copyrights, see J. M. Thomas, 328 Utah Savings & Trust bldg. 0126 PATENTS SECURED AND IDEAS DE-veloped. DE-veloped. F. L. Horspool, 355 So. State St. n2368 CrimDPDIST " DR. ELIZABETH L. WISMER, GRAD- uate, 725 Mclntyre bldg., 6s So. Main Wasatch 2809. 1US74 MADAME LIBBY, EXPERT CHIROP-odlsl. CHIROP-odlsl. formerly with Z. C. M. I. Treatment Treat-ment from 50c up. Hotel Utah. nlS16 For Rent Rooms. Uniurnished ilPRTOF froUPFT TWO NICE large rooms: e. I., gas range and water in house. 344 E. So. Temple. n2106 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LARGE light housekeeping rooms. $R per month Inquire No. 15, Board of Trade Bldg., 154 Wrest 2nd South. ril702 DRESSMAKING EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER"aoES out by the day; rates reasonable. Was. 2797-J. n3510 MADAM ROCHARD, LATE WITH THE Hudson Bay Fur Co. as fitter, will design de-sign and make silk gowns for $5 during the month of August to establish. Room 23, 31 West Broadway. nl338 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS7 will go out by the day; all work guaranteed. guar-anteed. Was. 3671-W. n2446 DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. 208 Hyland apt. Hyland 363-W .12786 GOOD DRESSMAKER WANTS WOIVK. reasonable prices. Hy. 3069-W. 114237 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL . go out by the day; references. Was 7007-N-J. o13 --)ARD AND ROOM. $20 A MONTH 'Good place for students. 225 North n est Temple. Was. 3156-M. n4296 ;DARD AND ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 IN private family; close In; reasonable as. 4763-R. o53 . . orRent -Canyon Cottage i'-SS OF THE PRETTIESTtjrn' cottages at Pinecrest for rent bv ''onth or for remainder 01 season- rea nable terms. Call Hy. 1852-W. ' n3 ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE PORCH Wront and rear; located Mt. Pharaoh quire Was. 5806. nSe For Rent Pianos 'OSFOlTlxEN ""'J- n3141 For Rent Miscellaneous A.R.A FOR re7Jt7cXliTha1?d' . ig- k3370 lCI5ABY CARRIAGES etireiTvhdLI wrrT 'il SRO- CyCle Co- 223 E" 2nd South. m- k946 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED Salt Lake City real estate. Inquire Giesy-Walker Co., 714 Kearns bldg. k3275 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE 'Any amount, $1000 and upward PETERSON, 54 E. 4TH SO. Was. 3320. n3054 Remedial Loans 1 PER CENT A MONTH, PLUSFiE-sonable PLUSFiE-sonable storage charge, on diamonds jewelry. Utah Financo Co., 205 Kearns bldg. cS15 ACCORDION PLEATING SUNBURST, BOX AND SIDE PLEAT-" tngs. Mrs. M. M. Jennens, 508 E. Broadway. Hy. 787-J. w879 ACCORDION PLEATING IN 24 HOURS. Regai Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 156 E. 2nd South. CI740 FOUNDRY AND STOVE REPAIRS CALL WESTERN FOUNDRY FOR ALL kinds, water jackets. stove repairs. Wasatch 4474. -J02 |