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Show I SENATOR D. O. RIDEOUT MAKES J LAST APPEAL TO VALLEY FARMERS ! j A last appeal asking that some con- i sideration be shown the smelters of Salt Lake valley has been addressed by former State Souator D. 0. Ridcout j to the grangers of the valley through the chairman of their executive com- ( inittee. .lohu C. Mackay. The fiirm-ers. fiirm-ers. victorious in both the Federal "and Circuit Court of Appeals, arc determined deter-mined lo enforce the injunction granted j them by Judge Marshall and to iguorc i the great loss if will cause the smclt.cr-j smclt.cr-j men and compel them to shut down i their mills. j The proposition of the Highland Boy ! smelt or. offering to pay a bonus of j .1lL,o'.0U0 exclusive' of the damages the j farmers may sustain from the smelter smoke and " fumes, xvas flatly turned do'vn by I he executive committee at a meptin'g held Saturday afternoon, and the smeltcrinen xvere given, in plaiu lerius, to understand that the farmers would grant no concessions under any consideration. Tln letter of Senator Ridcout points out the condition of poverty Hint must necessarily result if the smelters arc closed and tho tinny of laborers that I xvill be thrown out of cinplox-ment in midwinter and at a time xvhon financial conditions avo greatly disturbed. A copy of the letter folloxvs: lion. John C. Mackay, Chairman Partners' Committee, Granger. I'tah: Dear Sir: I trust you xvlll pnrdon me fur aaln addressing' you on the subject of Hosing the smelters In this county. Under present depressed conditions, when labor Is seeking: employment In x-uln, tho qucntlon becomes our of vital Importance, your committee should consider xvell before be-fore closing the door of opportunity to hundreds of men nt a time like the present. pres-ent. If the country xvere. still on the crest of prosperity, then the effect of Ihe Hosing would not be felt so Intensely as It xvlll if done ;it present. Without stating stat-ing tho arguments urged in favor of closing, clos-ing, I will content myself by offering a fexv reasons, which, In my opluon. should he sufficient lo penult tho smelters to run the proposed fourteen months. The closing of tho smelters means tho Hosing of the mines, a depreciation In the value of mining stoH;s, the dlsrhargo of j an army of miners and other x-oritmcn, a stoppage of the great rttreani of money paid for labor and material by them, unci a consequent reduction In the value of farm products. In fact., the result Is so far reaching that I have not space to describe de-scribe the disaster xvhlch your act. tho closing doxvn, would bring upon our State. The Highland Boy smelter. If permitted lo resume operations for fourteen months, offers to pay to the- farmers oil damages which may be assessed ugalnst II by -,i bnjird of arbitration, said board li be "tip-pointed "tip-pointed by the parties interested, and iu I addition pay the farmers a bonuaof jM 000. "What more- can you ask ai'J ' iB i true lo yourself and others? 13'' 1 J"' ; V together xvith the mages ; ; :p 1 would be ample, una itedly, l Pff.IJ, , jM lossc3 sustained by 1.3 farmers MW i 'VJ tho run of fourteen months. The .' '. I docs not end xvith the smeltor anl " . t ;m farmer. There are thousands at f? rfl xvhose losses xvlll never be toW " j ?H push this matter to a permanent J vB doxvn. The slump in x-alues of pr - A M ties held hy business men will swi ( ,a away all that many of them hWfc 1 ,m mulatcd during years of toll. t ,' wll be called upon to carry old-jT''' jjBJ toiners through a period of enfofjia - ness. You may say. ""Well, $?S W 'M what xvas coming." I ansx Planted deep in the heart of JWvH; H for the future, and these men W? -fl something would transpire to g! 'M life to tho smelters." Besides, tt J?' I had boon placed in the position .P't'-'Sfg ! i men, vou would have done us M dotie. waited to see until the Ana H came to close. Fourteen month etsj , gj would enable these men to get Jnto "i ?M and their losses xvould not bo.0 FT ,fl Besides these, there are hundred oi bp' w ! with families, who have heconw nxy . HJ at these smelters, and depend JIn,Mr I wages to buy food for wife and ct.';05,v j Where do you advise them to w " ";a H a nexv position, or don't you care- , h country Is overrun xvith Idle .;it. ;JfJ has placed in the hands of your ' """'"jt -.H lee a tremendous power. T I" "J . nm to closo the door of opportunity Hi H face of honest labor in chn irwor. these. The human heart shouW fw; , m no. The action would bo tmL ll.un criminal. Wendell IMii Hpf l . groat speech in behalf of stance. " H land, said: "Go home to your and look upon them smiling health, and then think of tho P!rlrJi,n)j, H pinched cheeks of the children of H and I know that you will Sl.vt' evA,, nof fH bounteous Providence has g've" rf grudgingly, but xvith nn open jn' . who will not give in such a c worthy of the name of man. . VHH be sent back to Nature's mint Unu . wt coined, a counterfeit upon h"1?? , 4 unte1 The laboring classes of II'',, '.H ask you and your committee, a"' el. farmers who have ondurod ",lV,', D0b ' dure a little longer, to rise t0tt'wnjn, tJH tlou of hunefactors at a time wW ; " . SV honest men. with tears, ask for ' and H portunity to earn their dall.v orrw b your loss. IT any, will beconi" A..a tn(, -M you. for In your hearts will aaonl!t(j1i V knowledge th.-it your sacritlco vn wh(J 9H for the good of your fellow n(,V.Th?rc H gave all. oven life Itself. suM iwinff'y more joy In giving than in re .MJJ " . I close with th beautiful 5ffffbf1 Henry George: "All that a v w fi will glvo for his life, tha t Is J JM est. but in obedlouce to a hig l.r w fHJ will give even Ufa Itself-' 1 '.;. j; to your committee a hlghj-r du x 'fitrr,H not turn a deaf car to those ' 'v5otrr3 Dated at Draper, U tan Jan. w - "'11 |