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Show SjW CflamDerlain's Cough Remedy a Safe ) KdW Medicine for Children. Kll ' n "'nK a tt0UPn remedy for chil-MV chil-MV dren, never be afraid to buy Chamber-' Chamber-' llf in's Cough Remedy. There is no dan- ?or rom ' aud re'ef '8 ulwa3B snro follow. It is intended especialb' for fecouKUEt colds, croup nnd whooping Kcough, and there is no better medicine S, the world for these diseases. It is 1 not only a certain cure for croup, but, r mcn given aB noon as the croupy pC0UKQ appears, will prevent the attack. IV" y Whooping cough is not dangerous when j1'6 remedy is given as directed. It '.contains no opium or other harmful if )j,'ruKs' and ,n!lV c Kiycn as confidently I t Sf'iH druggists. ?k 1 Chicago Cleaning Co. " Ladies' and Gents' clothes cleaned, yA ftdyed and repaired. No connection with iM ianJ! oihor firm in city. 'V?M wi Removed to 37 P. 0. Place, four '"in I00" west of P. 0. Bell Foue 2607. " "1 w rono 20S3' Kr Vienna Bakery, ""J JKMakers all kinds of Bread. Ask yoiir Century Printing Co VK''t Lake's printere, 105-107 South vBfci;Woot Temple. Best work at fair ;ilyrIcca- - rnm s D' Svan3, ' 7u2lBFncraor Embalmer, lias remored Ifi.Wtt0 neiv location, 48 South State. A Woman's Health Is a heritage too sacred to be experimented with. For her peculiar and dHbEUe amrints only medicine of known composition and which cor ( tain .l'lja alcoQjsrcotics, or other harmful or habit-forming drug! should iuTploy&d The one medicine which fulfills all these require , nients is JPrierc's Favorite Prescription a remedy with a record o over forty years of curea to recommend it a remedy, the makers o jyhich print its formula on every bottle-wrapper ana attest its compete ness and correctness under oath; a remedy devised and adapted to worn' an's delicate, constitution by an educated phvsician-an experience specialist in woman's diseases; a remedy, every ingredient of which Trail received the written endorsement of the most eminent medical writeri of tall the several schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar diseases; a, rgjngfly which has more bona-fideemtz to its credit than anj I oJLher sold by druggists for woman's special retjuirejuepts. It is not fiven away in the form of "trial bottles " to be experimented with, but is sold at a fair price by all dealers in medicines. Delicate, weak, nervous women Bhould especially ehun the use of alooholio medicines which, from their rtlmnlat-ing rtlmnlat-ing and exhllerating effects may seem, for & time, to do good, bat tfhioh from the inevitable effoota of tbe Btoohol in ehrinking np the red corpuscles of the blood ore sure to do great and jtating harm in the long run. Besides they beget a craving for stimulant? which is Hiost deplorable. Only invigorating and nerva strengthening strength-ening effects can follow tho use of this famous medicine for women. It can sot possibly do harm in any state or condition of the system. It has been carefully adapted to woman's needs by an experienced physician a specialist in their diseases. It makes week women wom-en strong and elck women well. If a woman has bearing down, or dragging pains, low down in the abdomen, abdo-men, or pelvis, backache, frequent headaches, dizzy or fainting spells, is nervous and easily startled, baa gnaw-ling gnaw-ling feeling in stomach, sees imaginary floating specks, or spotB before her eyea. has melancholia, or "blues,5 or a e&Kening disagreeable drain from pel-vio pel-vio organs, she can make no mistake by resorting to the use of Dr. Pierce's ' Favorite Prescription. It will invigorate invigor-ate and tone up the whole system and especially the pelvic organs. Dr. Pieroe's Favorite Perscription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised Iby an experienced and skillful physi-'cian, physi-'cian, and adapted to woman's delicate system. K iB made of native American -medicinal roots and is perfectly harm-JleBa harm-JleBa In its effects in any condition of the female sysicm. As a powerful invigorating tonic,R Favorite Fa-vorite Prescription" imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked, "worn-out," run-down,'' debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, dress-makers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," feoufiB-keepen, nursing mothers, and Not in a Milk Trust Horlick's Malted Milk The original and genuine Avoid cheap substitutes At your Soda Fountain A glass of Horlick's Malted Milk hot makes a delicious and I refreshing lunch on a cold day. Ask for Horlick's At All Druggists Stirrrog the powder in hot water makes a uourisning, digestible food-drink, food-drink, better than tea or coffee no cooking. A cupful hot on retir- 1 ing induces restful sleep. I An excellent; lime to begin be-gin on the resolution ol! wearing wear-ing none but "Money Back" Shoes. A saving of 10 to 50 per cent, on every shoe in the house, on the main floor, Regular Reg-ular sto.clc, all sizes, and fitted by men who know how. DAVIS SHOE CO. CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "ARABIC" T 15,000 tons, lno, largo, VKr unusually steady. ' ' O TEE ORIEN JL February 6 to April 17, 1908. Seventy days, coslhigr only $400.00 and up, Including shore oxcurelono. SPECIAL FEATURES:. Madeira, Cadiz, Seville. Algiers, Malta, 19 Days In Egypt and the Holy Land. Constantinople. Athens, Rome, the RIvlcra, etc. TOURS ROUND TUB WORLD, 10 TOUKS TO EUROPE most comprehensive and nttractlvn ever offered F. C. CLARK. Tlnico Blda., Mow York. feeble women generally, Dr. Pleroe'l Favorite Proeoriptlon ia the greateal earthly boon, being nneqnalcd m av, appetising cordial and reiterative tonte. As a soothing and strengthening nervine ner-vine Favorite Prescription.'' ie nn-eqnaled nn-eqnaled and is invaluable in allaying and enbdning natrons excitability, Irritability, Ir-ritability, nervons exhaustion, nerroal prostration, newralgia, hysteria, spasms, St.Vitns'a dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant npon functional and organio disease oj the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de pondenoy. Jso woman suffering from any of th above symptoms can afford to accept any secret nostrum or medicine of un known composition, aa a substitute to a medicine like Dr. Preroe'e Favorite. Prescription, which is ov zkottk ooaw position and has a record of over fortji years of cures and sella more largely to-day than ever before. lis makera withhold no secrete from their patients, believing open publicity to be the very best guaranty of merit. Dr. Pierce invites all coffering womea to consult him by letter frts of charge. All letters of consultation are held a strictly private and sacredly confidential confiden-tial and all answers are returned in plain, sealed envelopes. Address: Dr. B. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Sur-gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. con-stipation. Constipation is tho cauee ol many diseases. Cure the cause and you cure the dieeaso. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. cathar-tic. Drnggista sell them, and nothing ie "just as good. They are the original Little Liver Pills first put up bv old Dr. Pierce over 40 years ago. ilucb imitated, but never equaled. They an tiny 6ugar-coated granules easy to take as candy. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illustrated illus-trated Common Sense Medical Advisel will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. AddresB Dr. Pierce as above !i 1 i Coughs and Colds Are easily contracted, and unless taken in hand in timo, somotimes j prove very serious. A. D. S. Syrup of White Pine Compound will stop your cough at once, 25c and 50c a bottle. For sore throat thcro is nothing so good as A. D. S. Sore Throat Curo. ! GODBE-P1TTS DRUG CO. PHONES NO. 140, I Used Pianos $100.00 UP. All in good condition. CaiFsfeeseit & Anson Co. 74 South Main Street. Don't Be Backward In comlntr forward. If your sight Ik defective come to us for the correction correc-tion of tho defects. VTo make no charge for testing eyes when Klasses t aro needed, Rustimer, Maker of Perfect Glasses. 73 Woflt 1st. South. Hoth Phones 17G3, spp4" Co. 142 MAIN STREET. A fnll Uno of professional mounts and supplies. Kodaks and Developing. I l SS j I I JeL ONE. PRjCETTO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD 1 I j Ftemc season cok goods' mo I I i W&?v sought for present service, go at fractions of fcheir actual! cost. H I 8BP ai8e5' Comforts aiad Bedspreads Priced to Move at Once I I n jcwIij Wc aro datcrmmd that every one shall go. Our vory heavy reductions testify to the earnestness of our purpose. 1 ALL BLANKETS Worth 5-1.00, marked CO C ALL BED SPREADS Valuo JT.SO, po at CC on lk 1 Worth 7Be. marked AQn l Value f 1.00. Bo at .each W-SV H H down to -"C Worth SG.00, marked Afl each uu ALL COMFORTERS ' MH Tl. lt . . down to vJ.tv Value ?1.50, ro at QQ HH Worth 51.00, marked cq ouch "OC Regular 51.25. on rjn i 'M m down to Worth 37.50. marked fiM f.n . tf"V , ' , sale at VC 3 down to $.OU v'aluo 51.n, so nt CI U i Worth J1.50, marked QQ each 'AXU Regular $1.50, on oo t J down to OOC WorUyS.50. marked $5.30 Value $2.00. go at g-f OS Sa'C nt '0C fl . 98C WorUMliooimarliei $J vUC ' 6S t. $1-16 wdor.Te.d. $1-19 wJf,K-?:!? $8.85 vahxooVgo'aV $1"e89 "ffiftf3: $1.28 I I wdorwnto25' $1.39 "rAM:ea. $13.95 vih?:dri f 1 $2.30 RSSV"6:..0.n. $1.39 I I dowVlo0:."'1 $1.68 wd;a1'S6?:.r.r $14.40 vSci5;00-.KO.at $3.40 u aKt?::5. 0" $1.68 I 1 Worth 5.-1.00, marked $1.89 d'w $2(5'0, 'narked $17.40 Sch56,0'0'' at $4.20 Rsaelaat53'00' n $1.89 ; H do' not wait you 'oTeii'.oo T wEEiTI & A GREAT I 11 SAMG dPPHMTUNSTY Where Same Can Be Obtained on Credit. ; Within a very short tune we export the arrival of New Spring jfcrj Clofchinjr, for men and -women. It is our aim It 3cll all of the win- c ter clothing at pricos that nothing liko over happened in tho city. K 12 Just Think What One-Half Off Means! 19 All of our women's suits will ho sold just for half the regular h prices. r i& 022.00 suits for $11.00 of (3 S25.00 suits for S12.S0 o I $30.00 suits for S1C.00 . J-,-; 835.00 suite for ..S17.50 i g One-Third Off on all-Misses' and Women's Coats g 5113.00 coats now ,' 310.00 H its S20.00 coats now J 313.f;0 . E-i 825.00 coats now 81G.00 1-3 G S30.00 coats now ,...!?20.00 HHS' IO All rcadv-to-wuar hats for women, regular from $3 to $7.50, wc i ; ft decided to sell same aud give you tho choice or ,..$1.50 C j j One-Third Off on all Men's and Boys' Suits and I Overcoats. I ( . j Plrasc bear in mind that tho above bargains can be had b' a ? small payment down and $1.00 per week. Do not miss this proat t S Paving opportunity. w r I I '. I R . I The MereaetlSe lestellmeet Co. jj 74 WEST SECOND SOUTH. rnmiroMaffriti iimhitiitw imiiriT'iri'iiii'iiTi niinit iTinrnTnii'ii i jim uinriHinTmTTfiiftiiiivi j DISTANCE OR NEAR SIGMT C0RRECTED1 ! I BY KRYPT0K SSF0CAL GLASSES j A scientific combination of two lenses in one, with no division lines beoro the eyes. I I Kryploka can be. fitted to any stylo of mounting desired. Our ox- elusive production. a ! I COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO., StS strcot' Stores Denver, Omaha, Kansas Oity, Dallas, Portland. I aeassstmui iliii in Hi1 1 u 1 wmi i i n M"ii HnmmmmmmmmmHmmnmmhmrn'.uA,Kiwiwtm!i New Yearns Money. I IWc recently collected money for the following good clients. Wc can col- 0 H lect some for you, If you turn In your claims. M Rocky iltn. Bell Tel. Co.. Stato St., Jff"fe 0 '1 C'V'h. Cook. Goldflcld, Ncv. 'IBs&iSBi'vx 1 Baer Bros. Merc. Co., 215 So. Stato $3s5p&' Q St-K.lV. Wllgon. S02 W. 2nd So., city. J" P H fl Ulyth & Fargo Co.. Park City, Utah. MSR? , 9 "H Nelson Bros., Ferron, Utah. i0ir-vHl fl '1 Dr. Ross Anderson, Shaton Bldgr., iSlteStSt B' 1 il D. A. A mock. SOI 1st ave.. city. TR- I5 fl ll Chas. T. TrlHk, l'urk City. Utah. "L-X. nil I 'IH Finch & UoBors, B. 2nd So., cIL-. gST ''f I ll J. W. SnodRrass & Son. Albion. Ifc 'ffiV u Y a u Sorensen & Larsen. 1-19 W. 2nd So., iSk' I , ' C'lVcnry "Morsan. 253 E. Sth So., city. I ll ( D. R. Hempstead, 125 So. Main St.. SmS- 1 iE Western Pub. Co., San Francisco, ft: U il ; Vost Jordan Lumber Co., West Jor- MS 9 El I ' a"Mr. Thos. Groove, Boise, Idaho. WB I II. C. llnnaon Son, Ogden, Utah. 'YmHjPW jr ' S IH Ifcffcrman & Thompson, Eureka, 'ZSQc$yjr - I ll C.V. Rcarran, 2H7 So. Main. city. " Q 'H Rich Co. News. Randolph. Utah. Tho Huron Co., Murray, Utah. I n Saniantha Smith. Bountiful. Utah. Mrs. Dora Deck. S5I V. aril So.. "jH A. K. roulton, 121 S. 2nd 7., city. city. R Taylor-Annatronfr Ijiimber Co., city. Brown Scliool of Corrcspondonco, N Ttyrum N'lelHon, Holiday, Utah. citv. a 1 ! Beeman & Canhln. Evanston, W'yo. Elylh t Fargo Co., Park City, Utah. 1 : Isadorc Morris Eatate. city. Thomas fc Co.. Malad, Utali. Herman Layman. Rexbur. Idaho. HunJ. T'aldron, Humarla, Idaho. H II ,W. S. Post, Kuniniorcr, Wyo. John Ford. city. 9 jj Vlncent-Nott Shoo Co., Main st., Harmon. Kraack. rear 2-10 So. 15th 1 city. East, city. m j Red strcakn of honesty exist In everybody. Turn In your claims. M MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, J ' Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts. 9 77. 7S. 93, 91, 37, 38, 99 li 100 Commercial Nat. Bank Bldg. Salt Lake City, 1 Utah, U. S. A. I JH - FRANCIS G. LUKE, General Manager. fj "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." ! lTEPTOEHOTEL, Ely'cify! 'Nevada 1 I U Tho Only Strictly First-Glass Hotel in Eastern "NTovada. H The Cafe is tho liaudsoincst and the best-conducted in the Stato. ft Formerly of The Palace and St. Francis Hotch;. San Francisco, Mcr. j The Tribune Grives Your Wants the Largest Circulation- H |