Show Honor Roll 1 1 I Volunteering through Salt Lake I City recruiting stations 10 young I Imen men awaited their first orden order 1 Thursday as members of the sa nt m-j m r tion's fighting forces Ir U. U S. S Navy Nary t tt Arthur Clinton Card Gard d 19 s Salt Lake t Ket Keith Tl Lloyd Slater 18 Ii Ogden Mf LOT It James Brundage Jr 17 and Norman Wi ter Johnston Johnton 18 Payette Idaho I Conrad BUckner 18 Nampa Idaho k i Fells Felle John Bermensolo 22 BoUt Boise Ha George Wallace 18 I g Mont t ria David I bu Duree 19 Jt Ottawa OkD iJ Jf f Melvin Melvln Russell Francis 17 11 Mitchell OJ OTt Ota Tancredo Bayron Peru Peres 20 New Ness In Tel Oil t t City N N. N Y r. r |