Show Soviet Nazi War Rumors Sweep Over Europe Red Radio Reports Blow Helsinki Learns Moscow Busy Massing Army By JAMES E. E BROWN Lo LONDON DON June 19 INS INS m The air waves of Europe were flooded Th Thursday with a bedlam bedlam bed- bed lam of rumor rumor and report pur purporting port porting ng to show that n nazi i Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many an and Soviet oviet Russia are are at war For propaganda purposes purposes or possibly possibly pos pos- sibly from sheer shed hysteria broadcasters broadcasters broad broad- casters in various capitals of ot Europe Eu rope poured into London a a series of sensational and spectacular re reports reports re- re ports orts which British newspapers splashed s under banner headlines Berlin Moscow Quiet But neither from Berlin or MosCOW Moscow Moscow Mos Mos- cow came the slightest hint that anything but friendly relations still prevailed However in an language broadcast the Moscow radio assailed as assailed assailed as- as sailed Turkey for signing what the announcer termed a so called friendship treaty with Germany This pact it at was said completes subjection of the Balkans to an Interest in interest interest in- in terest inimical to socialism The authoritative British Press association cast doubt upon the h re reports reports re re- ports but radio listeners were startled by a broadcast from the Titus THUs station in Georgian Russia asserting that a certain power is attempting to the Bess- Bess arabian territory which the Soviet Union recently took from Rumania Rumania Ru Ru- mania by agreement with Ger Germ many Army Io el Moves s Simultaneously came a dispatch from Stockholm which quoted d travelers trav tray elers arriving at Helsinki from Russia as telling of Intensive soviet mobilization The fhe railway line connecting Moscow and Leningrad these travelers related is blocked by troop trains Coming Coining on the heels of a treaty of and mutual in interest interest interest in in- terest signed between Germany and Turkey at Ankara Wednesday the strange series of broadcasts served to raise British press and officialdom to a high pitch of ot ex ex- Seasoned observers recalled simlar aim sim- liar lar instances in m the past when planted announcements by interested Interested inter Inter- ested governments were used for forthe forthe forthe the purpose of beclouding an issue or carrying out a war var of nerves But hardly has any such manufactured manufactured manu- manu information in the past had any such sinister ring as this announcement emanating from Tiflis Tillis Contact has been made along Continued o on Page Four Column five Rumors humors of Russian German-Russian War Sweep Europe I Soviet Radio Charges Blow at i Continued from Irons Par Page One On the frontier between the glorious determined frontier guards of the Soviet Union and advanced outposts of a certain power trying to thrust Its way to Kamenetz an and l Up to last evening the attack was being victoriously repulsed Jackal contingents presumably this was a reference to Rumanian I forces are nosing their way behInd behind behind be be- hind the sponsors of the Bess- Bess arabian The soviet Is in danger of its very life and will have to fight to preserve 20 years of victorious socialist socIalist socialist so so- so- so building Inquiries into the informed best-informed sources regarding the whys and wherefores of this this- unparalleled sItuation situation situation sit sIt- met with varying v One theory accepted as fact by many quarters was that Germany determined to obtain food and oil supplies from Russia RussIa had had served an ultimatum upon Moscow demandIng demanding demanding de de- de- de manding cession of This ultimatum was said to expire on Sunday night Another report widely circulated ed said the Turkish German-Turkish treaty despite announcements to the contrary actually contained a a. secret clause providing for passage of German troops into Syria One British agent reported to Whitehall that nazi troop movements into Turkey started from Varna and Burgas less than two hours after the pact was signed Paper Urges Russ Aid Ald t is London newspapers had a veritable veritable veritable ver ver- Roman holiday in speculating ing upon the possibility and effects of a a. Russo-German Russo armed clash The Evening Standard owned by Lord Beaverbrook minister of state suggested Britain should give Russia all the assistance in her power in such a struggle if Washington Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington could be persuaded to make a a. similar promise Military experts paraded out their best opinions with the majority majority majority ma ma- believing Germany could defeat defeat defeat de de- de- de feat Russia within a a. month in m view of the known defects of the soviet military machine and the lack of skilled officers Thursday the British Press asso asso- elation quoting authoritative British British British Brit Brit- ish quarters said there was no confirmation of reports Rumania and Germany have launched mIlItary military military mili mIlI- tary operations against Russia or that they have presented an ultimatum ultimatum ultimatum ulti ulti- to Russia Turkey Source of Hints Stints The agency said the rumors rumors- all unconfirmed for for the most part originated Wednesday in Ankara and Istanbul It added The fact fa-ct that that the rumors have been circulating continuously in Turkey for the last 17 hours with not a word of confirmation received re received received re- re from any part of the world should cause the rumors to be treated with the utmost reserve reserve Winston Burdett C CBS B S correspondent correspondent correspondent corre corre- in Turkey reported in a broadcast from Ankara that various various various vari vari- ous commercial radios in Turkey have picked up unspecified and reports that Germany attacked Russia at 15 points along the frontier after Rumania demanded demanded demanded de de- de- de return of from the Soviet Union He stressed that thai the reports we were e entirely without confirmation Martin Agronsky N NBC B C Ankara Ankara An An- kara representative radioed his I home office that Germany had served an ultimatum on Russia But he branded as untrue the report Germany actually had invaded invaded invaded in in- Russian territory As the day progressed the Turkish Turk Turk- Turkish ish reports of apparently imaginary imaginary imaginary nary Russo-German Russo strife took on added color like a a. rolling snowball snowball snowball snow snow- ball gathering weight One of these Turkish rumors claimed the Rumanian passenger liners diners Carol and Dacia have been converted into armed auxiliary auxiliary aux aux- cruisers for use in the coming coming coming com ing action for Jor recovery of Bessa Bessa- rabia from Russia Finns Reported Ready A Stockholm dispatch to the London London London Lon Lon- don Daily Dally Mail Mall said it was reported report report- ed Finland was prepared to meet any ev eventualities and that the streets of Helsinki were crowded with uniformed men and women The official German news agency agency agency agen agen- cy D N B reported from Helsinki an official announcement that the Finnish government had called up all reserves for extraordinary maneuvers maneuvers maneuvers ma ma- for the purposes of protecting protect protect- ing security and strengthening de de- de The Helsinki correspondent of the Stockholm newspaper Dagens I was quoted as sa IM fat Finns contended it w was as hT had o f to o collaborate with mon defense and that Russia io i for t th the FInn definitely coming do down doWS German side of the f tt t t 4 |