Show CALL AN EXPERT I BUTTONS BUCKLES BU BUTTONHOLES eyelets R if I- I Specialty Shop 4 E. E g B lwy 4 BRICK EMENT CEMENT BRICK PlASTER CEMENT PLASTER WORK PLASTERING cement cement brick brck work build uhe arches patch work Guar 6 CONTRACTORS Day CONTRACTORS Day or cr Job REMODELING Carpenter cement cement brick brck roofing Dial 4 4 FURNACES FURNACE FURNACE ACE VACUUM CLEANED F Special Spring Rate Rte Up Up 5 HOUSE MOVERS HV HAVENS S CO Buildings moved and raised 0 Co anywhere move ad G 2320 So So Main Main 6 Rca Res Res 7 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED L LAWN W mowers mower sharpened C. C C A. A A Fowler E. E E Broadway 5 PAINTING PAPERING PAINTING PAPERING CLEANING NEED WALLPAPER Room R lots iota IoU lEED cleaner clener can can Samples shown in your home borne by appt Phone t ebo 6 fI 6 Regent st It PAINTING paperhanging reas reu expert workmanship Estimates cheerfully furnished Can Call Johnston 3 P PAINTING papering cleaning Work guar Phone l 4 Mr Welsh and son con House Painting Dial 6 1 p PAINTING paperhanging rha real expert AIl workmanship an Estimates te teea ea cheerfully b oIly f furnished Call can Johnston Johnton 3 rr Blinds Unda cleaned made like We lew new 50 SOc 50 per pr tape Work guaranteed Deliver service Dial II 6 CALL AN EXPERT EXPERTS S PAINTING PAPERING PAINTING PAPERING CLEANING prIc expert L cleaning f en Pearson e W ALC Contraction Co Co Mo 0 4 1274 PAPERHANGING cleaning carpenter work Day or contract PAPERING cleaning painting Work guar guaranteed u. u EXPERT fn Inc Ing wall pipeline papering ra ln painting Work roar rant paper 4 cleanIng clean clean- r PAINTING PAPERING CLEANING WASHING CARRIGAN 3 PATENT ATTORNEYS I THOMAS lOMA THOMAS U. U 8 a IU flea Tu TOMS mark marka mak drawings Season Buon bide bid I PRINTERS PRINTERS BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDING Ion FOR private and nd public library binding JIT 2 I O. O Dust Dusl CO Co Edison Edon it t 3 3 RENIA A TRUCK SAVE SAVE Rent Rent TRUCK Move yourself 8 Gas oil oU nJ f furnished rr Low or BAKER BAR TRUCK TRUC c RENTAL INC IC 3 0 So S West Wet Temple Tempil Temp 4 2093 dump truck for rent Drivers Driven fur lEW 2191 Highland dr 7 RUG RUG DRAPERY DRAPERY CLEANING WE W ruton the thi te soft feel fel the thi t. t freshness the te th lustre lutr of your rugs and upholstery Hans Hani U-F U service Gelar Gela 6 TRUSSES SURG stockings bIts Ell on Ii South St Main Wain Sill Salt Lake City Iy VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED REPAIRE ALL AL MAKES MAKES Specialize Royal Ryal low rates nUL Work guar ga E. E E Broadway 3 WINDOW SHADES WINDOW and Venetian Veneta blinds bUll In ID inwood wood wod or ni steel tee alata hats mad by Co C Free P samples and estimates estImate SANDERS 84 South Sout State Stale 5 9 la LETS LET'S LETS LETS LET'S GO SO PLACES uBi now Enjoy Eno better beter health helU 1 I IB MINING B-MINING f ADf of AS ne complete building and mill mi part of the te equipment equip equip- equip ment bent consists of one ring roU roll Sturdevant Sturdevant vant vast mill mi one Diesel 50 h. h h p. p engine one 12 Inch Raymond separator etc Located adjoining the D. D and R. R R G. G RR RH RR Redmond Utah Ulah Answer Box W 6 owner will 1 call cal on Interested parties parte LOST 3 AND FOUND WRIST watch lady's ladys yellow gold 0 lost Vii business I dist Initials Z 2 M. M N. N Re Re- ward 5 coin I purse puree Lost Tues e either h r P. P 0 place c State tr st at t Pembroke Pembroke's tS l le c or Z C lM M H I. I Contains currency LIberal Reward 4 LOST LS since June 10 Black 10 Black cocker ccker spaniel Mickey Rew 6 DOBERMAN Pinscher brown black mark mark- logs Ings Blitz 3 1464 or 3 3 Rew 4 PERSONALS 4 DR DR LEVI DELK reg chiropodist foot specialist Corns Cors rI calluses ventura warts wat athletes foot foot ingrown club nails nala bunions flat fiat fat feet fet weak arcu arches ankles inkles enlarged joints crooked toes corrected g Felt I 3 i Opy Opp post pont office WHO CALLED CALED Why not leave leae your o nd rd Free Fre sample or rush 2 for lOr 2000 b business cards cardl EYES EYS Sego ave SPECIALIST FOR MEN Dr Griffith So So Main Main Ph Ph 4 1717 SWIM SWIM Reduce warm 1 lesson Prof Thornton t Was uP Springs rin i 3 l 5 MASSAGE 5 AND BATH COOL cOO refreshing lh massage 2 25 E. E 2nd So Beacon Beason bide ei Rubs Rube 8 baths Hrs Bra 9 10 n Sunday 10 Nurse 5 SCIENTIFIC massage H J Mae a e Thomson bomon graduate u nurse 9 South Main t Ma suite i 8 8 eDI Dial MISS MAS MAES Refresh massage rubs tourists tourist 2201 South State State Rm 2 CABINET oath DatA DaU 11 HI ey 18 19 lem- lem pie piston ton Mrs Hrs 10 Nun Nurse Nurse 4 E EXP E. E Massage bath bat Fanc Franco American R a 23 E. E 1st So Marl Marie arle Monies Moms Moru ag V J best massage not nato also oil Mrs Hrs H 11 h 2 f Atlas t Olds ruo GOOD GOOt massage vapor bath bat oil alcohol oi rub rb Hrs Hr fr 9 97 97 open Sun Sun 35 Atlas Atla SWEDISH mass mUI scientific technique nur nurse Dally Daily Daly Sun 13 Atlas Ata 10 1 Jl st. st bath bath new operators Templeton 4 9 to ft 6 ELEC CLEG massage maage Steam cabinet cabinet Mrs Hrs 10 Utah Uta Savings 0 Trust rm rm 6 TRAVEL 6 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES NATIONAL NATIONAL A 1 B C 0 N D I 1 1 0 N ED BURLINGTON SANTA SATA FE Fl FERI FERIO RIO RI GRANDE SALT DENVER LAKE AND PACIFIC BINGHAM STAGE LINES LES 6 SCHEDULES And 3 Routes Rute East Dally Daly 3 Schedules Schedule dally daily daly to Southern California and San Sa Francisco Fracisco For further furter information Inquire SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT 60 E. E 2nd South Dial 3 Ic A MILE TRAVEL Fast Fat dally daily service through Ely daly mc Las La La Vegas Vel Los L. L Angeles Angele Pioche Las Vegas PONY EXPRESS STAGES 40 East 2nd So 4 7 HELP 7 HEP 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN SPECIAL NOTICE THE TH TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM strive to protect their readers against fraud deception or injustice Readers are ar cautioned to make NO payment to get leI a position advertised in the te help belp wanted columns Ads in other oter columns which c require Investment In stocks samples eie equipment or eni a cash bond should shoud be thoroughly Investigated before be be fore tor paying out any ay money All AU help wanted ads MUST specify the nature of the work Sales help wanted ads ure e must m mention n the a article Ye or service ice to tg b be sold d and state l if It the pay 15 r In Inthe the thi form o of salary commission o or both botn bot Only bona fide offers offer fr of employment em em- with pay belong In tie the t. t Help Wanted columns Kindly report re re- port Pr any exception to this tl rule to the te classified advertising manager manier WANTED WANTED Experienced Experienced cashier for credit clothing store Must have some lome knowledge knowledge knowl knowl- edge of general bookkeeping State age experience salary reference t Write te text Box V c le RELIABLE A girl light housework S care of RL 2 children fr 11 fb North oh Main I ac apt el 13 EXP EX fountan girl able to cook cok Wage Wage Crystal Phar H. H lot lt South WANTED WANTED Feeders and folders on flat flatwork flatwork fat work Ironer Wages Wage Star Laundry Laundr Jefferson st st. at FRUIT U THINNERS Wages See Mr Hansen Man Han Manlen n- n len sen Strikes Strike Fruit I Farm arm i Holladay id 7 HElP 7 HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED WOMEN HIGH cia ss i sli aUk fInisher Good Go pay z V V-l V 0 Trl plit position on Bookkeeping and andr clerical Clerical work State tc age Ix vl experIence Salary r Box kW 2 W 2 el EXPERIENCED stenographer c State j age E experience a and salary f expected e Office f located on outskirts of city ciT Box VS V. V WANTED Men Men or women women neat appearing for profitable adv ady campaign now in effect fei Excellent o opportunity fy If Jf Wy you qualify Comm Comm Apply ApplY 12 r So 80 Main Main ELDERLY couple woman for thil man manas mana as gardener Living Living- quarters anti and meals meal a a Wages e. e c Call u lit Mr r. r Lewis 3 5 for a appt dictaphone and general office work also open genera aIO for cashier Wares Wages Our e know of Tile Tle thIs advertisement Box W 8 I WOMEN IS-WOMEN 8 WOMEN 8 WANT WORK Kl ana O ca to an convalescent patients patient 7 9 MEN 9 MEN WANT WORK RS want or son o trac work 5 HE P. P dairy farmer with family Wages or orlease E lease e farm J B Box V l rb tu 10 TRAINING SCHOOLS SCHOOLS EMPLOYMENT AIRCRAFT MORE MOR MEN N WANTED Immediate Immediately I ly for Los L. L Angeles factories Pleasant work good pay 1 good future We can have r y you on le the payroll r W three h weeks g from the day you sign up t Employment Employ p bent ment ra Is assured A Act Ad sow now See Mr i Brom Broome Rep Pacific Aircraft Training inc 38 W W. W 6 So 8 4 MEN 18 TO 55 You Tou are ae needed in te the aircraft Industry Jobs b now open g for u skilled fel workers er Frye r ra trained a ame men me are ar In demand Enroll Enrol today toay For complete Information see se seALE ALEX ALE NIBLEY District Mgr FRYE AIRCRAFT CO 1403 First National Dank Bank Dial 5 2348 Open evenings by appointment BARBERING taught in a few months Earn Ear most mot of ot tuition through merits merIt HOLER'S HOLERS BA BARBER COLt COLL COLL S. S L L. L C. C STOP stammering Speech disorders Corrected cor t Public speaking broadcasting M dramatic art MILLERS MILLER'S SPEECH SCHOOl t R Pi P lUt 2nd 8 So tra 4 CHARETTE SCHOOL OF COSTUME DE SIGN Special Specia 6 summer course coune Register Registe now 3 I II HELP II-HELP HELP Wanted MEN Wanted MEN MENTHE THE TEE T TRIBUNE AND TELEGRAM strive to protect their readers reden against fraud deception or Injustice Readers Reader are ar cautioned to make NO payment to get a position polton advertised In the te help wanted columns column Ads in other oter columns which b c require e I investment In stocks samples u equipment p or eni a J cash bond c should be thoroughly investigated before be fore paying out any money All Al help wanted ads adl MUST specify the nature of the work work Sales help wanted ads must roust mention the te article artcle or service to be b sold Ild and state stale If 1 the te pay is I. In Inthe Inthe the form of salary alar commission or both both Only Ony bona fide lids offers oter of employment em P e Wanted an with fo columns pay belong Kindly ln In 1 the re report report e port any exception to this tl rule rl to the te classified advertising manager YOUNG energetic man preferably experienced with automobile company for responsible office position Also person per pr- pr son to qualify as cashier cabler Our em em- ploy loyes know of this adv advertisement Box x W 2 FORM FR carpenters close sal la Western Employment 73 W. W 1st So FRY FRI cook coo dot Ct 2 25 wk Wie We tern Ens En- En Agey Agy 73 W. W 1st So SAN SANDWICH antI and n Wages age State Stat exp i Box o S 8 e W WAITER AI 20 wk bd Yardman 21 wIt wk bit bd Dishwasher r 1750 i i wIt wk i b bd lW Western West i ier ern em er Emp 73 W. W 1st lit South Sout AUTO mechanics mechanic wanted for California Must be first class clus and experienced and familiar with the latest latet cars cal Box V 17 REAL OPPORTUNITY for boys bOYI about 12 REL yrs o old good comm circulation C work rk See e Mr HO House 28 W. W 1st tU tUo So o DRY cleaner capable managing small mal cleaning ceaner plant Good God wages wage Apply Salt Sat Lake Laundry SHOE shiner must be experienced pct pet comm Apply at once 43 E. E Broad Broad- way BOY 18 years ean old for used car lot Salary alar Mr Bowdle 57 So S. S Main EXPERIENCED auto wrecker wages See bin Mr r. r Smith Felt Wrecking Co So State JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER PLUMBER P PH PHONE ii 0 N E B 7 EXPErt cherry pickers a Wages Ellis Etlo Wilson 1 en JIS IC school II YOUNG man with wih lunch fountain exp expo Salary Box V 35 OPP for young n man to w work t for course I at Henager Beager at Bus a Col New classes fa now o starting School air cond condo WANTED WANTED WANTED-A A reliable boy by who drives drive a acar car for lawns and work around a ca home Wages 2269 McClelland McCleland st st. MAN MA over 18 for tor dIsh washing Wages Wag So Main CAMP CAP baker kitchen man ran out 90 room 40 W. W 2nd So I 11 Salesmen Ila-Salesmen a Agent Wanted F jR UR nT two w wUn wit car ars to trave for large national sales o organization Ie Best of feri references Age 35 ga or over Calling on stores Neat Neal appearance willingness I e to work 45 wIt wk comm See e Mr F. F t L. L Carter r sales le manager a HOTEL 11 A. A M. M or 3 P. P M. M Tues Toes Te Wed 1 Thurs Fri RE REAL estate salesman salesman Opportunity a I n Opportunity t for i oulia lia liaa f young ou man a to be a member of our firm Established 43 years Peterson Real Estate ze Inv mv Co Realtor I 58 E. E So S Phone 4 STATE agency Misto quick ICk electric battery bater charger Comm D. D M. M Parker r Radio I i Trailer fF rp Park r x 1090 90 So sI State tr WONDERFUL opportunity for tor exper middIe middle mid mid- die dle aged or elderly man roan to sell 11 ap ap Comm Call Cal bet 1030 a a. a m. m Walker Bank I 12 BUSINESS 12 BUSINESS 2 Opportunities AN A opportunity 7 furnished apts J long es established es' es JI rl ir g store to e and a room 5 modern in rr home city ty on n If Its prominent o a going g gh h highway concern l. l c corner ready 3 for someone m t to take e o over a and forge ahead Owner r needs e a rest t ta You'll do dowell g I well wel I. I d to see el It and judge for tor your your- ou- ou ouI AMERICAN HOUSING CORP E. E Bd Realtor Realor 3 FOR FORen Trucking SALE rights i good over f en entire t state of Nevada e wIth fd three International trucks flat fiat racks rack and dump Terms Mayer Garage Gaage Elko Eiko Nevada Neada SERVICE station for lease Loc L. L on So and l E. E A A. real I opportunity n for gr right I t tl man n Inq W. W So GOOD service station for lease leue East Eat side location Small Smal capital required Inq W. W South ki sell lel second hand II store ore real money moneT maker Box U LEASH LEASE 9 room rom and boarding barding house Beautiful furn Full Fl all al the time Close Cion In Terms Box V 34 FOR FR SALE Equipment and lease leuf on thea thea- ter Earl Hunter Idaho HOTEL 24 24 rooms all al air cond modern Good God location and ad business Priced right for cash cah Sell Sel on acct of ill 1 health Box Twin Falls Fals Idaho MODERN BEAUTY SHOP Good God town good business Cost Cot 2850 sell sl for 1000 easy eay terms or cash Owner to work for tor gov Must sell sl quick quick Inq Box 9 9 Pocatello Idaho Idao r t r J 12 BUSINESS 12 BUSINESS 2 Opportunities to operate new nw type nut and anel candy vending machines re required re I ired e ans at O once giving phone phon phoned on and d address d Box x W t M fl sell part or all of beauty shop eUP al WIL ment I pat Hardly used and in excellent I cond ment cond Call Cal 4 14 Stores Offices Stores Offices f for or Rent Ren t and display duplay rm Plenty fee fre parking space Garage Garau space pac If i re re Sugarhouse bus bUI dial 2219 highland drive 6 16 APARTMENTS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED APTS AND COTTAGES COllAGES FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 1 to 6 Tins n A Also o garages COVEY HILLCREST BUCKINGHAM KENSINGTON ALL OUT OF SMOKE DISTRICT OJ A We w. Invite Invie you to see these beautiful beautiful beau beau- beu apts apt and cottages any ay site lle or OC plan you rou desIre We W. know we can cl satisfy you YOI Spacious lawns shrubs flowers all al outside windows incomparable parable arabic flowe services Prices reasonable cooking gas sod and r refrigeration I IA Free ree e eUtah U A Adults only 2 bl blocks from Hotel Utah I Utah Covey 0 Invest Co owners operators 23 E. E ys So v Temple p Dial rf 5 MODERN 2 rm 2 apt apt with front porch 2750 3 with wih sleeping porch beautifully decorated e hardwood hard wood f floors floors mahogany an trim I elle tile bath t tub shower No charge for cooking gas refrigeration o heat hot water or Janitor f ft service f Adults d f only I Inure Inquire No 14 1 La France Apts API West Wet 3rd So Dl Dial I 3 or 5 1 COVEY 0 INVESTMENT E h CO M MARYLAND APTS Every Ever modern moer appurtenance including soft coil water e and elevator a Inspection |