Show Wh What's ts t's the M Matter With Us I TN U U. S S. S ARMY maneuvers back in Tennessee 1 L IN the first fully armored American division to participate In field maneuvers reportedly aimed all its might in an effort to wipe out or capture two regular infantry divisions but failed to accomplish its purpose Over in Africa British mechanized forces staged a drive Into Libya which made gains as great as 40 miles into held axis territory but according to late reports failed to achieve any spectacular success and now the British have apparently been forced by axis counterattacks counterattacks counterattacks counter counter- attacks to retire to their original positions on the Egyptian border In Syria strong and well equipped British and Free French forces have been fighting for almost two weeks in an attempt to capture captureS S Damascus and Beirut but at last reports were not only still being successfully resisted by regular French tro troops ps but even threatened by strong French counterattacks Its It's funny When the Germans attacked the French army in France they cut through It like so much butter Their armored divisions divisions divi divi- crashed through against far more than two one superiority of defending forces When the British armored forces attacked the Italians last December and January they easily routed the far larger Italian army But when the British attack the French they dont don't find them butter to be knifed through easily and when they attack the Germans in Libya they cant can't make the grade In the German attack on Belgium Holland and France it is said a comparative handful of men in German armored divisions routed many times their number in the defending armies yet when an American armored division on maneuvers tries to knock over two divisions of infantry they cant can't make the grade Just what is it that these Germans have When it comes to making war that we or the British dont don't have What's the matter with us and with the British Weve We've had a year and more to profit by the lessons of Poland of Norway of Holland Belgium and France Haven't we learned how to fight this modern high speed warfare as well as or better than the Germans Haven't we the savvy Or is it just that we haven't yet had enough time for training and experience Whatever it is wed we'd better start taking stock of ourselves ourselves and and so had the British This war is for keeps Pretty soon if we dont don't le learn rn how to meet the Germans and beat them at t their own game its it's going to be too late to tov ever v r learn |