Show Peaches Batter Gemmell to Hold Loop Lead By TOMMIE PORTER Bri Brigham ham City's Peaches still top the semipro Industrial baseball league in a bitter struggle for lor first hall laurels after the Gemmell club in its own bailiwick at Copperton Copper- Copper ton Ion Wednesday 11 Provos Provo's remained on the heels of the leader by slamming Magna Magma down 7 Power-hitting Power plus some clever base ase running plus great relief hurling by Clarence Cad Shafer plus the up crack-up of Gemmell's defenses defenses de de- de- de lenses at critical moments gave Brigham City its victory in a prolonged prolonged prolonged pro pro- longed tussle The scoring started at Copperton In the first frame when with two out Bill Cowley was safe on an overthrow by Lou and Gene Frantz poled a homer against the left fence Gemmell squared this in its half of the first when Tommy walked George singled and Frank Zaccaria drove both mates home with a single Peaches Go Ahe Ahead The Peaches went ahead on Lindy Serpas Serpa's homer to the wallIn wall wallin wallin in center field in the second inning Another Brigham threat died in the fourth when Serpa tripled but but was out for failing to touch second base After walked in the fourth Zaccaria slammed a long hit hit hit-at at least 15 feet farther than the home runs which had preceded it into it into left center but the ball bounded over the low fence and he was was' allowed only two bases Darrell Robertson then singled both mates home An error a walk and a a single set the stage for three Brigham City runs in the sixth Worth Jensen and Denzil Hancey providing the scoring punch with more singles Four singles a wild peg and a sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice sac sac- accounted for two more in inthe Inthe inthe the seventh and the Peaches clinched the game in the eighth when Cowley singled two mates home lu lu A Gemmell rally was nipped by bya a double play in the seventh but the counted two in the eighth when Les pinch- pinch hitting singled Al Kastellic hit another another another an an- other single and came up with another Shafer then bore down to stop the threat Bob Detmers Detmers- who had relieved Sammy Oliver on the Gemmell mound Inthe Inthe in inthe the seventh was taken out for a pinch hitter and Stan Long former former former for for- mer Bingham high school star just released by the Ogden Reds fin fin- finished finished the game He was nicked for fora a triple by Larry Stops Magna Magma Bats Earl Clegg limited Magna to seven scattered hits while his mates pushed over five runs Inthe Inthe in inthe the second frame on an error and three singles followed by a homer from the bat of Don Overly LaVere LaVere LaVere La- La Vere Shurtliff then singled as did Verle Verle- Baum Verle Baum but Shurtliff was thrown out trying to score That was That was the ball game although the counted two more Inthe inthe in inthe the fifth As a result Magna now must win at least three of its four remaining games to stay in the title picture while Gemmell is down with Beckers Becker's and Pinney Virtually out of the race Magnas Magna's Millers begin their last ditch stand at Community park Sunday when they face the Pinney club while the Peaches travel to Helper for a 8 double double- I header with Beckers Becker's and Gemmell I plays at Provo Wednesdays Wednesday's scores PEACHES II r GEMMELL 8 Brigham City I AI Hb 0 A Call ss II 4 1 3 5 d Cf 5 2 2 0 Evans Evan 4 0 6 4 51 r rt 4 2 2 0 Cowley 4 1 0 2 5 1 0 1 Frantz lb 5 5 4 8 0 lb 3 2 7 3 If 5 2 2 0 ZaccarIA If 4 2 4 1 Serpa cf 4 3 4 0 Robertn c 4 2 5 0 Jensen Jenen ri rf 5 1 3 0 Johnson Johnon si I 5 1 1 2 Hance c. c II 2 1 1 4 0 2 2 Zito p. p 3 0 0 1 Oliver P. P 3 1 4 2 Shafer 1 0 0 0 Detmers p. p 0 0 0 2 Long Lon P. P 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 Totals 40 14 27 13 3 Totals 3 39 14 27 13 for tor in ninth for tor Detmers Detmer In la eighth Brigham 11 Gemmell 1208 8 Summary Errora Error Johnson 2 2 Slugs Call Two base hits Zaccaria Three base hits bIts Steinbeck Home Moms runs runs runs-Frantz Frantz Serpa Double plays plays playa Johnson to to Call to Evans to Frantz 2 Sacrifice hit hit- Evans Evna Wild pitch Detmers Struck out BY By Zito 1 Oliver 4 Definer Detmers 1 Bases Buea on balls Oft balls Off Zito 4 4 Shafer 1 Oliver 2 2 Detmers 1 Umpires Anderson and Buck lIMPS 7 MILLERS I Provo Garfield 1 Ii 5 1 0 0 4 1 2 40 4 5 1 2 0 4 2 1 0 5 1 0 3 4 0 0 6 5 2 10 0 1 0 1 5 0 4 2 4 0 2 1 t 1 0 g g 4 0 1 6 2 i 4 1 3 2 5 2 0 5 4 1 8 1 4 3 5 0 4 0 3 0 4 2 1 0 3 4 1 8 2 21 1 0 0 0 2 2000 0 0 0 Total Totals 41 13 27 13 3 Totals Total 34 3 7 27 15 Score by Innings innIng Provo 7 7 7 Magna 1 1 Summary Runs Runs Overly Jeng Jensen Jen Sen sen Collins I 2 2 M. M Shepherd he fed Cites Clegg g Errors Errors S. r J. J Shafer s Evans Evann n Stolen base base Page Rome Home run run Overly Two has hit Runs batted In In RIdd Overs Overly Overly Over Over- ly 3 3 s Shepherd r 3 3 C Clegg 1 Innings n pitched h nele ele By By Erickson rc 4 2 Charge h defeat to Erickson Runs Run responsible for for Erick Erickson Erick Erick- on son 2 Clegg 1 Struck out out out-By By Erick Erick- son non 3 Johnson 3 Bases Bues on balls Oft Off Off Johnson 1 C Clegg 1 Hit lt w with pitched g ball CollIns ball rl Collins by Erickson Wild pitch pitch pitch- Erickson Passed ball bail Overly Time TIme Umpires Barney Umpires Barney and Peacock INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Standing of ot Teams Team Won Lost Pet GT BrIgham City elly 5 2 8 5 Provo 6 4 5 Magna Garfield 6 S 5 4 Helpers Helper's Beckers Becker's 5 II 6 4 i Gemmell Club 4 6 5 Pinney 5 S. S L. L 1 4 7 4 40 4 Wednesdays Wednesday's Results BrIgham City 11 ti Gemmell Club S. S fl Provo 7 Magna Garfield 1 |