Show Views of the Press A New Order for Labor Under President Roosevelt labor unionism has received greater advantages that it has ever known before Ingratitude's Ingratitude's Ingratitude's Ingrati Ingrati- tudes tude's sorry story is that at times labor took advantage of its benefactor made him look bad with senseless strikes as the nation strained every nerve and sinew in a desperate de defense defense defense de- de effort and bit the hand that fed it the Wagner act So President Roosevelt's crackdown crackdown crackdown crack crack- down on labor as s shown at the struck North American Aviation Aviation Aviation Avia Avia- tion corporation plant in Inglewood Inglewood Inglewood Ingle- Ingle wood Cal shocked labor leaders leaders leaders lead lead- ers who didn't know there was wasa a limit to his patience and won many cheers and a few jeers from the nations nation's press The governments government's action at Inglewood is notice to those perfidious labor union leaders there and elsewhere who are betraying their followers into subversive strikes which sabotage sabotage sabotage sabo sabo- tage defense production that orders orders' from Washington m must u s t take precedence over orders from froni Moscow or Berlin de declared declared de- de dared the Spokesman-Review Spokesman of Spokane And the New York Daily Dally News pointed out that The government long since cracked down on labor ing employers stock m mar market a r k e t t. t crooks monopolists of various kinds We think the time is ap approaching approaching approaching ap- ap when the government government govern govern- ment will ill also see that union elections are are on the level that union books are audited regularly regularly regularly regu regu- and the findings published published pub pub- that excessive initiation fees and dues are not charged and so on It isn't a pleasant pleasant pleas pleas- ant prospect for labor leaders but a lot of them by these strikes in vital defense industries industries indus indus- tries under the shadow of war are hastening the day Meanwhile The use of the army to break brcak the North American American Amerlean Amer Amer- ican lean Aviation strike has raised the specter of progressive progressive progressive sive nationalization of industry industry industry indus indus- try said the Detroit F Free r e e Press This is evident from reactions in the senate Also Alsofrom Alsofrom Alsofrom from the pains President Roose Roose- velt took at at his press conference conference conference con con- ference to discount fears lears on this score by emphasizing his hope that it would not be necessary to employ force again At the same time the Chicago Tribune declared that Mr Roosevelt's whips in congress are anxious to hurry up the passage of a law which will cover what he has done in seizing the plant t In this desire the confession is implicit that what was done exceeded authority The work or fight order by Brigadier General Lewis B. B Hershey deputy selective service service service ice director instructing draft directors to reclassify d raft draft r ra aft ft registrants who have ceased to perform the jobs for which they were deferred coming corning behind the use of the army anny to break a defense strike shows the ad administration administration administration ad- ad ministration has discarded the soft touch for a big stick said the Mobile Press And the Savannah Savannah Savannah Sa Sa- Sa- Sa vannah News recalling the work or fight ultimatum of the last war declared The in instructions instructions instructions in- in were seldom ap applied applied applied ap- ap plied because their threat was sufficient It was was regrettable armed force had to be used to teach this C CIO I 0 local union the rudiments rudiments rudi rudi- ments merits of Americanism said the Miami Herald It is re regrettable regrettable regrettable re- re that Mr Roosevelt let communist labor leaders so long dictate what should be done in defense industry It is heartening to the people of this country that action was taken however drastic Then the Pasadena Star-News Star felt that the only criticism is that the president delayed for months while strikes in all aU parts of the country crippled industry es essential essential essential es- es to the n national defense And the Bridgeport Telegram declared This nation has been too patient with trouble mak ing strike leaders who are fo fomenting fomenting fomenting fo- fo these disturbances not to get better wages and conditions conditions condi condi- for the workers but to delay and sabotage defense pro pro- All AU rights reserved by Editorial Symposium |