Show Photographers Assigned lio To Submit Pictures of Flowers Floers By r DARK DARIC ROO ROOM DANNY Y Newspaper r and magazine photographers photographers photographers pho pho- are given assignments assignments assignments assign ments in their picture taking taking- a specific subject to t be e turned in by a o deadline We Well We'll 11 x try that in our amateur snapshot contest contest for the week ending July 2 Double awards will be paid all the way way war through g f for forthe r. r the the best entry submitted on On the assigned subject subject Each picture used during the special y week ck will HI earn 2 for Its taker each best stor published telling how you made your ybur b r flower picture will willbe willbe be wort 2 and the picture 0 of th the week will net the winning lensman 8 Flowers are plentiful now now The rhe he hillsides and valleys are carpets carpets' of beautiful blooms and most home g gardens r lens lens' are areat at their best bestin bestin bestin in June You may get your picture in the winning column by snapping a snapdragon in a window box There are no re restrictions restrictions restrictions re- re on what kind of flowers flowers flow flow- ers you may enter wildflowers enter wildflowers greenhouse plants corsages fruit blossoms or cacti will do the trick A hint now on flower raphy Exact fo is most important It is suggested that you use your tripod in order that you m may y shoot at the very slow shutter shutt r speeds and rather wide lens opening This procedure procedure procedure dure will aid in making the area I behind the flowers fuzzy with reduced tendency toward a n confusion confusion confusion con con- fusion of ot the main subject and unimportant foliage You may improve your picture too by photographing a light colored bloom against a dark background and vice versa to gain desired contrast The Thc use of red green or yellow filters may may aid in attaining desired effects ef ef- t feels too Remember Remember Its its it's double pay on your flower assignment You Youcan Youcan Youcan can win as much as 10 in the weekly contest and as much as 1500 in grand awards Deadline is July 2 |