Show 1 SPECIAL UNCLAIMED SU ITS Deposits of From Forfeited S to 1 F To ro turn out better beffer work r and rf pause f I It t M 1 L M rr 3 4 f e. e I 9 r A Cola Coca-Cola is made with the skill that comes r from a lifetime of practice It has the quality of genuine goodness Thirst asks nothing I more So when you pause throughout the day J make it the pause that refreshes with ice-cold ice YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY Coca BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF OP THE COLA COCA COMPANY BY Y G CO SALT LAKE CITY CITY UT UTAH All COCA COLA COCA COLA BO BOTTLING MEN OVER FORTY WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS Nagging Pains Pains Getting Getting Up Nights Nights Backache Backache May Be Danger Signals After forty watch the function of your kidneys kidney as es you do your bowels is i. is good sane ane practical advice for while bowels bowel remove waste the kidneys kidney act in removing excess poisons and acid from the blood Keep your blood more free from waste watte matter poisons and acid by putting more activity into kidney kidneys and bladder and you should live liv a healthier happier life One efficient and harmless harmle way to do this thi is ie to get from your druggist a 35 cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules Capul and take them ai e. directed directed the the swift results re re- should hould delight you Some symptoms symptom of kidney trouble maybe may maybe maybe be backache shifting pains puffy puny eyes eys getting up nights night and mO moist lt palms palm Dont Don't k he be an EASY EAST MARK and nd accept a Get Gold Cold Medal Oil Ca the fhe the orl the original l th genus Look Leek for tor for the th Gold Medal on the th box box In II ants ta R r Boys Boys' Slack Suit Boys Boys' Swim Trunks Boys Boys' Polo Shirts Sizes Sies 4 to 10 All Wool Cut Sewn N 1 C f t e i. i Sizes 10 to o k CO COe rt 18 at 00 ti Boys Boy fine all all- til Boys' Boys cut and y ti a Boys Boys' novelty wool w woo o o 1 I s swim w I m yai sewn polo shirts trunks with at attractive at- at in novelty figures fig Ug cotton and tte rayon ray ray- trac ire t e t ures ores and assorted assort Cr on mixture slack trim Cot Cotton ton i ed plain colors colon suits at a big belt Included Sizes 6 to 18 saving f I M 1st Floor 1st lit Flour Floor 1st Floor Mens Men's Swim Trunks Mens Men's Swim Trun Trunks s Mens Men's New Straws Mens Men's Polo Shirts V Famous All Wool ih Cut Sewn Quality 1 1 OZ Ic OI Others C to r Others to Mens Men's nationally national national- Mens Men's all wool all wool Cool C ol OI r ayon I 1 ly 11 advertised a il 11 v ed i Mens Men's e sailors sailor a i 1 o r s 5 lay swim trunks in d s sur tu to r y ra gabar gabardines ar- ar and and soft straws straw dines and as asi assorted as- as belted t style e. e quality s swim w 1 m A in newest shapes sorted n no novelty o velty elty i trunks at this Maroon or roy goy and shades All An 1 fabrics Cut and i low ow price al aI All AU sizes sizes for men sewn lot 1st Floor 1st lot Floor 1st Floor r a 1st lot Floor c Mens Men's Part Wool Slacks Mens Men's New Wash Pants Quality Qualify e Gabardine 9 Q in Assorted Assort- Assort Col Color or 98 r red ed Colors Others at a wool Part-wool gabardine slacks r in tan grey brown or s Plaids pin checks t ers era and stripes green grein Sizes 29 to 36 waist g a Real value for only shrunk shrunk- 99 shrunk 99 shrunk col col- F 7 6 Waist sizes 30 to 44 1st Floor e w 1st Floor c Not 2150 Not 1995 Just Arrived Astonishing Value No No Not Even 1750 Gabardine Mens a Slack SUITS A f. f x Q Men 88 t. t Easily Worth Q V and 13 j You Young Men 9 s 5 shrunk h r u n k 99 99 2 DOWN DOWN Balance Balance Monthly i shrunk poplin with inner inner- I Usual Carrying Charge Charre a outer shirt and nd pleated front Think of it Right when need s you Au self belt zipper tIpper fl fly y slacks I them at this low price Assorted patterns in sizes 35 to 40 Blue green or tan r d 1st Floor 1st Floor noor Sandy Nevin Ventilated For Men Oxfords Pre Pre- Flexed r ed 75 Weather For Hot 3 Smooth calfskin Men been s Ten rent ventilated t Hated u p p e ers tC C Oak Oak- and moccasin style bend leather a t e soles New Newest est oxfords ideal for styles Sizes Sites 6 hot weather sIzes Sites t to o 11 6 8 t to o 11 1 1st Floor 1st Floor Mens Men's Quality Briargate oxfords oxfords' In S Summers Summer's Newest Styles 98 Q r looking Good-looking wing-tip wing brogues in antique brown fin fin- 2 V t ish Fine leather uppers double leather soles YI Goodyear welt construction Sizes 6 to 11 1st lit Floor DIAL 4 OPEN A. A M. M TO P. P M. M EVERY WEEKDAY DIAL 4 ROEBUCK AND 1 CO MAIN AND BROADWAY SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FREE CUSTOMER PARKING |