Show l r I i It 4 t. s Sports p ors I t tD D C Mirror y v Jot JOI IN fN MOONEY Telegram T m Sports Sport J Editor This business of being born 20 years too soon often t t. t works a hardship but Cornelius Greg Rice Ric and Les Steers feel no cause for sorrow f Fox For according to a survey just completed by Frank I Hood recently resigned as athletic director at Rookhurst college coll ge Rice and Steers are performing athletic ath ath- 1 v letic J tic feats which shouldn't through human physical betit betterment bet bet- it torment Until least 1980 happen at who made for himself himself himself him him- fl f e Rice a native of Missoula Mont a name self as the nations nation's greatest distance runner competing for 1 Notre Dame has run the two-mile two race in although Hoods Hood's figures prove that the human body shouldn't be able to set such a sustained pace until at least the turn of the century too seems to care little for Hoods Hood's slide rule calculations and his pole vault of 15 feet f et 5 4 3 inches recently is considerably better than Hoods Hood's estimated leap of 15 feet 3 8 5 1 3 Inches by 1980 In 4 T r Steers who cleared 6 feet 11 inches in the high jump s i i t c Tuesday night is considerably better than any other leaper y who ever lived but hell he'll have to stretch a little to match the r. r 7 foot 8 5 8 inch forecast which Hood believes will be possible in 40 years I y Hood in making these predictions doesn't hold the opinion n that these marks necessarily will stand until 1980 but he bases based his forecast on the supposition that athletes will continue to improve for the next 40 years at the same rate they have during the last 40 seasons Hood reached his conclusions by plotting all the available available available avail avail- able track and field records from 1876 to 1940 and his re results re- re little far fetched Even Event suits are c interesting if possibly a at at t that Hoo Hood l cant can't see a four minute mile in the next 40 slide rule concede t that a mark years ears although his his' jottings may be dropped to by 1980 1 a The 1980 ceilings co compared pared to the present listed world records Event 1980 Forecast Present Marks r yard dash dash- r yard 20 dash 1 t yard dash yard ard run un 1474 1496 f t L 1 I 8 x 4 VJ O One mile ne-ml ne e run 8 Two-mile Two run I f high hurdles t low hurdles Broad jump f 28 feet 4 1 in 26 feet 8 81 4 4 1 in Pole vault 15 feet 3 8 5 in feet 11 in High jump 7 feet 8 5 in feet 9 4 3 4 3 in put 60 feet 3 in 57 feet 1 in im Discus feet 3 4 33 4 3 in feet 2 2 2 1 in Javelin S feet 3 in tA 4 2 1 in in Hammer throw feet 3 in feet 6 2 1 in Cunningham has run a indoor mile which doesn't count as world mark has been clocked in 8 f 11 but record still unapproved V has bettered 1 15 5 feet five times latest being 15 lS feet f 5 53 4 3 4 34 4 inches S has cleared 6 feet 11 inches yet to be as world mark 0 The The record shudders every time Georgetown's giant kl Al Blozis steps in the circle since Big Al AI breaks some some kind of a record every time tune out it seems Archie Harris Indiana's great discus thrower can be expected to push the present record out A. A farther while the he improved performances of a talented crop of n 11 coast athletes headed by Bob Peoples in the javelin and Grover Klemmer in the have taken time off many of the established marks this year It may be that improved running and training tra ning conditions conditions' ji II will wilt enable the athletes of the next few years to improve their marks mor more th than n th their i- i rivals of the last four decades At At least I from the way our our performers are surpassing the the c celebrated lebr ted ceilings every week end one can hardly say when the limit of f physical capabilities has been reached I 1 r t Bud Bud Brown the former semipro star who does docs the announcing announcing an- an flouncing for the Salt Lake Bees at Community park bears r V the title of or Swami since his uncanny calling of advance t plays in the Boise series Browns Brown's chief claim to psychic fame hit its peak in the sixth inning of Tuesdays Tuesday's game Before the Bees batted f Swami announced that Salt Lake would score two runs and the Bees obliged Then after Guintini had singled Enos tripled and and Henson Ilenson singled l Swami unconcernedly revealed revealed revealed re- re that Morris would fly out to right tight field to end the tho inning which he did Brown denies any connection with the teachings of Yogi as practiced by Lou Nova 4 r J l If theres there's any sabotage plan to wreck the U. U S. S army Jt it must include the damaging of the right arm of Bullet I Bob Dob Feller Imagine a fellow who can throw a baseball like the Tribe Torpedo r tossing hand grenades |