Show Mississippi i pi N Now ov StArs StAr's Attraction Mississippi a picture of oC melody melody melody melo melo- dy mirth and romance combined with elaborate settings of the Old South and featuring a chorus of forty negro voices is now being shown at the Star theater Bing Crosby W. W C C. C Fields and Joan Bennett are re starred with Gail Gall Patrick Patrick Patrick Pat Pat- rick taking prominent place Others are Queenie Smith singing star of Broadway who makes her screen debut here Claude i iJohn John Fred Kohler and the Cabin Kids This picture of ot the south in the days of oC crinolines river steamers I and duels gives Crosb Crosby opportunity to prove his talent as asa a comedian opposite Fields as a blustering com braggart captain of ot a boat and also to introduce e a number oCI of oC I new songs as Its Ils Easy to Remember Remember Remember Re Re- I member Soon She Loves Me I Not A high spot of the piece is Crosby's singing of the tho grand old Foster melody Swanee with tho the assistance of oC the Negro chorus Crosby plays plas a Yankee lad who finds linds himself scorned because e he refuses to duel for the hand of the lady with whom he ho has fallen Inlove in inlove love Jove but after for lor her sake he be has turned into the rivers river's much-feared much gu gunfighter fighter known B as the singing terror he discovers it is is another girl that he ho loves The bill has as companion offering offering offer otter ing Living on Velvet t which pr presents pre pre- sent Kay Francis George Brent and Warren William in stellar roles |