Show NOTICE Engineers Engineer's s TO Office WATER E Salt alYs USERS Lake el City Utah September p 26 1935 Notice rc Is hereby tr 11 given e that t Norma Worm Gray Oral Salt Bait lat Lake CI City Utah has ha made application In In accordance with th the laws of Utah to appropriate f Island ni 1 I stream second i l la In foot oJal Salt of ot f L Lake water county oJ from Utah Uth Said Bli water will wil be diverted at a alt point lt which bears beas south h 18 78 decrees denee west wet no feet fet from the northeast corner section I 19 31 township 1 I south louth range ranee 3 weaL B 8 Sf L. L B. B M. M and part 0 of said water will be conveyed thence b by pipeline to tc Island and there used for cuI culinary shower and resort purposes S. S The remainder of said 1 I second foot of water ater will wI be conveyed con con- foot Teed b by bi ditch ditth ct to a pond 50 O feet lone by 25 feet fed wide the outlet of which beers bears bear north 42 47 4 d degrees decrees lee west wen 1300 10 feet feeL from said sid northeast corner come section 19 The water will wUi 1 be b. used from April Apri 1 to November 1 i the cA of each ac ace year sear e for r shower purposes and curing n each e entire t year for Zor culinary r a and resort S This application purposes r ls Is designated In the state Engineers Engineer's Office as al Pile File No 1172 1752 All A protests against the granting of said uld ud application stating statin the reasons hall hal be b submitted in affidavit form for and end in duplicate accompanied b by a I fee of 1 0 00 end and filed In this office Within 30 days after ane the completion of the publication of this notice T. T H. H HUMPHERYS State Engineer 1 S Date Dat of first publication September 28 2 Date Dit of last publication October 26 28 1835 IUS NOTICE TO WATER USERS lids Engineers Engineer's ro Office Salt Bill Late Lake City Utah Uth September 26 1935 j Notice is 13 i hereby given Ilven that Norma Gray Cray Salt Sal aIt Late Lake City Clr Uth Utah has ha made mado ln tn accordance with ih the laws of f Utah to appropriate BU second feet of water from S Smelter streams Nos NOl 1 feet 2 2 3 and 4 In Salt Lake Ike county county- Utah Utah Said Bald water will be Sal di dl dl- Sad 1 b erld from fram March 1 to t November 1 of af each Cach Ceh year ur at points and In quantities stream No 1 i. north 64 CI de degrees de de- grees ree 55 53 minutes fRat east 2174 feet 1 second loot foot tot Stream Strem No a. a 2 north 61 degrees decrees decree 16 minutes east cut 37 6 feet fHt 55 second feel 1 k Stream Strem No 3 3 31 north 60 6 degrees decrees decee 1 is 11 minutes rut east U Ji fe feu 2 Pd feet tet fee Stream Strem No 4 58 U degrees decree i. i north rth 51 St minutes east feet 1025 second foot all al from northeast corner carer section 19 township 1 south auth rante rane 3 west ut 8 5 5 L. L B. B 5 M. M The water will be ar vied used as U a a. to Irrigate wi e 40 acres aru of land Inns lne l north and west irute o of tate state of east r Wand and Ind southwest 14 4 section Iclon 9 northwest l 1 section 10 la northwest H section 18 16 1 sec ace i J 4 tion 17 n. township 1 south range rante race 3 west L. B.-L. B. B M. M t a This tB a application li iU n U Is l designated In t the e Engineers Engineer's Office as a Fits File Fl No o. o 1753 4 All Al protest the granting of said sid aD the the- the reasons ren haU be submitted In affidavit form tor am and aeto accompanied o b by a fee e of f Hoc IVd nd filed ln Jo n V this o office ce within I 30 day dayi after afur the of the publication ol 01 It this T. T H. H HUMPHERYS stat Stati Engineer Dal J of frt ot-frt first publication September 28 23 2 Mut 29 26 25 1 r f NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Slate stae Engineers Engineer's J Office te Salt Lake e Ct City Utah September 26 6 1935 Notice is IJ h hereby rebY given elven Ilven that Norma Ora Gray Cray Lake City Utah has ha made application lion tion ton In with Uh the laws of oC Utah to appropriate 12 second feet of water wlter from Black Rock Rod springs area Tooele county Utah Said sprint spring area uel Is I sit situated situated sit lit in n the northwest J U 4 of northeast U h section 19 19 township 1 south louth range ranee 3 S west S. S L. L B. B and M. M and Is i within the following bounds commencing at a 0 point pint south 63 6 degrees west 2250 feet feet from the northeast corner said Ild section 19 n. and running run run- nine nina thence north 82 8 degrees denee 45 minutes west went 60 50 fO test fret south 37 37 degrees decrees 30 minutes west wet feet north 51 degrees decrees decree west feet Pacific R. R ft R. R trade crade northeasterly north north- easterly on curve along alone said sad grade d on 1355 5 ret fet south louth feet south 53 3 degrees durees west feet west wet 15 ft t to beginning 1 second foot toot of said water waler will wi flow fow naturally from the spring area ae Into a 1 pond located within said uld spring area areo said uld pond being belne formed by hi an on impounding dam the center of which bears beau south 69 de degrees decrees rees west welt 2760 at feet e which from p point said r northeast the t overflow corner from section said ald o pond o 19 15 Od will wi be released and allowed to flow fow Into Great Salt Lake The water In this pond will be used from April Apri 1st lt to November 30 mci of each ech year ur for bathing and resort retort use 02 second loot foot fot of water will wili wi bo ho collected collected col col- col from January Januar 1 to December 30 mcI Inc of or each ech year a from Black Rock spring lo located 10 cited within said sid spring area at a point which bears bear south 69 degrees w west 2250 feet from said northeast corner corer section lecton 19 1 and conveyed by pipeline to Black Rock beach and there used for culinary and resort This application Is designated In the Thi State Engineers Engineer's Office Ofle as File Fil No 1751 o All An protests protest against the granting of said application IO stating the h reasons s e eIn shall UC be submitted b l t i ih l In affidavit fo l fJ form and anO In n duplicate accompanied by a fee ree of 1 0 00 and filed fed In this thi office within 30 days after the completion of the publication of ot this thi notice T. T H. H HUMPHERYS State Stale Engineer Date Dae of first publication September 28 1935 Date Dae of last lat publication October 28 26 1935 1535 NOTICE TO WATER USERS USE State Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Stae E Sal Lat Ci Utah September 26 1935 Notice Is II hereby given Rhen that tha Bell Bel Canyon Irritation Company Crescent Utah has ha made In accordance with Ith the laws Jaws aws of Utah to acre feet of water wlter from fron Bell Bel Canyon creek creel sometimes sometimes some some- times Umes called caled North Dr Dry creek In Salt Sal Lake county count Utah Said water will wi be stored from January Januar 1 to t December 31 31 Inclusive of each year ur In the natural channel of said creek creek b by means of an Impounding dam the he center of which bears bean south 38 degrees 59 minutes west feet from the northeast northeast north north- east corner corer section Uon 14 1 township 3 south louth range ranle 1 east eat 5 S. S L. L L B B. M M. M The water ater will be released from April 1 I to November wi I. I inclusive of each year ear and allowed to low flow fow In the natural channel channe of Bell Bel Canyon Canon creek to a point which bear beara north 80 CO de degrees de dc- pint grees rees 22 minutes minute west 1264 1265 5 feet fee from said aid sid northeast corner section 14 1 and end there diverted and u ed as IS a supplemental supply sup sup- TiLT ply to irrigate acres acre of 10 land embraced 1 in n parts pah of or sections 11 1 14 1 to 21 Inclusive lve township 3 south o r rance nce 1 I l' l east cast cast S. S L. L B. B M. M As much of or said sid water as a Is necessary wU will be used during each entire entre year car for domestic purposes This application Is 15 designated In the Thi State Engineers Engineer's Office as File Fe No 1809 All Al protests the granting grantins of said APple application ton statin the thO reasons shall halt hAI be submitted in tn affidavit Udo lt form for and In duplicate accompanied by hi a n fee of 00 and filed fed In this office nUke within n 30 days das after not polite the he completion of the publication of this thi T. T H. H HUMPHERYS HUMPHEYS State Slat Engineer flats Date of or first frt publication September 28 19 Date te of last lat publication October 26 2 6 1935 PROBATE AND AN ND OU GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES NOC Consult county count clerk cleric or the respective lv for lot further Information tonI ton IN I THE ThI TE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE Division In for Salt Lale County State of or Utah In In In the mattee matter mat mat- mat ter tee of the estate of at John McArthur deceased Notice The Te petition petton of at Walker Bank Banc Trust Company praying for the admission ad ad admission mission to t pro probate a of nf n t c certain document purporting to be th the last WUI Wil and Tp Testament of at John Mc Mc- Arthur deceased deceased for tor thc the grant granting grant grant- gant- gant ing of Letters T Testamentary to Walker Bank BanI Trust Tt company has h been set et for hearing on Friday the tc day of October A D. D 1935 1925 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at thai tho tai County Court CourtHouse CourtHouse House in the te court room rom of said Court In Salt Lake Cf City Salt Sal Lake County Utah Uth e Witness the Clerk of at said asid Court with wih the seal thereof affixed d. d this day of or September A. A D. D 1035 Seal WILLIAM J. J KORTH KORT Clerk By Parker B. B Cady Deputy Clerk Cllrk Badger Rich Rich Attorneys for Petitioner NOTICE OF OP HEARING ON PROPOSED ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCE TO TIlE THE TiE BUDGET OF SALT LAKE COUNTY FOR THE TIm YEAR R 1935 Notice is i hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners Commissioners Commis Commis- Bloner to t be held In the County Commission Chamber Room Rom 20 City and County Building on oct Friday Fi- Fi Fri day October 4 1935 at 1030 o'clock a. a m. m proposed Increase in appropriations appropriations praton to t the budget of the department departments departments de de- de- de of Ae Assessor or Custodian Clerk Treasurer Statutory and General Elections Juvenile Court Cout Bond Interest and Sinking Fund and County Hospital will be taken up lIp for consideration together with wih resolution allowing said tons The Te written requests for budget Increases of said d departments depart depart- part part- meats ments ment arc are available for tor public Inspection Inspection In In- at the tho to office of the te County County County Coun Coun- ty Auditor Room Rom City and County Building All AU persons interested and present present pres pres- ent at said meeting will wU tec c e given clen nn an opportunity to t be heard beard In this matter By order ot of ot the Board o a of Com Corn Commissioners missioners of Salt Lake County Couty Utah September 25 2 1935 BOARD BOAR OF OF COUNTY COMMIS COMMIS- By William J. J Korth Koeth County Clerk Cerk I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS J I State Stat of Utah Office of State I Road Commission Salt Lake City Utah September 28 2 1935 Sealed bids will wU be received by the State Roa Road Commission of Utah State Capitol Salt Sat Lake City Utah Uta at t 2 o'clock p. p m. m Monday Oct October r 14 1 1935 and at that time publicly opened for construction of ft a thru plate girder on concrete concree abutments abutment and nd approaches In Salt Lake County Couty the same being U. U S. S Public Works Work Project No 19 F 1935 on State street south of ot Midvale Junction Junc Juno tion ton The Te length erf cf a road ro to be constructed construct construct- ed or cc or Improved is mile mie and the principal items Item of work are approximately approximately as a follows Lin Un Ln Ft Pt Piling PUng 1200 Cu Yd Concrete 1500 Lbs Reinforcing Steel Stel SO 80 8 Tons Structural Steel Stel 42 oo O Cu Yd Unclassified Excavation 10 Sq Yd Concrete Paving The Te attention of bidders Is 1 directed to the te Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract and to the use ue of ot Domestic Materials The Te minimum wage paid to t all skilled labor employed on this contract contract con con- tract shall ahal be e 90 cents cent per hour The Te minimum wage wao paid to t all aU In Intermediate In- In labor employed on this contract shall be 75 cents per hour hout The Te minimum wage paid to all al un unskilled un- un u- u skilled labor employed on this thi contract con con- cn- cn tract tact shall bo ho b 65 6 cents per pr hour Plans and specifications are on file me meIn in the office of the State Stat Road Rad Corn Com Cm- Cm mission Salt Sat Lake City where they thy may be reviewed by by prospective Bid bid den ders Specifications proposal bidding bidding bid bid- ding dig blanks blank and plans will wi be Jur- Jur fur fur- furnished fished at Salt Sat Lake City on depositing deposit ing lag 30 which will wi be returned provided provided pro pro- vided contractor submits an submit acceptable acceptable acceptable accept accept- able bid and returns the plans plan within with in seven days after bids alter bids aro ao received ved Any additional information may my be b secured at the office of ot the State Each Ec bidder mus must submit ft a I letter t from an an approved surety company guaranteeing to furnish fur fur- nish said sid bidder with wih required bond The Te reserved right to reject rejet any any- IJ or all al bids Is 1 Cash Cah certified check or cashiers cashier's Check check for 5 S per p cent of total amount amoun I of bid made payable to t the State i Road Rd Commission must mut accompany I each ech bid as a evidence of good gO faith i and arid a B guarantee that if I awarded the te contract the te bidder will Wl execute the contract and Rive give bond as required STATE ROAD COMMISSION By Sf W W. J. J PARKER Chairman Charma K K 0 O. WRIGHT Chief Engineer J 11 Sold DeSoto 6 j BY OWNER DeSoto Coupe Cupe I 20 W. 1558 C CALL LL AN EXPERT BEDBUGS EXTERMINATED LICENSED fumigator and exterminator All I In insects Inlets OUI w W. W Jg BRICK STAIN SAIN BRICK BurCK BRCK ST STAIN IN CO OId Old ld brIck brick structures stained to resemble new firebrick H. H W. W BV O Atta BItI BMg Bi W WO WM 5 CARPENTERS CARPENTER CARPENER work ren brick work plastering cement work roof repairing Estimates cheerfully given HT liv GENERAL alterations and cement work work PI Plant HT HY R HT Y lUl FLOOR FINISHING ELECTRIC landing andin for rent nl AI also 0 o no So Sn State WH 4 R ROLD OLD OL floors for sanded sanded made like new average room 53 Call cn Hy R fl FURNITURE REPAIRING ROY ROYAL AL furniture Co n L f 2nd 8 a Was u 1591 91 1 rent ana ann repairing SUGARHOUSE Upholstering Shop Recover I Ing 1105 E. E S S. fly HT 1430 PLAZA UPHOLSTERING SHOP No 2 Ea Eat t 1st South Phone Was Wu SRO 2599 REFINISHING repairing furn fur radios pianos piAnOs Eastern Easter Furn Fr Co Wes Was GUN REPAIRING NO chu paid on al an gun lun reps repair ra to Oct 1 Chas A. A Fowler 62 W. W V. V IRON BALCONY porch stair railings and mIt Iron work r Wire Ar A I Iron Iran lADIES lADIES' TAilORING NO and repairing 0 In West Wet 3rd So Was Wa MOVING STORAGE COAST to coast coat mOYl moving E c at f reduced rte rates covered by Ins Ins No packing nee Fireproof storage Mollerup MovIn Storage Co 8 6 W Tern Tem Was Wu 15 1592 2 HOUSEHOLD goods roods packed moved and shipped anywhere Modern fireproof I warehouse Long Ln dist a specialty REDMAN N VAN fe STOR SOR CO CO Was Wa 1463 HADLEY HADLE TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO COAST TO MOVING COAT 49 East Est Broadway Was Wa 1176 Moving packing and Ind fireproof WE VE specialize In moving Salt Lake Trans Trans- f C. C r rn n n. n W Wa r 71 A PAINTING AND PA PAPERING ERING PAPERING painting plastering remodeling remodel remodel- inc ing into guar tUU estimate given W 31 R fl R SPECIAL SPECIAL-I I paper 3 rooms 0 10 |