Show CHI CHILD L D MISBEHAVIOR DOESN'T TEND TO CHANGE OVER NIGHT I By fly MYRTLE l MEYER ELDRE There is too great an nn assumption among parents that some ono one thu this ig 19 they hey may do will miraculously c cu ro ro specific misbehavior They can o on ly Iy feel eel satisfaction in a situation n about which they can say I 1 d 0 did so 10 and so and he was a changed Jd child This is pos possible Ible only if one thing which caused the tho e e- e havior was accurately noted and nd r c c- c moved In such case lSe the vior vor v- v br or would be unnecessary again f But ordinarily the child doesn't lt it change overnight from n a demon to an angel doesn't stop wetting welting bet Is i crying to be bo rocked demanding fells bile t bottle refusing his cereal eath eating ig 19 his If play pIny sand hitting at people oJ Adall ad n d aU all the tho hundred and one things for or which parents want remedies n a and nd treatments which cure the f fUrst rat time I think quite often the paren ts t's expectation of immediate Immediato cha chan g go j is aroused by the testimonials p pi fl trents tr- tr write for each others other's help 3 J 2 J and helpful as these i re 1 they give the impression it U rot at change chango is always immediate immediato ind I ml nd noticeable Instead of subtle tJ did l gradual Then the mother who has ba be en n told to bring Jimmy in t the tho o hiso every cry time he begins to cat eat his hia sand is disheartened when a at ter the third trial Jimmy Is ng it into his mouth as blithely as ever She is ready to call tho the tro trait trait- It i ment a failure The chief trouble Is s that she expected miracles 1 j jOne One can tho the time api spi nt rocking the child each night u ui til tit til eventually c ho he has learned to go to to f sleep without this attention But to drop op it all at once is apt to l It le ad ad- ad I him to excessive crying and tn tei c. c oh ch him to connect bed with tears Instead Instead In In- stead of quiet inaction and smil ami RS os Our leaflet Commonplace Nei Nel Y l v- v ous Habits indicates how best vo o may deal with and discourage a al ar great many different kinds of ot ha b b- its It may be bo had for a self n 11 d d- dressed cent 3 stamped envelope po accompanying the request for it from Myrtle Meyer Eldred of ot U ie Your Baby BOlby and Mine department of this newspaper All and habIts habits and persistent f n- n havior is a bad habit too too need need ivi- ivi T lI direction This is not so BO easy a n treatment as some lucky hitting i ithe n the bullseye the first time but it is ismore more consistent in the main wit with h the way human nature works |