Show Metals and Money Settlement prices at Utah smelters as 4 quoted by the American Smelting said and Be- Be j lining company are Lead cents per per pound copper cents p par r pound 4 NEW YORK YORE Sept 23 28 AP Bar AP-Bar B r sUTer alIver 4 i Quiet and unchanged at iH LONDON Sept 2 28 AP Bar APi-Bar Bar U er 4 Steady and unchanged at 23 lOd 5 U Ui 6 ft equivalent 61 87 cents l e eBar r 2 Bar sold gold Declined Declined V 4 penny to lila 64 U. U S. S equivalent JJ Jj per cent Discount rates rates Short bills 9 15 3 bills 9 0 per cent v NEW YORK Sept 23 AD Lead AP-Lead Lead and nd zinc futures closed dull dult Ko No tales V NE YORK 28 25 AP AP ex ex- chance change Steady Great Britain in dollars others in cents Great Britain Britain cables day dar bills f f France France Demand cables Italy Italy Demand Demand cables cabin 8 IS Demands Belgium 16 1689 89 free ret tourist burial 2725 2125 tee tec corn 1 30 M Holland Norway 2470 Saw den 23 2535 33 Denmark 2193 Finland Switzerland Spain U 1306 66 Portugal Portugal- 4 Greece WW PoUnd Poland 19 1881 87 Czecho slovakia 4 14 22 Austria IS Hungary Rumania 81 Ar gentine 32 Ban Brazil 2883 2383 Shanghai Mexico City 2790 2190 Montreal In New York 94 93 New York In Montreal MONTREAL SILVER SEVER MONTREAL Sept 28 AP Silver AI Silver to fu futures tures closed steady 35 lower to 20 higher Close December 66 10 bid March W 66 55 bid May 1890 bid L |