Show S 'S tl PREP PREPARES PREPARES' ARES FOR FO ROOSEVELT VEIl I Address ddt Will l Be Given GivenS S From Train Traut J Salt take Lake ke City Saturday S was prepared to pay homage to President President dent Franklin Roosevelt Sunday noon at the Union I Pacific depot The sp special cial car 10 presidential tr train ln will arrive at 1235 p. p m. m and arid depart at 1255 p. p m. m During the stop President Roosevelt Roosevelt Roose Roost velt will deliver a br brief ef address from the re rear platform of the train A public speaking system will be bec c con connected 1 t 1 to the train so that the presidents president's voice will be easily heard by th the thi crowd expected to at at- tend Wel Welcome Prepared Cit City co county ty and state stale officials were prepared as as a delegation to towel wel welcome ome the president t to Salt Lake City and Utah Assurance that the president will speak was wu received from the presIdential presidential pres pres- party Saturday morning by local p party leaders President Ro Roosevelt evelt will not disappoint disappoint disappoint dis dis- dis- dis appoint by f failing to speak the message said in sub sub- stance Mr Roosevelt t will wili be unable to remain more than 20 minutes in Salt Lake City as u he is scheduled to dedi dedicate ate Boulder dam Monday afternoon oon n. n Wh When n the presidential train departs departs departs de de- de- de parts from Salt Lake City a num number nuni- nuni ber of prominent will b be among the party going to the dam UtA ns' ns to to too Board o rd Train The Utah delegation lon which will board the train in m Salt Lake City includes Governor Henry H. H Blood William R. R Wallace chairman of the state water storage commission commission commis commis- sion Ion Robert H. H Hinckley field supervisor su an- of the F P E ERA R A in Ia western west west- ern em states and Marriner C. C Eccles governor of the federal reserve board oard S Th The Utah Ulah national guard und under r Brigadier General W. W G G. Williams adjutant general of Ut Utah h will be among the military patriotic and other organizations at the depot President Roosevelt will make a brief appearance on the rear plat platform form of his train ain at Ogden before coming to th Salt Lake City Tho The train wi will stop there a afew few moments while engines nr are changed |