Show JD DEATHS EAT H 5 4 f V J H H. Gardner v Death eath tok took Mrs lu Dugina Huffaker Gardner Gard Oard P r of George D D. D Gardner Friday ner er widow widoW Orue Frda 1 evening In her home at West Wes Jordan She had suffered a brief Illness Mrs Un Gardner r was wa born br in South Cottonwood March IS 15 15 I 1861 She Is II survived by three thre sons sona and Ind t three daughters Delos Gardner of Tucson t- t Ariz Barrel Dare a Gardner ade r. r Superior Aria Ariz a. a Terry Tery Gardner Tacoma Tocoma Wash Laura k Gardner West Jordan Mrs Mr Marvel Jacob Jacob- r. r t ion of ot Provo and arid Mrs Mr Irmadell Evans Eans of or I South Jordan and nd Je if grandchildren Fu Funeral r. r arrangements will 11 be announced Sat Sat- n ard w Anna C. C J. J Andersen It FOUNTAIN GREEN GREEN Funeral OREE Funeral services for tor Mrs r. r Anne Christina Jacobsen Jacobsen Andersen Anderen Cl 1 wife wife- le of r Carl Andersen Andern of this city clr were wire conducted In the L. L L D. D S. S chapel h Thursday da afternoon Mrs Andersen died Sunday after a 1 long Ions Illness of heart belt use ue se t- t t Asro L. L Barnard GARLAND Asro L. L 1 Barnard 70 died of a a heAt heart ata attack k at d 2 p. p m. m Thursday afternoon after aUer- noon while waiting waltine at a service station for his hi truck to be Inspected He le was wu born November 20 1865 1565 rt t Namer HaDer the son on of Lathus and Maria Mala Rudd B Barnard He was o married December 21 1883 to Sarah Sath WI M. M May Ma of Harper Harer In 1900 he moved with his family to Portage and in resided 1903 came wit to Garland Oaland where he lie had since 0 Melba Wilson Wison T PAYSON Funeral PAYSON-Funeral Funeral services for Miss Mia leba PAYSON Wilson 19 daughter of ot Bishop and g Mrs Mn Robert L. L Wilson of the Payson Third ison t. t f L. L L. L D. D S. S ward will wU be b conducted Monday will be In Payson Parson at 2 p. p m. m Interment 11 t city cemetery under the direction of the th 1 Deseret mortuary Miss MI Wilson died Thursday Thurs Thurs- Ji f da day at a the Payson hospital following an ani i operation Oscar OSCr Durke SHELLEY Idaho Idaho Funeral Funeral services for Oscar Osa SHE Durke Burke 63 6 who died Wednesday night In an Idaho Falls Fals hospital of an ul ulcerated ulcerated ul- ul rated stomach will be conducted Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day at 2 p. p m m. m in t the Taylor L. L D. D S. S ward Burial If will Ei V be If In Taylor a cemetery under J r home direction of ot the Nalder Eckersell funeral Mr Durke was U born Jul July 16 1872 In Virgin Durle Utah He had br lived In the Taylor 1 section 32 years He is survived by his widow Sirs Mrs Mra Sarah E. E Durke and six si sons and nd daughters Oscar Jr Jr Eugene Elene and Anna nna Durke Burke Taylor TAlor Mrs Zelma B Bahoff 1 Idaho Falls Mrs Mr Ethel Ethe Brewer Ogden Oden Utah SHah Uta and Mrs Bernice Berice Reese Rese Venice Venic Cal ven S Monson AMERICAN FORK PORK Funeral FR Funeral services for Iwen Monson 66 6 who died Wednesday In Pr Provo vo hospital were conducted Friday at 2 at- at p. p m. m at the Anderson Anderon Brothers' Brothers mortuary mortuary mor mor- at American Fork Joseph H. H Storrs bishop of th the American Fork Second LII L L II D. D.- S. S ward officiated Swen Monson was born September 21 Jonson 11 1869 1889 at Provo Utah Uth a son Ion of Mr and Mrs Mr Boren R. R Monson early pioneers He en engaged en- en d In n Jt mining f at Park City Eureka r and other mining towns town One sUter sister Mrs Mr Emma Sinclair of Los Ls Angeles Cal survives Interment was In the American Pork Fork Prk I City Edward V V. Vincent PROVO PROVO Funeral Funeral services for Edward V. V Vincent 81 Provo pioneer and former city councilman Vincent 11 who died Thursday n night ht at Rt athis athis his hi home West Fourth South street I will be held Sunday Sunda at 2 p p. p m. m In the Sec See end nd L. L hed D. D S. S ward ad chapels chapeL chapt Burial will be beIn beIn bein in In Provo et city cemetery under direction of the theDer Berc mortuary Mr Sir Mr Vincent was born brn In Provo April 13 13 1 1854 a son Ion of ot Charles Chales and Katurah Vaughn Vincent Vinicent He resided In Provo his entire Ilfe He married marred 1 Mary Marl Homer In Provo Pro lf December 24 24 1877 Mr r Vincent Vincnt was wa active In pioneering Ir Irrigation lr in In the region relon of Provo as well wel as a participating In the ct city government as councilman In the city's db's early carli days das Surviving are arc aix si sons and daughters Mrs r. r Mini Mary MPr K Brown Brow and aad Charles E. E John William and George Vincent all Al of Provo Mrs Mr Wilam Ella En V. V Black Coalinga CaL and Homer Vincent Park Park CI City 20 grandchildren dren six great grandchildren and two 11 brothers den John John and and C. C 8 S. S Vincent Vicent both of Provo |