Show hand and said Dont shoot snoot I sur sur- render Then they started shooting one of the bullets hit her in the heart and she dropped I hI I ran to her side and she died in my arms By UBy that time my father lather had come ome out of the house He went down the steps step's and yelled I surrender surrender sur sur- render dont don't shoot But that was not enough They shot him too and a b bullet hit him in the left leg Then they grabbed my father and rushed him down to the carI car I I 1 went with him On the way wal the Uie deputies shot him again Th This ThU l time in the finger They started for tor Muhlenberg hospital but when we got half halt way there the tho deputies started to torment my father who was losing a lot of ot blood We Ve will give Rive you a longer ride they said They turned around and headed for fot Elizabeth Yes I fired tired a revolver Camille said but I saw my mother lying dead and I wanted to commit sui suicide ul- ul cide clde I 1 didn't know what I was doing J |