Show PARENTS URGED TO AID SCHOOL T Holding modern modes of living y are ere contributing to increased Ju Ju- venue enilo delinquency Dan B. B Shields United States district attorney Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- urged Granite district parents parents parents par par- not to forget the burden placed d dupon upon them by nature Speaking before beCore the district Par Par- Teacher ent association Institute at the Elaine Blame school Thirty-third Thirty South and Main streets Mr Shields characterized juvenile delinquency as a product of too much opportUnity opportunity or at least opportunity gone 1 Wild I 1 wonder he said i if parents Are lire not becoming lazy because of the modern times if It there Is not nota a 11 growing theory that there is nothing for the parents to do but sit back and let the schools do the work worl of raising their children He said the parents are taking the line of least resistance in allowing allowing allowing al- al lowing such conditions to exist The attorney said the junior traffic traC- traC ftc fie patrol is one of the most valuable valuable val val- val val- cable movements In schools today not only because it aids m materially in highway safety but because it develops a feeling of self reliance and responsibility something which he be said is Js fast fading lading in the tho modern modern mod mod- ern rn juvenile Mrs Arch J. J Vest West president of the Utah Congress of Parents and Teachers personally endorsed the junior traffic patrol at the meetIng meeting meeting meet meet- ing saying the wrong impression had bad been created because she had announced that the national T. P.-T. A. A organization was opposed to the movement Dr Rose H. H Widtsoe University of or Utah home economist told the parents of ot the wide state-wide school lunch program under the W P A. A It ItIs ItIs ItIs Is planned she he said to provide lunches for all children whether or not the family is on relief rolls roUs Afternoon speakers at the institute institute institute tute which was directed by Mrs J J. J. J Stewart association president were Mrs T John Sohn ohn K Hardy Mrs P. P H H. Sterling Mrs Munn Junn Q Cannon Cannon Cannon Can Can- non Mrs W. W H. H White Mrs Ed Winder Mrs Pearl Pack Mrs George D. D Mrs C. C W. W Moyes and Mrs George Q Can Can- zion non |