Show SUPPER DANCE SET SETI ii i BY JUNIOR LEAGUE t I AS OCTOBER EVENT EVENTt t rf Sponsored by the thC members of the J Junior League the LaFayette t toom at the Hotel Utah will be formally opened ed Saturday O Oce Oc- Oc e ber 12 with a supper upper dance Supper will be c served from 9 until l p. p pm p.m. m. m and many partie parties are being arranged for the event Mrs rs fames D. D Moyle is js c chairman of arrangements lor tor or the affair alfair sed by Mrs Mra Leland Swaner Enid M. M Thompson Mrs Kenth Ken Ken- en- en itt th W. W Mrs Howard C. C dims darns and Mrs Mra D. D D. D Moffat Jr VM Ata A meeting of the arts art and in- in group of lh the League held rIdy rid y at the Town club when lIS Helen HeIen Sheets Sheetz the chairman the group at a uncha lunch lunch- to sponsor the a on n it was wa planned vie music drive as the first kt t of f the season Mrs Fred S. S and Mn Mr M. M C. C Linden were ere named the committee for lor the tue course Officers of the roup KroUn are Miss Sheets Sheet chairman Dorothy L Lynch n h vice chair chair- fean n ani Mrs L. L V. V Guild secretary irs s Harold treasurer c ind Mrs N. N press pre I The following g are the new provI- provI hat members of the Junior ague eague f rs s James H. H Parker Mrs John JohnI I nd Mrs Thornton D. D Mor- Mor li i Mrs A. A P. P Miss Virginia Miss Beatrice McCrea Miss lebecca be becca ca Whitney Miss Ruth t r and Miss Alice Dick |