Show eat Driving over Carry 11 Value ulue by hij lj FRANK K BAKER BAKER- Anticipating a mans man's age when he lie wont won't be bo inclined to throw a for ward vard pass or run a n yard dash Sh the high schools arc are developing reco recognized competition in a a. number of less strenuous sports like ILke golf golt horse horse- tennis and archery Tills This does not mean that football basketball baseball or track win will willbe be slighted It means though that In addition n to th these e physical physical- an and character building sports the high school recreational program will be broadened to include activities a boy will carr carry with him after he graduates graduates graduates grad grad- from school Few men play football after ar they finish college True a small percentage percentage per per- venture Into the professional game for awhile and the stars occasionally band together In hi Star All-Star or Alumni aggregations but fo forthe for forthe the most part th the football participation i I- I negligible after graduation graduation- far too negligible to take care of the recreational needs of the individual Inasmuch as the man mait must mast turn to other games such as golf and tennis for his recreation the logical thing i ifor is for him to get some experience at the games while hes he's in school In other words a high school and collegiate athletic program should prepare the individual for his life after his pv chool school days arc are over oyer just as well VeU as the classroom program is designed to fit the young man or young woman for social socia and business careers Golf Should Be Added To Xo Collegiate Sports ls Calendar Development of ln interschool competition In golf golt has been delayed of course by the th lack of facilities except in the larger er centers The Salt Lake high schools have their golf gol teams and the they should soon find c capable pable competition from Magna Ogden Provo Logan Brigham City CUy and md a number of other communities I 1 see no reason therefore for Rocky Mountain colleges t to keep golf of off Aff Its official calendar any longer Perhaps the matter of financing the competition has been as much of a handicap as the me meager facilities have been but both of these problems are gradually being overcome Many other collegiate conferences find considerable interest In their golf 01 championships and I am sure that the same would be true here inthe in inthe inthe the The state golf association a and d various leaders in golf would cooperate I am sure with the colleges in getting the game started because college play would help improve the golf in time Lawson Little Charlie Seaver and Johnny Fischer for example are samples of the high class talent that has come comeL L from the campus Of course every collegiate golfer could not be become ome a champion but that is not the aim anyway Golf courses everywhere are covered with men of middle age and older who play a fair game but know they'd be behavIng behaving behaving having a lot Jot more fun out of the game had bad they learned more about it when they were younger I Some of these men played football and baseball before before be be- fore their hair turned gray They dont don't regret those games gaines They are proud of them but they wish now that they had found t time lime and ad o opportunity to get better acquainted with some of the other games too fool Age Limit May fay Be Lifted In M 1 Men lUen Basketball The L. L D. D S. S Mutual basketball leagues originally adopted to take care of the individual who vho wasn't good enough to play with college or fast amateur clubs is also trying to cope with the problem of satisfying the Individual in more advanced d yea years Players have been permitted to pIa until they're 25 The proposal proposal proposal pro pro- to 00 lift the ge ban altogether already has bas a good many supporters I Isee see no DO logic in telling a a aman man he cant can't play af after r hes he's 25 In fact its it's unfair to utilize his ability and interest t until then and arbitrarily cut him loose because hes he's passed another natal nat milestone A man man should be permitted to t play until he drops drops' out of or his own accord |