Show SILVER JUBILEE MEETING FIXED AXED Midvale Group o to Hear Reo Reports Reports Re Re- ports Fro From Subcommittees Subcommittees Subcommittees MIDVALE ALE The committee In inch charge ch rge of the Midvale silver jubilee program scheduled for July Fourth in honor of the twenty fifth annIversary anniversary anniversary sary of the city's incorporation will vili meet Friday evening and hear reports from the various subcommittees Final approval of plans including ing the formulation of the days day's program program program pro pro- gram of events and selecting the grand prize for the winner of the band contest will be made at that time The band contest is open to al all junior high and grade schools and entrants are requested to file applications with B. B B A A. Midvale Midvale Mid Mid- vale on or before June 1 which has been declared the closing date Prizes will be awarded to all bands entered in the contest with one grand prize for lor the winning band This jubilee is being sponsored by bythe bythe bythe the city administration the Midvale l Progressive sive club and business men of the city and all interested citizens lare are asked to support the movement |