Show I PEOPLES PEOPLE'S CORNER JI LEISURELY DISCOURSE To the Peoples People's Corner I never have read such lIuch a stupid edl edi tonal as ns your one on leisure In The Telegram on May 16 So workers dont don't want leisure In Inthe Inthe Inthe the pigs pig's valise they dont don't Business Businessmen men and bankers and anti doctors and even editors like to have a lIll little e lime time to themselves and they dont don't like that little l long ng Except maybe editors 1 I dont don't know about them They may be a little screwy and even be be lIeve the sort of or baloney they write The only kind of or leisure workers dont don't want is the kind so o many o of them have been having these last four lour years There has hM been too much of that kind But as for lor expert harnessing harness ing fog o ot of any that follow in the years to come hooey What do you do on your time off 01 Do you ever have a chance to do althe all al the things you want to No Then why put out bunk like that If It you cant can't be sensible be honest even if It It hurts hurLs WALKING DELEGATES DELEGATE'S DIARY To the Peoples People's Corner May 21 Up betimes and to the tho Labor La L bor hoe temple with an art armful cf ot cor cor- cor which with the help of ot ofa ota a good typist I had caught up with during durin yesterday which was Sunday And I find my Sundays often thus taken up because some delegates at al meetings of oC which I am secretary have a habit of ot saying I move you Mr President that the secretary take up this matter with the senators and I congressmen the affiliated local unions the governor and the Amen Amerl can Federation of ot Labor And sometimes some times for good measure they do In In- elude clude the city and county commis as well a as a few lew state depart ments meats Sometimes I am constrained to believe that this Is done with malice aforethought although many of ot the dele delegates ates do gaze absently at the ceiling ceiling ceil ing as ns it is unanimously voted that i ibe it be so ordered To my desk and reading the daily news new which is an Important part o of all good walking delegates' delegates duties i it being most imperative that we are arc well informed on current topics albeit 1 Letters limited to In publication w tel U Ix i the truo true name flame ana ane Chen net 2 3 Write Writ on on Ir ar t iM situ lid only 3 racial o ot Usan d barred and Pa D Persian must slin are true not names desired and 4 u. u addresses but when desired not be printed printe 5 i. i I are not con cons considered dered 6 L vi conj pressed Presed ned In this thie department u. u ot of the contributors are afe an and do arllY reflect t not no n the CIa view o ot paper 7 dePartment be e used a tu an n lor 1 The rhe People Corner doe median l more than one contribution 1 bit a from the same writer a Ct il one should never thus read with fee Jett i upon the desk or in any way gIve I m e membership cause to imagine that that 1 I their Is too comfortable i Read where General Johnson i ered a powerful broadside at Clar Clu it ft ence Darrows Darrow's review board whIch r i. i has been critical of ot tho the N R A 4 and j i 1 I believe the good general was wa ri ht 3 when he did so ro so but conclude tit tit-Jt there must be something like t the War Wal ner ner-Connery bill to make out outright right things Work j a i Then with the walking delegate of i 1 the iron workers to an important in itt fn- i tj at a corporation office i and later around town to some j until J Ja a vicious corn sent ent me limping ba back bac lc i to the office with my ray companion ad zd I a visit to a corn doctor r an and 1 talking encouragingly of at operations operation l land and knives and md so forth and andI I reedy ready to agree that the corn or toe or both t should be removed as this is no con con- for lor a W walking delegate to be in JACK PLANE |