Show A 1 4 v H S 4 SS t 4 S. S 5 r 1 I c A S' S J 1 I k S k i r By MIGNON l There seems to be a genera genera genera gen gen- era in the care of the hair and in the cure of ot dandruff one dandruff one of ot the he most objectionable afflictions from rom which men and women suffer suHer No Jo matter how good looking a man manIs manis mans is s or h how w pretty a woman she cant can't be considered dainty and altogether adorable if it her shoulders are sprInkled sprinkled sprin- sprin kled with a finely powdered somethIng something some- some thIng hing that falls from neatly arranged hair There is no excuse for it and no possible chance of ot overlooking the untidy results The thing to do if it you you are so afflicted Is to get very busy and correct the fault Many people go the lon long way around and buy expensive hair lotions lotions lo- lo ions and cures of ot sort or another anther an an- other ther but many of the best physicians physicians will ell you that the cure is simple in most c cases ses J If the treatment treatment treat treat- ment meat recommended here does docs not help you the thing to do is to see sec a physicians But dont don't let the dandruff remain em a in and ruin your hair and perhaps perhaps perhaps per per- haps cause permanent baldness If It you are that careless dont don't ex expect ct to tobe tobe tobe be adored because you are certain to o be disappointed I First wash the hair once a week Posed by Mary Carlisle That is not too often You certainly certain certain- ly must do so o when you have dan druff drut Use a good tar soap Ill I'll tell you some if you want me to and anti if you ou will vill telephone It is a fine tine idea to rub a little alcohol alcohol alco alco- hol into the scalp If It a woman is using it it t is best to part the hair take a n little twisted wad of ot cotton and dip it into a saucer into which you have poured a 3 bit of ot good alcohol Rub the wet cotton on the scalp as you part the hair beginning at the front and working back Any way you like to do it just so you get the scalp covered Castor Oil for lor The Hair lr hairS S If It the hair is dr dry and the alcohol dries it too much use a little oil with it The best process is to dissolve dissolve dissolve dis dis- dis- dis solve three tablespoonfuls of ot castor oil in a pint of alcohol and use that tha for rubbing after shaking it tho tho- roughly It gets the alcohol into the scalp and prevents dryness If It you dont don't get nn any results with this treatment conscientiously taken but but I think you OU will will then then see sec a physician There is altogether too much dried dried- out hair that could be bo lovely if i it were properly oiled I 1 dont don't mean so I that it parts and looks oily But enough to make the hair pliable and soft sott so that it falls taIls in soft sott waves rather than bristles with dryness To get the hair and scalp in a soft condition condition con con- even cven if it you are not troubled with dandruff rub a tiny bit of the oil into the scalp It is best to part the hair when doing this because if you dont don't the oil will rub off oft your fingers the tips Ups of ot which are dipped into the oil before you reach your scalp The be oils best used for this are inexpensive and I can give you the names of ot four fine but inexpensive oils that can be used for tor this pur pur- pose Phone me for the names Acquire Shiny Clean Locks Jocks After trying the oil on a dry scalp for tor a few tew weeks I 1 wonder why I never heard beard of ot it before The improvement improvement im Ira- provement in the looks of ot your hauls hair hau hairis ls is so great after these little attentions attentions attentions atten atten- that they are worth the small amount of time they take Anyone with dry hair should try this Your hair will have a gloss that can come only with healthy clean locks AUthe Al AU the makeup in the world wont won't make you as attractive as will a gorgeous head of or hair The old idea that your hair should be washed only once a month is long lont since abandoned Once a week is not too much believe me If tt you want ant to know where you ou can purchase any article mentioned Inthis Inthis in inthis this column phone MIgnon lIgnon Information tion dept Telegram Wasatch Please do not write unless you OU live JIve outside the thc city in which case enclose a stamped self-addressed self envelope Copyright 1934 1034 Publishers Syndicate |