Show v I o Crescent Notes x I Io Word has ha been received o of the death of George Gerge Wynn at Pasadena Cal Cal His is mother WYn Mrs Mary Wynn of Crescent and his sister Mrs Mrs Ruth of American Fork were with him at the time of at his hi death He was a former resident of Crescent Crecent Mr and Mrs William Sanders of California are visiting with wih Mr Sanders Sanders' Sanders Sanders' San San- ders' ders parents Mr and Mrs William Wliam Sanders of Crescent Crescent Miss Mis June Wynn Wyn daughter of Mr and Mrs William Wynn won the honors honors' at Crescent Crecent school schol during durig the past year having not been ben absent or tardy trdy during the year ear The lesser leer priesthood furnished the program at Crescent Crecent ward sacrament meeting Sunday SundY evening Talks Talk were given by Kenneth Harrison Eldon Smith and ad George Beckstead |