Show LOCAL ATTRACTIONS ON STAGE STAC AND SCREEN On PLAYHOUSE I I l the stare slate W W. Jewel Jewell Ir hio jr l j i and hi his Must Girt comedians n In the musical must musi cal Cs revue Bits BIa n of lUte Hits on the screen Shadows lh eS of Sin ro Sing with lf Mary Brian g n and Bruce Bruc CAbot also 1130 Above the Clouds with wills Robert Bobert Armstrong and Dorothy Wll- Wll lon Jon OS ON THE AUDIBLE AUDinE rE SCREE SCREEN Warner Baxter In In Such Women V Are r with Rosemary hel khu Ames rd Mona Barrie Barne fe fer it Herbert Her bert VICTORY VICTORY Heat with Mine line McMahon Preston Foster Fatter LIe Tolbot Ann Dvorak Farrell Farren alco abo Important important Im lm Witness with Noel Francis Dorothy Donald d CAr CAPITOL Wallace fl C Beery Been In Viva Villa with Fay Wray Stuart Erwin Leo o Car Car- rillo rub George GeorKe Stone Katherine de MUle Joseph ORPHEUM John John Barrymore and Carole Lombard In Twentieth Century with Walter alter Connolly Roscoe Karns Klans also Lee Tracy In ir Ill Tell Tel the World with Gloria Clods Stuart Roger Racer Pryor Prior RIALTO Kay Kay Francis and Ricardo Cortez In I with Warner Wrner r Oland aho l Paul iM Muni In HI hN Nellie fi with e Glenda Force Farrell GEM GEM Moy Mar Robson In You Cant Can't Buy Every thine with Jean Parker Lewis Stone Mary Forbes William Bakewell Jakewell STATE STATE Spencer Tracy and Claire Trevor In Tho M Mad d Game also Devil Tiger |