Show Mrs H. H L. L Hoa Hoagland gland To Give Luncheon Mrs C. C P. P Overfield Is Honored Honored Honored Hon Hon- ored by D. D A. A R R. Directors Mrs Harry L. L Hoagland will entertain enter enter- tam tain at a bridge luncheon on Thursday at her home on Yale avenue Twenty guests have be been n invited Honoring Mrs C. C P. P OverfIeld retiring ing regent of ol Spirit of ot Liberty chapter chap chap- ter D Daughters of the American Revolution Revolution Revolution Revo Revo- lution the board of directors entertained enter enter- tamed at a luncheon on Wednesday at the Art Barn Spring flowers decorated deco rated the table t. which was laid for 15 guests Mrs S. S A. A Cobb and Mrs E. E IA A. A Hall were in charge of the affair Mr and Mrs Louis T. T Bass who leave lelve next month for lor Ogden to reside will be honored guests at a party to tobe tobe tobe be given Wednesday evening by Mr and Mrs A. A Walter Waller Koehler and Mr and Mrs L. L P. P Bowen at the home on Sixth East street Mrs M. M L. L Hamson entertained Wednesday afternoon in honor of Mrs W. W A. A Nelson of ot Monterey Cal who has been a Salt Lake visitor for the thelast thelast thelast last two weeks at the home of ot Mr and Mrs F. F F. F LUlkin Mr end and Mrs Ir Nelson Nelson Nel Nel- son will leave Friday morning accompanied by Mr and Mrs LULkIn for Yellowstone park |