Show II L Rent or Sell Your Y ou Cabin MONUMENTS MARKERS AND FLOWER rOTS POTS HEAD STONES crave tr V markers markers special s 10 o. o tine fine line lIDe of flower pots urns and nd bird birdbath bath baths W. W C. C Morris 1832 1882 So East BRONZE trave markers Salt Sill Lake Stamp Co o. o 43 WP Went Wi t. t Was Wag aa SPECIAL NOTICES 11 FoR FOR roa private lessons In be or advanced ad ad ad- Gregg Gru shorthand call W. W R. LOST OST AND FOUND 12 SPURS l U a P-p P pair lanto plated rodeo rode spurs lost Friday Call Hy lIy M U. Liberal Libera reward pERSONALS 13 MASSAGE Elec treatments Eva EYB McNally exper nurse So 2nd E. E W. W R. R VERY but beat massage bot hot bath alcohol ruo rua C. 10 Alia Atla Bide EXPERT EXP room massage 23 rf Franco American 1st South th t Was Wai W agent SHANNON CONVALESCENT home need I In In In- diet Was Wu 1202 th ave SCIENTIFIC Swedish S massage si 11 Steam Sturn bath 15 S. S Main MISS RENEE expert and ana bath both Inc Sunday Sundays 25 N. N 1st let West Apt REAL Swedish h massage also aho European graduate So 2nd East EasL Apt 3 35 3 D D. D E. E OLSEN h M CO watchmakers have moved tn to rg So 80 2nd Eat East fly Hy W W. Swim to Reduce tN warmth and pet coline IS Prof Prot Thornton Was Wan Springs W W. 1732 Detectives 16 I ICAri M Detect et d detective deter detec tN tive Utah Say v. Tr Bide Bid Wn VIM Medical 17 a R TM lor mea Cal IU South Routh Main MClin t t W Wat 1514 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 18 STAGES STANDARD OF or AMERICAS AMERICA'S BUS SERVICE PART PAnT OP A GREAT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DETROIT 2420 Denver Los Ane Ang 3 J Omaha 1550 Portland 1300 I. I Kan 1695 Spokane New YorK Idaho Falls Fall 3 90 2150 Seattle Suttle 1500 BIGGER SAVING BAVENO SA ON ROUND TRIPS TWO 0 TRIPS DAILY ALL 4 DIRECTIONS DAILY SERVICE TO ORAND GRAND 1600 W 36 Q DEPOT TICKET OFFICE 77 17 W. W So 50 Temple Temple Templo Square Hotel Hole OTY TICKET OFFICE KENYON HOTEL SO MAIN WASATCH 1369 LEWIS So IDAHO FALLS ELY HEV CORINNE TREMONTON GARLAND MALAD- MALAD POCATELLO BLACKFOOT HEBER VERNAL VFRNAL CULLEN HOTEL WAS 1061 NORTHWESTERN STAGES BOISE JEROME J 4 a. a TWIN F BURLEY rt H J 3 CULLEN CULLE HOTEL MOTEL W. W 0 KOM 1064 UTAH ARIZ-UTAH TRANS LIKES LES Phoenix 12 Holbrook 12 Kinsman Kingman 12 18 IS hours hour faster laster time to 00 all 11 southwest south south- southwest west points Temple SQ So Hotel Was 1366 DRIVING to Cedar city Thursday 11 a. a m m. Can take one or more Hy ny ChrIstensen Chrls r Steamship Tickets Ticket i 19 ii all u American Expects Co Co Co- 24 W. W Wan 4 MALE MAL E HELP 20 20 WANTED Why not own and where slack atac years enra do cOo no not take bie a from you ou The Watkins Watkin YOur J i needs a for Product C Co need I mr Pocatello also In Salt La als i e. e Olden Ogden Price Pyle j c al y of beIng your I al Own OWr ton toes l i Taylor I 1302 So EWE B. B E- E JB 8 I. I L C C. C tee It Houri W WE v strate can t. t use A durin seen I com COmIng I nc summer men to jOse de o 1 in Salt Lake Loke and rural Cal or r wrOte Real SUk HosIery B b bide J Ma WF can use 2 more neat men 42 Ness Ilal o EXPERIENCED salesman Ref Referent salary and n Felt Radio Was Wu Mr Runt Hunt ClU ci ca EXPERIENCED salesman to t sell uti Ita nationally advertised line Une of c tors washers washer radios household U. U ances Preference nce to man with wito II Salary and commission State alt enc Box A 1 Trib Tel stat TRUSTWORTHY man lor tor service 77 bond 60 Walker Bk Bi bIde 24 P r 1 I WILL WILI Interview men Wednesday to position In 11 sales service servie dept Mr t r tu IU 1015 iop Boston Doston bide EXPERIENCED body and fender See S e Mr Ode Gushing a at Streator Smith Inc 48 So Ba S. S Main REGISTERED pharmacist tor tory lory commission brine brin t Biological Rsc Research Labors tory So Main EXPERIENCED salesman for Tor b baker ker hl rout route Watch Wasatch Home So S. S 2nd rut tast SCHOOLS FOR FoR MEN 2 WANTED Names men 50 18 wG In Ins Inc government go Jobs SOS Rot mon Many examinations coming mOlt FREE today toda Soc for wi Box Y Y 3 Trib Tel Tel Employment Training 22 L BARBER BARDE TRADE at the U BARBER COLLEGE Rf Rr nt it SPECIAL I TUITION 7 k M LEARN barbering at Moler Barber M cau ul lege Ieee at nt 18 Regent st. st AGENTS CENTS WANTED 23 nAZOR BLADE l. l ties rubber goods Write Writ Writ for prices ort O tn St St. San Francisco Dept A. A SALESMEN WANTED 24 2 THE TIl ENC LOPAro W M nn on opening for nn an ex executive type salts asks t man mon or saleswoman for tor Salt Lake City and other Utah territory Must Mut be b loe ioe CI one who can make mke sales personally and e direct work ork of other r ISles IDi men State qualifications in first let let It ter TH THE BRITAN BRITAN- NICA Market Mke St. St San Calif Cal CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL SAL SALESMAN SALESMAN- AN Excellent opportunity for lor experienced working hard man marn liberal Salt Lake City territory Must flay lav v. v auto E. E S. S Smith Federal Federl Schools Inc Icer Minneapolis Minn DISTRICT managers for local loal mfr mfg co icod lod setup advancement ment assured to bUu men and ond women omen 60 Judge bId FEMALE JEMALE HELP 26 I WANTED CAL for office orce help are are- N New students enrolling each wee week Opportunity flu to earn living expenses Writs Writ tar er Business College Colen 45 E. E GIRL GIRt experienced In cooking s serving and sad ands s general housework List t references s cite case cre- cre fully lully Box A 1 Trib stUd student Dt desiring to nr esra during durin vacation wilt will wi find high tf tree t dignified work worl Call CaU 60 Judge bU f SALESLADIES Lady Lad Ga Gay Mf CO 1114 1 Green street t. t No Ko phone phon calL calls calls- EXPERIENCED South u waitress alres at 31 3 East Ent Eat SEVERAL ladles IndIe over 25 S. S pleasant work work with good pay CUt OPPORTUNITY for tor lady with wah of office cf Gun lad c- c fice exp experience to work for tor a 0 course count at I Henager Business college colen POSITIONS WANTED 29 1 FEMALE w m REFINED lady wishes to take the care cre of ot i children NE b by the tM flour nour days dan or creators reasonable charge Was Wa W. W. EX EXP housekeeper desires worl jork in motherless EP home ref re Box Dox A An TillS TOIS IS TIlE THE TiE SEVENTH OF A SERIES OF TEN REASONS I WHY wily I i BELIEVE IT IS ISAn ISAn ISAn An Advantageous Advantageous geus Time to tot Invest in Real t Estate Incurred to An obligation 1 buy a home af at at present present- 4 day values cannot canot be b increased in increased in- in i- i be paid creased and may pad deflated dollars dol dollars dol- dol in rubber 1 I 1 lars later when will all al prices Have 41 and wages wU V 1 mounted 4 Real estate wu was i the l t wa by the ed depression de- de rr thing affected te 3 and is recoverIng recovering coyer recover recover- ing l last t. t as in previous depressions consequentS Consequently Consequent- Consequent most other S ly v although have already x risen ilsen In priCe you OU cn rien be- be still a home b. b sti rise BARTLETT WICKS VICKS fore the inevitable rie President of E. E B. B WICKS CO occurs Salt Lakes Lake's Oldest Realtor Realor Dont Don't regret in 1935 that failed in 1934 to buy buya you yon fied home ome a Bartlett WIC 1 MB M M M m M I I FOR OUTSTANDING HOME HOM VALUES ADS SEE TODAY'S CLASSIFIED 1 I COLUMN NO When you ou consider the dividends In pleasure anti and ad thrift certainty certaInly or of Increase m n ii prices price I the t answer to INVEST IN A HOME TODAY anwer t I 5 |