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Show Proms Highlight Social Season The Cedar high school Junior Prom held last week and the Brunch Agricultural College Prom, to be held Saturday, feature the soci.il events of the month, each one enabling en-abling the young people of Cedar City to enjoy delightrul recreation, but not neglecting the need for economy econ-omy hi the present emergency. The high school Prom, one of the finest social events staged by the students since the school was established, es-tablished, carrd the theme of "South Sea Island Magic," and although al-though stressing economy, the students stu-dents accomplished a delightful effect, ef-fect, which Influenced the utmos-phere utmos-phere of the entire function. The affair established a standard for this annual event, that If carried into future Proms, should be a thrill to each group of students as they pass through school. The College Junior Class will feature a "Moonlight Cocktail" theme of decorations, accomplished through the use of cardboard silhouettes silhou-ettes and pine boughs, and a unique uni-que lighting arrangement. The members of the class had created a decoration fund, but decided to economize ec-onomize to the greatest possible extent and Invest the savings in War Bonds. The College Prom will be held in the B. A. C. gymnasium Sutuniay, Apr11 i',g-M |