Show 1 I Death Roll J J ur IS 5 HAY tA AY r. r James May fa a pioneer of C Salt Snit Lake T. died at atthe atthe the tho home of or his daughter Mrs Irs Ruth M M. M Fox yesterday morning Mr May who suffered a stroke of or paralysis fourteen Courteen years ago ao r taa aa boon been an invalid since Tho The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at nt 3 o'clock In Inthe tho the Eighteenth nth ward chapel Mr May ay wa was born In fn Bradford England In When hen eight years old ho he went to work wor-k In the tho textile mills milL there thero and In ISS 1353 he married Mary fary Ann Harding lIl Ills wife tiled died two years later In 1361 18 i he married a widow Mary Thompson and with her her child and his own o baby girl sirl emigrated to tu America lIe He stayed st. In Philadelphia for tor three years and In 1861 camo came to Utah with his famIly family fam tam ily as ns members of or Capt Caple Leonard Rices Rice's com corn pany Following tho death of oC his second wife he married Mary tary Ann Jessup who survives l him His descendants number sixty He HeI HeIs I Is survived cd b by four four- our rau daughters and one son Mrs Ruth M. M Fox Fox Mrs Clara Cara Johnson Mrs Irs Nannie Whately teh now residing In California Mrs Edna May Irvine and James May Ia Jr STATE II S GU GI o Spanish Fork Sept 27 Miss 7 Miss Johnson John John- son son n. n resident of oC this ell city since the thc first settlers came camo hero here in 1850 1350 died here hero yesterday yester dlo day at nt the homo home of oC Mr Ir and Mrs aisle The Tho deceased was born In Iceland Iceland Iceland Ice Ice- land more than ninety years cars ago JO and was In her year Coming CominS' with the first settlers settle to Spanish Fork she has always made malle her home here bore She Sho was waa one of oC the pioneers who came with an ox t team am and walked most of the distance across tho the plains plans Only relatives surviving her aro are two nieces Mrs rs Brown Drown and anti tr Ellen Banks Ranke Funeral services services ler ices will wi he held heIr Thursday at the Fourth ward church at 2 1 p. p m. m NATION KAIO A ADMIRAL n Ut J K n. n Atlantic City N. N J. J Sept 27 Rear ncr Rear Admiral Admiral Admi Admi- ral Tl Charles Edward Vreeland TJ IT T. T S. S N. N re retired retired retired re- re tired tired died at a hotel hero tOd today of oC heart disease Ho lie had be been Ill 11 for some and came carne to th tho th seashore about a 3 month a ago o in search arch of or health |