Show ASK FOR POR rind mId GET I CK'S THE TUE ORIGINAL i MALTED MILK HULK Cheep Cheap substitutes cost coat YOU e c price Start the Boy on His High School Fund FundIn In a few years the young hopeful will be in High then in the U IT Hell He'll need to haye have a little fund to keep him going L Start him now to have 11 his surplus and the strain wont won't come hard bard when be gets up then We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest W. W 8 a. Prest II lI Lund LUDd Vico Ho 00 Albert Albert Smith Vice V. V M. M r. r I I first for the welfare of the Nation ter's 9 First For the Welfare of the Stomach I d and Bowels FOR POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS NESS OE OR MALARIA lI TRY Y ii HOSTETTER'S Sto In ach J 0 Boxes of 12 r Bottles of 24 r Bottles of spi rin 1 There is only one true Aspirin To guard against counterfeits counterfeits coun COUrI- 1 and substitutes remember that every package 11 and every tablet of the genuine beara The Bayer Your Guarantee Cross W 9 of Parity The mark trade Aspirin Reg U U. S. S Pat Office is is isa a 3 guarantee that the thc in these tablets is o of th the reliable Bayer manufacture I Made to I Your Measure t Have Your Clothes j Made to Fit Your Individuality No Xo t two o men non aro alike either cither in figure fig fig- ure or taste Wo We know how to n k clothes that become you All the newest Fall styles and antI fabrics to select from SalOl noel ned o overcoats to pour our oar me mesa mesa- lire ure from OC up ut Call and let lct us show you values alu offer we can 1 N. N P. P Andersen MERCHANT TAILOR Across from Hotel 1 VVe We e do da and aDd Pressing ID 1 Plume Phone Wn nil ns 2 1 f I M. M ii I HOME INDUSTRY When you spend a dollar for fot or FISHER BEER 90 cents of pf it t stays right here in Utah It buys s 's Utah grain and a hundred kinds of Utah supplies it pay paS taxes lates that help keep street clean parks beautiful and th finest schools in America Ameri a in opo op op 3 oration cration Every Ever son pc in n t th community i is the thc Utah people buy Utah Goods 7 rv Fisher j I Beer I I is is a Utah product of men int I brewed d of Utah r g-r grain rain in and UtA water by Utah people who bAn ha their every C interest in Utah i is a pure pur hi high class bevers bevera not surpassed by tho most e j ex-j pensive e importation from where y A. A Fisher Brewing Brewin g C Cf The prize is IN THE fHE BEER BAND INSTRUMENT best Mention this hit magazine and ask fet canto and f 6 trial offer iu i |